/BCO-DMO/Abyssal_food_web/abyssal_bulk_isotopes ---- Level 0

# Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses
# PI: Jeffrey Drazen
# Co-PI: Brian Popp
# Version date (v1): 2022-01-12
Sample_ID Cruise Station Start_date End_date Taxon animal_mass tissue_type Sample_weight Acidified lipid_extracted ug_N d15N_v_AIR ug_C d13C_PC_v_VPDB Comments
Amphipoda_CRS_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Amphipoda nd animal 0.8573 no no 97.0 13.0 348.7 -18.8 nd
Aplac_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002_EBS KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Aplacophora nd animal 0.20 no no 14.2 10.4 55.3 -16.6 nd
ArAmphi_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Amphipoda nd animal 0.63 no no 66.1 10.2 250.8 -18.6 nd
ArCope_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Copepoda nd animal 0.46 no no 47.3 9.1 194.6 -19.6 nd
ArCopeCalan_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Copepoda Calanoida nd animal 0.62 no no 69.6 9.6 264.5 -19.8 nd
ArCuma_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Cumacea nd animal 0.67 no no 43.8 8.8 199.6 -17.5 nd
ArIso_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Isopod nd animal 0.46 no no 24.4 9.0 114.1 -16.2 nd
Arostra_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Acrocirridae? nd animal 0.81 no no 15.1 7.4 218.1 -5.7 fell with MolGastro sample; measured values of the combined combustion
Arostra_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS_acid KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Acrocirridae? nd animal 2.03 Yes no 15.2 7.1 60.3 -18.9 repeat analysis with acidification
ArShrimp_CRS_1889_1890_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Shrimp nd animal 0.6226 no no 70.8 14.4 244.3 -17.5 nd
ArTan_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Tanaidea nd animal 0.69 no no 59.6 9.3 250.3 -17.9 nd
AT4210 Aplac R1R3 combined AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Aplacophora nd animal 0.492 yes no 18.7 14.5 73.3 -20.7 Very weird values for corrected formalin; due to low mass of C
AT4210 Aplac R2 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Aplacophora nd animal 0.5557 yes no 5.6 nd 26 -22.2 Doesn't have N value
AT4210 Bivalve R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Bivalvia nd animal 0.4967 yes no 49.3 19.2 180.5 -19 nd
AT4210 Bivalve R2 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Bivalvia nd animal 0.3975 yes no 42.8 15.5 160.1 -20.7 nd
AT4210 Cap Combined AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Capitellidae nd animal 0.3799 no no 33.2 17.2 145 -20 nd
AT4210 Cirr Combined AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Cirratulidae nd animal 0.367 no no 30.5 12.8 155.7 -21.6 nd
AT4210 Cumaceans Combined AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Cumacea nd animal 0.3628 yes no 23.8 16 98 -20.9 nd
AT4210 Flabel Combined AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Flabelligerid nd animal 0.3446 no no 21.4 13.3 81.8 -21.4 nd
AT4210 Isopod R1R3 combined AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Isopod nd animal 0.4814 yes no 22 16 97.6 -21.3 nd
AT4210 Isopod R2 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Isopod nd animal 0.497 yes no 30.8 15.9 135.6 -21.4 nd
AT4210 Lum R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Lumbrerinidae nd animal 0.4255 no no 44.5 15.7 193.1 -22.1 nd
AT4210 Maldanid R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Maldanidae nd animal 0.336 no no 39 16.6 149.2 -20.6 nd
AT4210 Ner R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Nereidae nd animal 0.367 no no 42.5 15.6 168.9 -22.1 nd
AT4210 Onuphid R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Onuphidae nd animal 0.327 no no 34 13.2 145.7 -22.3 nd
AT4210 Onuphid R2 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Onuphidae nd animal 0.3899 no no 36.2 13.1 174.1 -22.6 nd
AT4210 Ophelliid R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Ophellidae nd animal 0.4014 no no 42.1 17.7 156 -19.9 nd
AT4210 Orbiniid R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Orbiniidae nd animal 0.4951 no no 54.4 16.9 212.4 -20.9 nd
AT4210 Parao R4 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Paraonidae nd animal 0.3725 no no 34.6 17.8 176.8 -22.3 nd
AT4210 Paraonid R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Paraonidae nd animal 0.4198 no no 39.6 17.9 201.7 -21.6 nd
AT4210 Paraonid R2 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Paraonidae nd animal 0.3442 no no 32 17 158 -22.1 nd
AT4210 Paraonid R3 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Paraonidae nd animal 0.3697 no no 35.4 16.9 164.9 -21.5 nd
AT4210 Pilar R1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Pilargidae nd animal 0.5012 no no 41.9 16.3 259.4 -21.9 nd
AT4210 Pilar R2R3 combined AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Pilargidae nd animal 0.509 no no 51.1 17.1 237.3 -20.8 nd
AT4210 Spio R1 LI AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Spionidae nd animal 0.3238 no no 35.3 17 148.8 -20.5 nd
AT4210 Tanaids R2 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Tanaidea nd animal 0.4821 yes no 17.5 15.3 94.2 -21.7 nd
AT4210 Tanaids R3 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-05-03 Tanaidea nd animal 0.5562 yes no 33.4 17.6 156.3 -21.1 nd
AT4210_D5027_1 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Scotoplanes globosa 27.3 animal 0.6563 yes no 23.3 13.9 84.8 -18.3 pic #: 3682;3683; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_11 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis 119.25 animal 0.7617 yes no 28.4 16.9 116.1 -20.2 pic #: 3693; 3694; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_12 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Oesophagus content 3.4165 yes no 15 11.4 103 -22.7 Gut content of sample # 11 (Oneiraphanta): from oesophagus; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_13 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Mid gut content 3.8883 yes no 19.4 12.9 145.3 -23.2 Gut content of sample # 11 (Oneiraphanta): from midgut; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_14 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Hind gut content 5.5395 yes no 15.7 9.1 126.1 -23.6 Gut content of sample # 11 (Oneiraphanta): from hind gut; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_15 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis 67.7 animal 0.7834 yes no 24.6 16.8 98.4 -20.3 pic # : 3695; 3696; 3697; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_16 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Oesophagus content 5.6944 yes no 43.2 12.7 251 -21.9 Gut content of sample # 15 (Oneiraphanta): from oesophagus; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_17 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Mid gut content 4.2713 yes no 16.7 12 119 -22.7 Gut content of sample # 15 (Oneiraphanta): from mid gut; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_18 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Hind gut content 6.148 yes no 40.6 12.5 258.5 -21.9 Gut content of sample # 15 (Oneiraphanta): from hind gut; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_19 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Peniagone 12.35 animal 0.8588 yes no 25.1 13 101.1 -19 These samples melt if left out too long- do them first! Pic#: 3698; 3699; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_20 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Peniagone 3.8 animal 0.7947 yes no 30.8 12.6 106 -18.6 pic #: 3700;dried in 10ml; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_21 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Peniagone 3.3 animal 0.752 yes no 22.5 12.5 78.5 -18.7 pic #: 3701; dried in 1oml; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_22 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Peniagone nd Gut content 5.4644 yes no 85.6 11.4 435.8 -20 Gut content/gut wall from sample #20 (Peniagone); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_23 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Peniagone 3.25 animal 0.9291 yes no 31.2 11.7 121.9 -18.5 pic #: 3702; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_24 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Benthocodon nd animal 0.8244 no no 8.3 14.7 43 -20.2 nd
AT4210_D5027_25 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata nd animal 2.5434 yes no 69.9 15.4 407.2 -20.7 Length taken from back to notch in front. Pic #: 3703; 3704. Specimen was crushed; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_26 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Oesophagus content 4.8549 yes no 20.5 12.1 126.9 -21.5 Oesophagus content from speciment # 25 (Echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_27 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Mid gut content 6.4561 yes no 16.2 8.7 123 -22.4 Mid gut content from speciment # 25 (Echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_28 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata 34.5 animal 2.2287 yes no 53 15.2 218.4 -19.1 Length taken from back to notch in front. Pic #: 3706. Specimen was crushed; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_29 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Mid gut content 4.5129 yes no 13.7 9.4 120.4 -22.1 Mid gut content from specimen # 28 (Echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_30 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata 85.35 animal 2.2676 yes no 24 16.1 93.9 -19.2 Length taken from back to notch in front. Not crushed; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_31 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Oesophagus content 4.7204 yes no 19.7 10.7 128.8 -21.5 Oesophagus content from speciment # 30 (Echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_32 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Mid gut content 5.859 yes no 18.3 9.6 138.3 -21.8 Mid gut content from speciment # 30 (Echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_33 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Peniagone 5.55 animal 0.7159 yes no 25.8 13.1 95.9 -19.1 Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_34 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Munnidopsis sp. 15.9 animal 0.5807 no no 59.8 14.4 235.2 -17 pic # : 3707
AT4210_D5027_35 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Elpidia sp. 3.75 animal 0.9139 yes no 10.4 11.3 53.2 -19.1 pic # : 3708; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_36 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Ophiuroidea 8.25 animal 1.3909 yes no 49.7 17.4 241.2 -19.1 Length is disc diameter. Pic #: 3709-3711; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_37 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Peniagone 2.9 animal 0.7623 yes no 12 12.4 56 -18.7 pic #: 3712; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_38 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Tunicate 7.05 animal 2.0363 no no 30.2 16.9 144.6 -19.1 pic #: 3713
AT4210_D5027_39 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Cirripeda .5; 1.4 animal 0.7217 yes no 31 15.7 168 -20.9 Two large barnacles pooled. Pic# 3714; 3715; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_4 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Scotoplanes globosa 25.75 animal 0.6354 yes no 19.8 13.8 73 -18.2 pic #: 3684; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_40 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Cirripeda .1; .05;.05 animal 0.7507 yes no 16 15.9 100.8 -21.1 Three small barnacles pooled. Pic# 3714; 3715; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_41 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Paradiopatra 1.25 animal 0.3615 no no 28.3 15.4 160.9 -21.7 nd
AT4210_D5027_42 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Paradiopatra 0.35 animal 0.5292 no no 41.7 13.8 235.1 -22.7 nd
AT4210_D5027_43 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Ophiuroidea 0.4 animal 0.891 yes no 15.2 16.2 70.9 -20 Length is disc diameter. Pic# 3716; 3717; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_44 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Ophiuroidea 0.25 animal 0.8332 yes no 15.8 15.8 79.1 -20.9 Length is disc diameter. Pic #: 3718; 3719; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_45 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Elpidia sp. 2.35 animal 0.7825 yes no 9.1 11.8 48.5 -19 pic # 3720; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5027_5 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 18.5 animal 0.675 yes yes 47.5 13.6 250.4 -20.4 pic #: 3685;3686; Acidified for bulk SIA; lipid extracted
AT4210_D5027_6 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 16.35 animal 0.8196 yes yes 55.2 13.4 288.3 -20.5 pic #: 3687; Acidified for bulk SIA; lipid extracted
AT4210_D5027_7 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 22.35 animal 0.8269 yes yes 51.9 13.8 316 -19.7 pic #: 3688;3689; Acidified for bulk SIA; lipid extracted
AT4210_D5027_8 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 24.7 animal 0.6865 no yes 50.7 14.7 222.3 -20.6 ; lipid extracted
AT4210_D5027_9 AT4210 M 2019-04-30 2019-04-30 Scotoplanes globosa 20.5 animal 0.7971 yes no 21.9 13.5 86.5 -18.4 pic #: 3692; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_47 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Oneirophanta mutabilis 24.4 animal 0.6302 yes no 24.2 17.5 92.3 -19.7 Pic # 3746; 3747; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_48 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Mid gut content 4.7476 yes no 27.4 10.9 172.6 -22.1 Mid gut content from Oneiraphanta sample # 47; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_49 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Hind gut content 5.5128 yes no 25.5 10.7 181.6 -22.6 Hind gut content from sample # 47 (Oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_51 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Peniagone 15.4 animal 0.868 yes no 31.5 13.6 118 -19 Pic # 3748; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_52 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Peniagone nd Gut content 3.8915 yes no 55 11.6 288.5 -19.8 Gut content from sample # 51 (Peniagone); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_53 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Peniagone 9.05 animal 0.9118 yes no 30.5 12 127.2 -18.4 ; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_54 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Peniagone 10.35 animal 0.7477 yes no 8.9 11.4 46.1 -19.3 ; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_55 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Peniagone 6.35 animal 0.8128 yes no 41.1 12.3 162.9 -18.5 ; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_56 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Peniagone 5.8 animal 0.7725 yes no 18.1 11.7 80.3 -18.4 pic: 3749; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_57 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Elpidia sp. 2.8 animal 0.8133 yes no 11.7 12.3 40.4 -18.6 ; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_58 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Elpidia sp. 3.45 animal 0.9254 yes no 10.9 11.8 44.8 -19 pic: 3750; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_59 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Elpidia sp. 2.1 animal 0.7574 yes no 11 12.1 43 -18.8 pic: 3751; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_60 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Elpidia sp. 3.1 animal 0.7651 yes no 10.6 12.2 38.8 -19 pic: 3752; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_61 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Elpidia sp. 2.05 animal 0.8885 yes no 10.4 11.7 42.3 -19.1 pic : 3753; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_62 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Elpidia sp. 2.1 animal 0.7559 yes no 8.9 11.9 34.5 -19.1 pic: 3754; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_63 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Scotoplanes globosa 3.95 animal 0.942 yes no 17.9 11.8 86.7 -18.4 pic: 3755; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_64 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Scotoplanes globosa 3.2 animal 0.7703 yes no 18 12.2 77.8 -18.2 pic: 3756; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_65 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Scotoplanes globosa 2.1 animal 0.8488 yes no 16.3 12.5 65 -18.9 pic: 3757; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_66 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Peniagone 0.95 animal 0.8605 yes no 42.6 11.8 163.7 -18.3 pic: 3758; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_67 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Scotoplanes globosa 2.2 animal 0.8111 yes no 15.7 12.1 62.8 -18.3 pic: 3759; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_68 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata 145.65 animal 3.2409 yes no 54 16.1 297.7 -20.8 Length is back to notch; pic : 3760-62; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_69 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Mid gut content 3.8358 yes no 15.7 10.3 100.8 -22.1 Mid gut content of sample # 68 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_70 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Oesophagus content 3.7224 yes no 12.1 9.1 75.6 -21.9 oesophagus content of sample # 68 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_71 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Hind gut content 4.7824 yes no 21.8 11.3 118.6 -21.1 Hind gut content of sample # 68 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_72 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata 138.1 animal 3.2956 yes no 70.1 15.1 286.8 -18.7 Length is from back to notch; pic: 3763; 3764; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_73 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Oesophagus content 3.1803 yes no 9.8 8.8 60.1 -22.1 oesophagus content of sample # 72 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_74 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Mid gut content 3.7523 yes no 12.5 9.2 72 -22.3 Mid gut content of sample # 72 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_75 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Hind gut content 5.0217 yes no 16.3 9.7 98.7 -22 Hind gut content of sample # 72 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_76 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata 163.5 animal 3.0535 yes no 56.2 16.6 296.4 -20.2 pic 3765-67; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_77 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Ophiuroidea 5.8 animal 0.9664 yes no 31.2 17.4 202.9 -19.8 Length is disc length; pic: 3768-71; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_78 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Ophiuroidea 7.9 animal 1.13 yes no 34 18.2 214 -20 Length is disc length; pic: 3772; 3773; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_79 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Oesophagus content 3.8079 yes no 15 10.3 82.6 -21.6 Oesophagus content of sample # 76 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_80 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Mid gut content 3.8149 yes no 15 10.1 80.9 -21.3 Mid gut content of sample # 76 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_81 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Echinocrepis rostrata nd Hind gut content 5.251 yes no 24.9 11.1 139.6 -20.9 Hind gut content of sample # 76 (echinocrepis); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_82 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Ophiuroidea 0.5 animal 1.0169 yes no 21.4 16.7 95.8 -19.8 Length is disc length; pic: 3774; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_83 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Ophiuroidea 0.45 animal 0.99 yes no 21.1 16.3 83.2 -19.4 Length is disc length; pic: 3775; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_84 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Ophiuroidea 0.35 animal 1.0365 yes no 18.2 17.6 72.7 -19.9 Length is disc length; pic: 3776; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_85 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Ophiuroidea 0.45 animal 0.9309 yes no 18.7 17 73.2 -19.8 Length is disc length; pic: 3777; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_86 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Ophiuroidea 0.25 animal 1.1302 yes no 18.4 15.9 85.4 -21 Length is disc length; pic: 3778; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_87 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Scapellidae 0.7 animal 0.868 yes no 48.4 16.4 245.9 -20.8 Stalk and fleshy inside taken- outer shell discarded; pic: 3779; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_88 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Tunicate 3.05 animal 0.6931 no no 27.7 20.3 101.6 -19.2 length taken without stalk- tunic removed; dried in 10ml; pic: 3780
AT4210_D5028_89 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Tunicate 6.25 animal 0.5091 no no 26.3 19.6 116.4 -20.7 length taken without stalk- tunic removed; dried in 10ml; pic: 3781
AT4210_D5028_90 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 crinoid 1.15 animal 1.1506 yes no 35.3 17.9 146.9 -19.1 Gut contents rinsed out; pic: 3785; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_91 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 crinoid 0.65 animal 0.9687 yes no 28 17.2 110.9 -20 Gut contents rinsed out; pic: 3782-84; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_92 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 crinoid 0.4 animal 0.8492 yes no 19.4 16.3 74.4 -20.3 Gut contents rinsed out; pic: 3786; 3787; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_93 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Serpulidae nd animal 0.5138 no no 43.8 17.7 181 -19.6 picture taken of them on stalk; pic: 3788
AT4210_D5028_94 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Scotoplanes globosa 2.4 animal 1.0356 yes no 25.3 13.2 101.1 -18.4 Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_95 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 amphipod 3.45 animal 0.8417 yes yes 64.2 17.4 223.6 -18.6 from stalk. Three individual masses: 1.85; .35; .25; Acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5028_99 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Tunicate 1.5 animal 0.5087 no no 19.1 18.9 78.8 -20.5 removed tunic; pic: 3789
AT4210_D5029_102 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa 39 animal 0.9015 yes no 30.9 13.5 117 -18.7 pic: 3807; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_103 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa nd Oesophagus content 3.6701 yes no 19.6 10.7 134.4 -22.2 Oesophagus content from sample #102 (scotoplanes); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_104 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa nd Mid gut content 3.359 yes no 10.9 9.5 82.3 -23.5 Mid gut content from sample #102 (scotoplanes); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_105 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa nd Hind gut content 6.0826 yes no 20.7 10.6 125.2 -22.1 Mid gut content from sample #102 (scotoplanes); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_106 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa 37.65 animal 0.7576 yes no 26.3 13.5 97.6 -18.2 pic: 3808; 3809; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_107 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa nd Oesophagus content 4.004 yes no 12.9 10.2 90.7 -23.5 Oesophagus content from sample #106 (scotoplanes); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_108 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa nd Mid gut content 3.5533 yes no 12.6 10.1 90.4 -22.8 Mid gut content from sample #106 (scotoplanes); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_109 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa nd Hind gut content 6.6681 yes no 19.4 9.6 131 -23 Mid gut content from sample #106 (scotoplanes); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_110 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 21.5 animal 0.8452 yes yes 66 15 299.6 -18.8 pic: 3810-12; Acidified for bulk SIA; lipid extracted
AT4210_D5029_111 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Pyrosome 3.9 animal 1.8222 no no 20.2 11 222.3 -24.6 dead on seafloor; pic: 3813; tried lipid extract and obtained similar values
AT4210_D5029_112 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Peniagone 10.6 animal 0.8519 no no 38.9 12.8 136.4 -18.6 pic: 3814; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_113 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis 80.75 animal 0.829 yes no 21.8 16.4 95.1 -20.5 half of body in 8oz jar with EtOH; pic: 3815; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_114 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Oesophagus content 4.0098 yes no 14 10.2 91.4 -22.9 Oesophagus content from sample #113 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_115 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Mid gut content 3.2823 yes no 14.1 12.8 103.8 -23.3 Mid gut content from sample #113 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_116 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Hind gut content 5.24445 yes no 19.7 11.1 129.7 -23.4 Hind gut content from sample #113 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_117 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Elpidia sp. 1.05 animal 0.7702 yes no 11.8 13.3 50.6 -19.1 pic: 3816; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_118 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa 1.75 animal 0.8922 yes no 23.4 14 91.4 -18.8 pic: 3817; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_119 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scotoplanes globosa 1.75 animal 0.7347 yes no 20.1 12.5 79.3 -18.5 pic: 3818; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_120 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis 69.1 animal 0.7952 yes no 27.9 16.5 142.7 -21.4 head in 8oz EtOH; pic: 3819; 3820; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_121 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Oesophagus content 4.2036 yes no 19.3 11.5 133.7 -23 Oesophagus content from sample #120 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_122 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Mid gut content 3.7413 yes no 22.1 13.1 154.9 -23.4 Mid gut content from sample #120 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_123 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Hind gut content 4.6747 yes no 17.5 11.5 119.5 -23.6 Hind gut content from sample #120 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_124 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 1.65 animal 1.4154 yes no 28.6 15.2 109.9 -20.2 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3821; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_125 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.2 animal 1.0622 yes no 25.5 16.3 97.2 -20 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3822; 3823; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_126 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis 109.1 animal 0.9086 yes no 36.6 16 155.2 -20.7 head in 8oz EtOH; pic: 3824; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_127 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Oesophagus content 3.7742 yes no 13.4 11.1 95 -23.3 Oesophagus content from sample #126 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_128 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Mid gut content 4.0111 yes no 18.4 12 131.7 -23.5 Mid gut content from sample #126 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_129 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd Hind gut content 5.6031 yes no 19.2 11 132.3 -23.7 Hind gut content from sample #126 (oneiraphanta); Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_130 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.2 animal 1.5496 yes no 28.6 14.9 111.3 -19.5 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3829; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_131 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.35 animal 1.4466 yes no 30 16.6 109.8 -20 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3830; 3831; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_132 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.4 animal 1.4517 yes no 30.5 18.7 135.4 -20.6 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3832; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_133 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.3 animal 1.2158 yes no 28.2 17.6 130.2 -21 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3835; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_134 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.25 animal 1.3625 yes no 30.8 16.5 118.3 -20.3 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3833; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_135 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.3 animal 1.1605 yes no 24.4 16.7 111.8 -21.3 sediment dweller; length is disc width; pic: 3836; 3837; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_136 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.05 animal 1.5975 yes no 33.6 16.1 134.3 -20.4 sediment dweller; length is disc width; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_137 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Munnidopsis? 23.35 animal 0.3965 no no 49.1 18.2 164.3 -19.1 CL = 3.6; preserved in EtOH with samples 138 and 139; pic: 3838-3840. Not properly freeze-dried; left paraphylm without holes the first time
AT4210_D5029_138 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Munnidopsis? 19.6 animal 0.3533 no no 38.9 14.5 142.3 -17 CL = 3.2; preserved in EtOH with samples 137 and 139; pic: 3841-43
AT4210_D5029_139 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Munnidopsis? 6.7 animal 0.4952 no no 48.3 15.7 193.5 -20 CL = 2.2; preserved in EtOH with samples 137 and 138; pic: 3844-47
AT4210_D5029_140 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Mysid 1.3 animal 0.5815 no no 71.1 12.4 239.1 -20.6 pic: 3848-54
AT4210_D5029_141 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Pycnogonid 0.55 animal 0.9898 yes no 71.6 18.5 305.3 -20 length = end of proboscis to end of body (1.9cm); pic: 3855; 3856; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_142 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.35 animal 1.8377 yes no 46.1 17.3 172.8 -19.1 On the stalk (carnivore); pic: 3857; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_143 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.45 animal 1.722 yes no 48 17.3 185.6 -19.8 On the stalk; pic: 3858; 3859; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_144 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.5 animal 1.4735 yes no 33.3 18.2 158.5 -19.8 On the stalk; pic: 3860; 3861; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_145 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Ophiuroidea 0.25 animal 1.5127 yes no 38.7 15.9 145.3 -20.4 On the stalk; pic: 3862; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_146 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 tunicate 3.7 animal 1.24 no no 49.9 19.2 209.7 -20.2 pic: 3863; 3864
AT4210_D5029_147 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Tunicate 3.1 animal 1.0056 no no 51.9 19.4 220 -20.4 pic: 3865; 3866
AT4210_D5029_148 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Tunicate 2.85 animal 1.4058 no no 22.2 16.4 103.9 -19.4 dried in 10ml; pic: 3867; 3868
AT4210_D5029_149 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scapellidae 3.35 animal 0.7343 yes no 47.6 19.1 260.6 -20.2 pic: 3869; 3870; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_150 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Scapellidae 1.45 animal 0.8871 yes no 63.9 17.9 344.2 -21 pic: 3871; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_151 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Anthozoa 3.25 animal 0.9756 yes no 77.2 17.3 277 -19.1 On the rock/length from base to end; pic: 3877; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5029_152 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Situla sp. 700 animal 1.7134 no no 17.4 18.9 83.8 -18.7 Body preserved in jar with EtOH; other vial for DNA preserved in EtOH; numbered 152; pic: 3872-76
AT4210_D5029_153 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 Tunicate 6.4 animal 1.0456 no no 9.6 16.3 48.1 -19.6 nd
AT4210_D5029_154 AT4210 M 2019-05-02 2019-05-02 amphipod 0.15 animal 0.7425 yes yes 55.2 16.9 183.9 -18.1 Mass = .15g; from stalk- red; pic: 3878-80; Lipid extracted and acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_155 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 mysid 1.85 animal 0.523 no no 60 13.2 224.4 -20.9 picture of head only; pic: 3905-3907
AT4210_D5030_156 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 mysid 1.75 animal 0.5964 no no 69.6 12.5 267.4 -21.5 pic: 3908-09
AT4210_D5030_157 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Abyssocucumis abyssorum ~16 animal 0.8421 yes yes 71.8 13.8 282.4 -19.2 weight approximated; pic: 3910; Acidified for bulk SIA; lipid extracted
AT4210_D5030_158 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 16.25 animal 0.901 yes yes 60.9 13.8 369.9 -21.6 pic: 3911; 3912; Acidified for bulk SIA; lipid extracted
AT4210_D5030_159 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 22.05 animal 0.8799 yes yes 67.3 13.8 305 -21.6 ; Acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_160 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Munnidopsis sp. 50 animal 0.482 no no 56.2 14.1 202.9 -17.6 Body preserved in EtOH; pic: 3914-16
AT4210_D5030_161 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Ophiuroidea 1.1 animal 1.5486 yes no 40.2 15.5 181.9 -20.7 From stalk? TL = disk width; pic: 3917; 3918; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_162 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Ophiuroidea 0.7 animal 1.3099 yes no 38.9 17 149.3 -20 From stalk? TL = disk width; pic: 3919; 3920; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_163 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Ophiuroidea 0.55 animal 1.008 yes no 25.2 19.6 106.1 -20.1 From stalk? TL = disk width; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_164 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Ophiuroidea 0.35 animal 1.7631 yes no 44.5 18 189.2 -19.9 From stalk? TL = disk width; pic: 3921; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_165 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Ophiuroidea 0.65 animal 1.6166 yes no 42.3 17.3 158 -19.5 From stalk? TL = disk width; pic: 3922; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_166 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Ophiuroidea 0.6 animal 1.1671 yes no 31 17.8 118.5 -19.8 From stalk? TL = disk width; pic: 3923; 3924; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_167 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Ophiuroidea 0.5 animal 1.3873 yes no 38.3 16.9 141.4 -19.3 From stalk? TL = disk width; pic: 3925; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_168 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Benthocodon 1.35 animal 0.9668 no no 12.6 16.7 43.2 -17.8 length is bell diameter; dried in 10ml; pic: 3928; 3930
AT4210_D5030_169 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Paradiopatra 0.55 animal 0.5355 no no 54.3 13.1 215.9 -20.8 pic: 3929
AT4210_D5030_170 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Paradiopatra 0.6 animal 0.9906 no no 100.4 13.1 414.4 -21.2 pic: 3926; 3927
AT4210_D5030_171 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Paradiopatra 0.65 animal 0.5005 no no 37.6 15 225.6 -21.9 pic: 3932-34
AT4210_D5030_172 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Paradiopatra 0.55 animal 0.5968 no no 58.5 12.3 243.8 -21.3 pic: 3931
AT4210_D5030_173 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Paradiopatra 0.27 animal 0.8491 no no 78.8 12.8 340.1 -21.6 maybe not complete worm
AT4210_D5030_174 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Dytaster gilberti 119.05 animal 0.8251 yes no 42.4 16 350.8 -21.2 Body frozen; disk width in standard length; tissue taken = arm with gonads; pic: 3935-38; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_175 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Tenebrincola cukri 30.5 animal 0.6934 no no 84.6 22 292 -16.8 smelly; taking the foot; dried in 10ml; pic: 3939-42
AT4210_D5030_176 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 coralimorph 21.35 animal 0.759 yes no 41.2 14.7 204.6 -21.1 standard length = base diameter; no guts observed; total length = top diameter. Body in EtOH; pic: 3943-47; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_177 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Iosactis vagabunda 38.05 animal 1.1192 yes no 91.9 16.5 400.5 -20.9 Iosactis vagabunda; missing all tentacles; no guts observed; pic: 3948-51; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_178 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Actinauge verrillii 20.55 animal 1.4092 yes no 102.6 15.5 355.2 -19.2 no guts; pic: 3952-58; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_D5030_179 AT4210 M 2019-05-03 2019-05-03 Scapellidae 0.3 animal 0.8812 yes no 71.4 16.4 333.4 -20.9 pic: 3959; Acidified for bulk SIA
AT4210_TR_2 AT4210 M nd nd bait - Scomber japonicus nd animal 0.4008 no yes 57.5 10.7 182.5 -20.1 Bait for baited trap; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
AT4210_TR_3 AT4210 M nd nd bait - Loligo opalscens nd animal 0.6734 no no 79.3 9.5 278.6 -19.1 Bait for baited trap
AT4210_TR01_100 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 480 animal muscle 0.5178 no no 75.2 18.1 226.3 -19.4 2 muscle samples; 2 liver samples; 2 otoliths; HL = 9.0cm; Immature female; pic: 3791; 3792
AT4210_TR01_100 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 480 animal liver 0.4004 no yes 48.2 17.1 172.1 -18.8 Liver; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
AT4210_TR01_101 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Coryphaenoides armatus 670 animal muscle 0.4375 no no 63.3 17.6 192.4 -19.5 2 muscle samples; 2 liver samples; 2 otoliths; HL = 9.5cm; Immature or spent male; pic: 3793-95
AT4210_TR01_101 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Coryphaenoides armatus 670 animal liver 0.4002 no yes 49.6 16.6 170.3 -17.6 Liver; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
AT4210_TR01_96 AT4210 M 2019-05-01 2019-05-01 Eurythenes gryllus 12.2 animal 0.6697 no yes 52.6 18 187.1 -19 individual masses: 1.4; 0.7; 0.3; 0.65; 0.8; 0.35; 0.15; 0.65; 0.35; 0.35; 0.35; 0.35; 0.3; 0.15; 0.3; 0.35; 0.35; may be labelled D5028; pic: 3790; Dissected and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Bivalve_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Bivalvia nd animal 0.56 no no 28.5 10.5 129.2 -15.6 nd
Cheato_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Chaetognatha nd animal 0.65 no no 77.6 11.0 285.5 -19.2 nd
CnHydroi_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Hydrozoa nd animal 0.63 no no 10.7 17.4 99.9 -8.8 nd
CnidAnthoz_CRS_1893_1894_KM2002_EBS KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Anthozoa nd animal 0.0804 no no 8.4 11.0 30.5 -17.8 nd
CopeHarpac_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Copepoda Harpacticoida nd animal 0.40 no no 37.4 8.1 146.1 -19.9 nd
Cumac_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Cumacea nd animal 0.07 no no 3.0 6.2 15.4 -17.1 nd
EcOphiu_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Ophiuroidea nd animal 0.70 no no 4.0 nd 89.5 -3.4 nd
EcOphiu_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Ophiuroidea nd animal 2.5500 Yes no 13.2 8.1 42.4 -17.7 repeat analysis with acidification
Flabell_CRS_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Flabelligerid nd animal 0.7459 no no 22.0 5.9 86.2 -19.1 nd
GastroLimpet_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Gastropoda Limpet nd animal 0.66 no no 14.8 9.5 48.8 -14.5 nd
GastroLimpet_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Gastropoda Limpet nd animal 0.6363 Yes no 15.2 9.2 46.1 -16.1 repeat analysis with acidification
Isopods_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Isopod nd animal 0.67 no no 57.3 8.6 224.3 -17.8 nd
KM1914 CRS 1889 1890 1891 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Bentharca asperula (bivalve) nd animal 0.3702 no no 37.4 7.8 133.6 -15.3 nd
KM1914_LK118_1 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Amperima 190 animal 6.931 yes no 5.9 9.2 24.7 -18.9 length does not include sail; pics #: 4081; acidifed for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM1914_LK118_10 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Pilematechinus sp. nd gut content 6.7631 yes no 7.3 4.5 44.9 -21.3 gut content from sample #6; hind gut; acidifed for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK118_13 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Umbellula sp. 0.4 animal 0.7851 yes no 41.8 7.5 154.4 -18.5 polyp length = 2.5cm; pics #: 4099-01; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM1914_LK118_14 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Umbellula sp. 0.2 animal 0.8503 yes no 39.5 7.7 153.6 -19.5 polyp length 2cm; pics #: 4102-03; acidified for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK118_15 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Umbellula sp. 0.25 animal 0.7655 yes no 37.8 8.2 147 -19.2 polyp length = 1.7cm; pics #: 4104-06; acidified for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK118_16 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Ophiuroidea 0.1 animal 1.681 no no 45.4 13.8 263.2 -19.5 length is disc width. Stars taken from glass sponges; pics #: 4112-19
KM1914_LK118_17 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Chondrocladia 1.2 animal 5.4922 yes no 28.8 12.3 143.1 -18.8 see photo for 3D lengths;pics #: 4107-09; acidifed for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK118_2 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Amperima nd gut content 6.9501 yes no 23.8 4.9 129.6 -20.6 gut content from sample #1 (close to the butt but all gut empty close to max); acidifed for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK118_3 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Pilematechinus sp. 70.5 animal 2.5252 yes no 57.4 13 256 -18 measurement is by longest width. Clam found in gut. Gonads in sample. Shell very crushed ; pics #: 4082-83; acidifed for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM1914_LK118_4 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Pilematechinus sp. nd gut content 6.573 yes no 8.8 5.6 53.1 -20.8 gut content from sample #3; fore gut; acidifed for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM1914_LK118_5 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Pilematechinus sp. nd gut content 6.1588 yes no 8 5.4 49.6 -20.7 gut content from sample #3; mid gut (no hind gut taken because broken); acidifed for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK118_6 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Pilematechinus sp. 125 animal 2.545 yes no 94 12.4 356.2 -17.7 measurement is by longest width. Clam found in gut. Gonads in sample. Shell crushed ; pics #: 4084-95; acidifed for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM1914_LK118_7 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Bivalvia 0.95 animal 0.6378 no no 49.4 10.8 263.9 -18.4 found inside gut of #3; shell saved in EtOH; ; pics #: 4096;
KM1914_LK118_8 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Pilematechinus sp. nd gut content 5.7928 yes no 7.4 5.2 47.1 -20.9 gut content from sample #6; fore gut; acidifed for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM1914_LK118_9 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Pilematechinus sp. nd gut content 6.9599 yes no 7.6 4.7 49.5 -21 gut content from sample #6; mid gut; acidifed for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK119_49 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-20 2019-07-20 Ophiuroidea 0.45 animal 4.0686 no no 39.8 5.6 131.6 -17.5 From recovered ROV; From core 18; Length is disc width; pics #: 0702-03
KM1914_LK119_50 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-20 2019-07-20 Munnidopsis? 10.4 animal 0.513 no no 47.2 6.6 200.4 -21.9 From recovered ROV; Crab found on a piece of wood; gut full of wood remains; pics #: 0704-11
KM1914_LK119_51 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-20 2019-07-20 Munnidopsis? nd eggs 0.6341 no yes 61.9 7 292.3 -23.1 From recovered ROV; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
KM1914_LK119_52 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-20 2019-07-20 Pennatulacea nd animal 1.8339 yes no 101.7 10.8 324 -12.9 From recovered ROV; LK-119 dive took place Jul 21. ROV recovered on Aug 29 3pm and samples were left at ~80ยบ until Aug 30 9am due to manips stuck on box; ; pics #: 0712-14; acidifed for bulk SIA; very low d13C but analysis repeated with similar results
KM1914_TR1_31 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-22 2019-07-22 amphipod 0.45 animal 0.6069 yes yes 37.3 11.8 158.7 -20.1 length range: 0.7 to 1.1cm; pic #: 0695; acidifed and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
KM1914_TR1_35 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-22 2019-07-22 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 271.8 animal muscle 0.5904 no no 83.7 13.3 254.2 -18.3 stomach full; immature; otoliths extracted; pic #: 4150-54
KM1914_TR1_35 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-22 2019-07-22 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 271.8 animal liver 0.6445 no yes 62.8 11.3 264.4 -17.8 Liver; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
KM1914_TR2_36 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-25 2019-07-25 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 1500 animal muscle 0.625 no no 87.6 12.4 272.3 -18.5 Stomach full; female; otoliths taken; pic #: 4155-57
KM1914_TR2_36 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-25 2019-07-25 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 1500 animal liver 0.431 no yes 44.9 10.9 167.4 -18.1 Liver; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
KM1914_TR2_40 KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-25 2019-07-25 amphipod small 0.25 animal 0.5481 yes yes 23.5 10.2 105.8 -19.1 length range: 0.4 to 1cm; acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
KM2002 CRS 1894 1892 1893 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Bentharca asperula (bivalve) nd animal 0.3805 no no 31.4 7.9 122.2 -15.2 nd
KM2002_LK122_1 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-19 2020-01-19 Umbellula sp. 0.5 animal 0.8756 no no 42.8 7.5 164.2 -18.9 Length: tip to beginning of stalk; pics # 0773-77; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_10 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Umbellula sp. 0.45 animal 0.9355 yes no 44.6 6.7 174.6 -19.4 Length: tip to beginning of stalk; pics # 5332; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_11 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Amperima 259.4 animal 2.095 yes no 16.8 9.8 80.8 -19.9 Length: end of sail to butt; pics # 5333-34; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM2002_LK124_12 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Amperima 259.4 front gut 4.5701 yes no 30.8 5.5 171.2 -20.4 Gut from speciment #11; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_13 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Amperima 259.4 mid gut 5.7056 yes no 14.5 4.8 90.8 -21.1 Gut from speciment #11; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_14 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Psychropotes verrucosa 1300 animal 0.651 yes no 15.4 11.5 57.3 -17.6 Length: butt to end of head; pics # 5335-41; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_15 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Psychropotes verrucosa 1300 front gut 5.6832 yes yes 10.7 5.4 189.7 -23.4 Gut from speciment #14; sample contaminated with oil from liver; but lipid extracted for bulk SIA; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_16 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Psychropotes verrucosa 1300 mid gut 6.2985 yes no 10.3 3.7 77.4 -22.3 Gut from speciment #14; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_17 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Psychropotes verrucosa 1300 hind gut 6.3632 yes no 9.1 4.7 59.8 -21.7 Gut from speciment #14; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK124_8 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Umbellula sp. 1.35 animal 0.9879 yes no 49.5 6.6 196.3 -19.6 Length: tip to beginning of stalk; pics # 0787-88; 5328-30; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
KM2002_LK124_9 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Umbellula sp. 0.15 animal 1.025 yes no 64 7.2 240.2 -19.4 Length: tip to beginning of stalk; pics # 5331; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK125_18 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-24 Bathypathes patula 5.15 animal 1.1887 yes no 90.9 13.6 428.4 -19.1 On shark tooth; pics # 0796-99; # 5344-45; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK125_19 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-24 Umbellula sp. 0.3 animal 0.8019 yes no 50.4 6.9 192.6 -19.3 pic # 5342-43; Acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK125_20 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-24 Pilematechinus sp. nd animal 0.8512 yes yes 83.8 11.6 301.7 -17.1 Length: diameter; isotope sample is from the gonad; pic # 5346-60; lipid extracted and acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK125_21 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-24 Pilematechinus sp. nd front gut 6.814 yes no 9.9 5.1 63.6 -21.7 Gut from speciment #20; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK125_22 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-24 Pilematechinus sp. nd mid gut 5.3025 yes no 10.6 6.5 70.1 -20.6 Gut from speciment #20; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK125_23 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-24 Pilematechinus sp. nd hind gut 6.0651 yes no 7.9 6.5 51.5 -20.9 Gut from speciment #20; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_LK125_26 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-24 Ophiuroidea nd animal 1.4877 no no 12 6.7 50.8 -19 Length: diameter of the disc; acidified for bulk SIA
KM2002_TR1_2 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 465 animal muscle 0.4931 no no 71.2 12.4 221.7 -18.4 pics # 0778-84
KM2002_TR1_2 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 465 animal liver 0.6337 no yes 72.8 11.5 268.4 -17.5 Liver; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
KM2002_TR1_3 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 165 animal muscle 0.3966 no no 58.7 13 182.6 -18.5 pics # 0785-86
KM2002_TR1_3 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Coryphaenoides yaquinae 165 animal liver 0.5458 no yes 65.8 11.8 236.9 -17.7 Liver; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
KM2002_TR1_5 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 amphipod small 0.15 animal 0.7703 yes yes 51.4 12.4 199.1 -19.1 Acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
MoBivalve_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Bivalvia nd animal 0.65 no no 7.9 nd 91.1 -7.5 nd
MoBivalve_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Bivalvia nd animal 1.1866 Yes no 11.5 10.5 40.9 -18.0 repeat analysis with acidification
MolGastro_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Gastropoda nd animal 0.70 no no nd nd nd nd fell with Arostra sample; measured values of the combined combustion
MolGastro_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS_acid KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Gastropoda nd animal 4.07 Yes no 54.1 8.4 195.3 -19.1 repeat analysis with acidification
MolScapho_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Scaphopoda nd animal 0.55 no no 47.6 10.8 185.5 -16.0 nd
MolScapho_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Scaphopoda nd animal 0.5586 Yes no 53.6 11.1 186.3 -17.5 repeat analysis with acidification
Nema_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Nematoda nd animal 0.67 no no 66.3 11.7 268.2 -18.4 nd
Nema_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Nematoda nd animal 0.56 no no 48.0 11.1 178.4 -18.2 nd
Ophel_CRS_1889_1890_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2019-07-21 2019-07-23 Ophellidae nd animal 0.59 no no 64.0 12.5 220.3 -18.2 nd
Ophiu_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Ophiuroidea nd animal 0.57 no no 3.2 nd 72.1 -3.5 nd
Ophiu_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002_acid KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Ophiuroidea nd animal 3.12 Yes no 17.9 8.1 57.4 -17.3 repeat analysis with acidification
Ostra_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002_EBS KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Ostracoda nd animal 0.35 no no 1.4 11.1 44.7 -5.2 nd
Porifera_CRS_1891_KM1914_EBS KM1914 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Porifera nd animal 1.1064 no no 9.3 10.4 127.0 -19.8 nd
Pulse72_D1196_1 Pulse72 M 2019-10-17 2019-10-17 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 23.05 animal 0.8037 yes yes 55.9 14.3 238.4 -20.5 pic #: 0715-16; acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1196_2 Pulse72 M 2019-10-17 2019-10-17 Oneirophanta mutabilis 46.1 animal 0.7114 yes no 24.3 14.6 101.5 -19.2 pic #: 0717-18; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1196_3 Pulse72 M 2019-10-17 2019-10-17 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd foregut 4.5485 yes no 41.3 11.8 265.5 -21.7 from specimen #2; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1196_4 Pulse72 M 2019-10-17 2019-10-17 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd midgut 4.9521 yes no 23.5 8.4 194.5 -22.1 from specimen #2; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1196_5 Pulse72 M 2019-10-17 2019-10-17 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd hindgut 4.7824 yes no 17.3 7.9 137.8 -21.8 from specimen #2; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_10 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd hindgut 5.4785 yes no 19.2 7.5 154.6 -21.5 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_11 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata 127.5 animal 2.4415 yes no 23.1 14.9 120.1 -18.9 pic #: 0722-25; ruptured gut; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_12 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd foregut 5.0172 yes no 18.8 7.1 153.3 -21.8 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_13 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd midgut 5.0938 yes no 22.4 7.9 168.3 -21.3 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_14 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd hindgut 5.5323 yes no 19 8 146.5 -21.6 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_15 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata 148.5 animal 2.6233 yes no 31.4 14.2 163.6 -19.1 cracked shell; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_16 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd foregut 5.0338 yes no 17.6 6.7 153.2 -21.8 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_17 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd midgut 5.6321 yes no 21 7.7 150.7 -21.6 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_18 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd hindgut 5.6968 yes no 48.2 11 315.2 -21.1 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_19 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata 10.7 animal 3.1071 yes no 32.3 15.6 128.5 -18.3 pic #: 0724; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_20 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata 65.95 animal 2.3437 yes no 21.9 14.8 102.9 -18.5 pic #: 0725; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_21 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 0.35 animal 0.9571 yes no 16.3 16.9 81.9 -19.9 pic #: 0726; off a stalk; length = disk diameter; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_22 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 tunicate 13.55 animal 0.958 no no 15.6 14.9 56.5 -18.5 pic #: 0727
Pulse72_D1197_23 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 tunicate 5.9 animal 0.7648 no no 16.5 16.5 63.2 -19.6 nd
Pulse72_D1197_24 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 tunicate 7.3 animal 0.818 no no 13.4 15.6 45.9 -19.3 pic #: 0728
Pulse72_D1197_25 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Serpulidae 0.25 animal 0.8254 no no 61.5 17.5 260.6 -18.6 from stalk; pulled out of calcareous tubes; pic #: 0729;
Pulse72_D1197_26 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 0.5 animal 1.0337 yes no 29.3 14.5 126.8 -20.3 disk diameter; pic #: 0730-31; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_27 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Bathysiphon sp. nd animal 5.1656 no no 31 15.7 166.4 -21.2 were from long tubes thought to be Paradiopatra when viewing from ROV; pic #: 0732
Pulse72_D1197_28 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Peniagone 5.8 animal 0.8693 yes no 31.2 13 112.6 -18.5 pic #: 0733; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_29 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Peniagone 10.9 animal 0.8168 yes no 19.2 13.2 84.3 -20 may have been 10ml; pic #: 0734; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_30 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Peniagone 6.55 animal 0.776 yes no 16.1 13.6 62.2 -19.4 may have been 10ml; pic #: 0735; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_31 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Peniagone 3.95 animal 0.8431 yes no 24.6 12.8 90.9 -18.8 pic #: 0736; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_32 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Peniagone 4 animal 0.76 yes no 15.4 12.6 59.4 -19.1 pic #: 0737; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_33 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 0.5 animal 1.0973 yes no 26.8 16.4 98.7 -19.7 disk diameter; pic #: 0738; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_34 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 0.4 animal 1.6516 yes no 40.3 18.5 189.4 -19.3 disk diameter; pic #: 0739; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_35 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 0.15 animal 1.0832 yes no 25.5 15.6 96.6 -20 disk diameter; pic #: 0740; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_36 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 2.1 animal 1.1523 yes no 34.3 14.1 135.9 -19.9 disk diameter; smooth arms - different species; pic #: 0741; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_37 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 0.25 animal 1.2031 yes no 29.7 14.8 113 -19.8 disk diameter; pic #: 0742; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_38 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Pyrosome 6.1 animal 3.6521 no no 12.9 9.9 126.8 -20.5 [C] to Crissy; pic #: 0743-44;
Pulse72_D1197_39 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis 24.3 animal 0.9978 yes no 28.9 15.2 118.6 -19.9 pic #: 0745-46; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_40 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd foregut 4.756 yes no 40.4 9.3 353.2 -20.9 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_41 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd midgut 5.0761 yes no 51.6 8.7 428.8 -20.8 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_42 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd hindgut 5.2361 yes no 26.5 7.9 203.2 -21.3 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_43 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis 31.1 animal 0.7677 yes no 24.8 15.2 100.7 -19.8 pic #: 0747-48; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_44 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd foregut 4.784 yes no 35.7 9.9 274.3 -21.9 acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_45 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd midgut 4.8999 yes no 29.5 9.1 228.3 -21.7 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_46 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd hindgut 4.4083 yes no 24.4 8.2 179.4 -21.3 acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_47 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis 14.4 animal 1.0233 yes no 27.1 14.7 123.5 -20.2 pic #: 0749; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_48 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd foregut 4.5475 yes no 39.9 10.1 329.6 -21.7 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_49 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd midgut 4.8781 yes no 38.7 9.2 304.3 -21.6 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_50 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis nd hindgut 4.8303 yes no 28.7 7.9 235.6 -21.1 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_51 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Ophiuroidea 0.2 animal 1.4324 yes no 25.3 17.1 96.9 -19.6 pic #: 0750; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_52 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 60.6 animal 0.7923 yes yes 63.2 12.8 274.1 -21.7 acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_53 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum nd foregut 5.533 yes no 57 10.3 432.6 -22.8 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_54 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum nd midgut 5.744 yes no 27.5 7.7 269.1 -22.7 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_55 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum nd hindgut 4.752 yes no 24.3 7.6 229.1 -22.6 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_56 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 36 animal 0.7697 yes yes 59 13.5 252.2 -21.9 pic #: 0751; acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_57 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 19.8 animal 0.8899 yes yes 71.9 14.1 295 -21.2 pic #: 0752; acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_58 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 27.3 animal 0.6167 yes yes 46.1 12.5 213.2 -22.2 pic #: 0753; acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_59 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Abyssocucumis abyssorum 30.65 animal 0.7565 yes yes 59.4 12.9 236.6 -20.6 pic #: 0754; acidified and lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_6 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Coryphaenoides yaquinae nd animal muscle 0.4107 no no 56 17.7 172.5 -19.3 pic #: 0719; length = head length; portion of body missing; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_6 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Coryphaenoides yaquinae nd animal liver 0.4355 no yes 48.7 17.5 187.4 -18.5 Liver; lipid extracted for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_60 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Peniagone 4.65 animal 0.751 yes no 27.2 12.7 106.6 -18.7 pic #: 0755; lots of mud in guts; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_61 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Oneirophanta mutabilis 17.9 animal 1.6505 yes no 38.1 14.2 149.9 -19.5 pic #: 0756; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_62 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Munnidopsis sp. 33.3 animal 0.6509 no no 75 16.8 261.3 -18.7 saved in 16oz jar; pic #: 0757-58; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_63 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Munnidopsis sp. 7.25 animal 0.5522 no no 59.8 18.1 212.8 -18.7 saved in 8oz jar; pic #: 0759-60; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_7 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata 229.5 animal 2.958 yes no 26.6 14.6 135.6 -18.7 pic #: 0720-21; length is long axis to notch between ""arms""; acidified for bulk SIA; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1197_8 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd foregut 5.648 yes no 30.3 8.2 223.9 -21.2 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1197_9 Pulse72 M 2019-10-18 2019-10-18 Echinocrepis rostrata nd midgut 5.6577 yes no 23.2 7.3 223.3 -22 acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1201_64 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 Synallactidae 65.3 animal 1.1517 no no 21.4 17.9 91.9 -19 1/2 of animal (minus gut) frozen; large and red; pic #: 0761-62; acidified for bulk SIA
Pulse72_D1201_65 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 tunicate 22.35 animal 1.0216 no no 11 13.4 36.4 -19 pic #: 0763; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1201_66 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 tunicate 11.8 animal 0.9076 no no 11.4 14.9 35.3 -19.3 pic #: 0764; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1201_67 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 tunicate 6.8 animal 0.9012 no no 8.9 14.6 26.7 -19.7 pic #: 0765
Pulse72_D1201_68 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 tunicate 5.45 animal 0.8614 no no 9.6 16.7 34.9 -19.1 pic #: 0766
Pulse72_D1201_69 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 tunicate 15.25 animal 0.8626 no no 9.2 16.1 25.9 -19.1 pic #: 0767
Pulse72_D1201_70 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 tunicate 14.3 animal 0.8947 no no 9 14.9 31.9 -20.1 ; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Pulse72_D1201_71 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 swimming polychaete 0.25 animal 0.82 no no 53.5 18.8 244.4 -20.1 pic #: 0768-69
Pulse72_D1201_72 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 tunicate 2.2 animal 0.8846 no no 14.3 15 49.3 -19.6 missing stalk; pic #: 0770
Pulse72_D1201_73 Pulse72 M 2019-10-24 2019-10-24 Munnidopsis sp. 4.2 animal 0.7944 no no 82.4 17.2 286.3 -18.9 saved in 8oz jar; pic #: 0771-72; Analyzed AA-CSIA
Scaphopoda_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Scaphopoda nd animal 0.63 no no 75.3 10.9 263.3 -17.9 nd
Scaphopoda_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Scaphopoda nd animal 0.6917 Yes no 84.4 11.4 288.6 -17.5 repeat analysis with acidification
Tanaid_CRS_1892_1893_1894_KM2002 KM2002 ALOHA 2020-01-24 2020-01-26 Tanaidea nd animal 0.36 no no 27.6 10.3 113.8 -17.8 nd
KM2008_LK131_10 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Umbellula 0.3 animal 0.6050 Yes no 25.1 7.9 95.1 -18.8 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK131_11 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Umbellula 0.5 animal 0.5343 Yes no 22.5 8.2 90.3 -19.3 for isotopes; from 2
KM2008_LK131_12 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Umbellula 1.05 animal 0.4461 Yes no 18.6 8.1 73.2 -18.4 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK131_13 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Umbellula 0.35 animal 0.5551 Yes no 17.7 12.2 76.0 -18.2 nd
KM2008_LK131_14 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Munnopsid isopod 1.9 animal 0.5940 Yes no 26.9 6.7 105.5 -19.7 pictures on Jesse's phone
KM2008_LK131_1A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Enypniastes 23.4 animal 3.7098 No no 17.5 9.1 79.2 -18.1 no gut content; 1A and 1B vials
KM2008_LK131_2A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Psychopotes longicauda 1300 animal 3.9467 No no 32.3 10.8 192.0 -15.0 nd
KM2008_LK131_7 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Psychopotes longicauda 1300 midgut 5.7634 No no 16.1 7.0 141.7 -18.6 for isotopes; from 2
KM2008_LK131_9 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 Freyaster 1.45 animal 0.4458 Yes no 5.1 nd 22.8 -17.6 SL = disc width; TL = longest arm span
KM2008_LK132_15A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Holothurian 122 animal 4.9793 No no 27.8 12.9 125.0 -17.7 pictures on Jesse's phone; vials 15A and 15B
KM2008_LK132_16 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Holothurian 122 gut 0.5627 No no 11.5 7.8 57.6 -18.9 from 15
KM2008_LK132_17A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Enypniastes 158 animal 0.4711 No no 13.6 9.7 63.6 -18.8 17 A and 17B vials
KM2008_LK132_18A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Enypniastes 123 animal 0.5123 No no 6.8 11.9 38.6 -20.2 18 A and 18B
KM2008_LK132_19 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Enypniastes 123 gut 3.2772 No no 16.8 4.3 144.8 -18.0 from 18. GOOD SAMPLE
KM2008_LK132_20 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Amperima? 8.75 animal 4.9364 No no 22.4 11.4 100.7 -19.4 could be Enypniastes
KM2008_LK132_21A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Holothurian 211 animal 10.8743 No no 13.6 8.6 71.0 -16.9 clear; 21A and 21B
KM2008_LK132_22 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Amperima? 211 gut 1.8731 No no 19.2 5.7 123.6 -19.0 from 21
KM2008_LK132_24A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Gastropod eggs 8.15 eggs 0.5313 No no 15.4 11.4 139.4 -18.8 29 eggs. TL is diameter; SL is width. Diameter is long axis. Mass is total mass of 29 eggs. Vials 24A and 24B
KM2008_LK132_25 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Umbellula 0.4 animal 0.4721 Yes no 24.5 8.0 98.5 -18.8 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK132_26 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Umbellula 0.25 animal 0.4781 Yes no 20.3 10.2 76.7 -18.3 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK132_27 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Umbellula 0.1 animal 0.4281 Yes no 15.1 8.2 62.5 -19.3 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK132_29 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Pilematechinus nd hindgut 4.1849 No no 6.8 7.2 44.1 -17.5 for isotopes; from 28
KM2008_LK132_32 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Pilematechinus nd foregut 2.9704 No no 8.4 7.1 53.0 -19.0 for DNA; from 28
KM2008_LK132_33 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Clam from Pilematechinus gut 1.05 animal 0.5874 Yes no 12.6 10.9 66.9 -17.8 TL = longest possiblle distance; SL = width; third clam = (TL= 0.9; SL = 0.6; mass = 0.05)
KM2008_LK132_34 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Pilematechinus nd midgut 5.8941 No no 8.0 6.5 55.2 -17.7 from 28
KM2008_LK132_36 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Pilematechinus nd animal 0.5548 Yes no 16.1 13.4 94.4 -19.2 TL = longest distance; has 5 clams; gonads well developed
KM2008_LK132_37 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Pilematechinus nd hindgut 5.6080 No no 9.1 6.8 63.5 -17.7 from 36; for isotopes
KM2008_LK132_39 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Pilematechinus nd midgut 6.6022 No no 10.8 6.4 73.1 -17.9 from 36; for isotopes
KM2008_LK132_41 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Pilematechinus nd foregut 4.6966 No no 7.0 6.2 48.6 -17.8 closer to midgut than esophagus; from 36; for isotopes
KM2008_LK132_43 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-30 2020-07-30 Clam from Pilematechinus gut 1.15 animal 0.4149 Yes no 10.9 10.4 57.3 -17.6 from esophagus of 36
KM2008_LK133_44A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-31 2020-07-31 Benthodytes 975 animal 0.3969 No no 14.4 12.3 56.8 -16.1 nd
KM2008_LK133_46 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-31 2020-07-31 Ophiuroidea 0.35 animal 0.5280 Yes no 3.0 nd 14.4 -18.2 nd
KM2008_LK133_47 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-31 2020-07-31 Umbellula 0.4 animal 0.5704 Yes no 24.3 8.6 91.6 -18.4 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK133_48 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-31 2020-07-31 Umbellula 0.15 animal 0.4855 Yes no 23.4 8.1 84.8 -18.4 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK133_49 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-31 2020-07-31 Umbellula 0.35 animal 0.4531 Yes no 19.9 9.0 78.3 -18.8 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK133_50 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-07-31 2020-07-31 Munnopsid isopod 0.3 animal 0.4665 Yes no 17.8 6.0 72.0 -19.8 TL = total body length
KM2008_LK134_52A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Psycropotes 350 animal 0.5889 No no 15.5 11.9 60.1 -17.7 TL = length w/o sail. SL = length w/ sail. 52A and 52B vials
KM2008_LK134_56A KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Benthodytes 1900 animal 0.5113 No no 35.3 12.7 130.0 -16.2 Muscle tissue
KM2008_LK134_60 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Benthodytes 810 animal 0.5136 No no 20.6 13.5 77.4 -17.0 Muscle tissue
KM2008_LK134_65 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Amperima/peniagone 78.5 animal 0.5547 No no 8.2 7.7 33.4 -16.7 nd
KM2008_LK134_66 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Amperima/peniagone 78.5 animal 9.0911 No no 17.7 5.4 122.1 -17.8 from 65
KM2008_LK134_67 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Crinoidea 0.25 animal 0.5364 Yes no 16.6 14.3 67.6 -18.4 TL is disc width; SL is arm length
KM2008_LK134_70 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Umbellula 0.45 animal 0.5258 Yes no 24.2 8.9 101.3 -19.0 TL = stalk length to end of polyp; SL = polyp length
KM2008_LK134_73 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Lysianassid amphipod 0.3 animal 0.4721 Yes no 33.0 11.0 175.4 -19.6 nd
KM2008_LK134_74 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 Lysianassid amphipod 0.25 animal 0.4314 Yes no 26.8 12.2 143.1 -20.2 mass is total mass
KM2008_LK135_100 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd foregut 6.3654 No no 17.6 7.9 110.7 -17.7 from 99; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_102 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd midgut 5.8373 No no 8.5 6.2 59.0 -17.5 from 99; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_104 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd hindgut 6.6920 No no 8.7 6.1 66.9 -17.1 from 99; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_107 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Clam from Pilematechinus gut nd animal 0.4534 Yes no 11.7 9.8 56.6 -17.3 lengths are widest part. Masses = 1.25; 0.15; 0.05; 0.05; 0.05; 0.05
KM2008_LK135_108 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Munnopsid isopod 0.5 animal 0.5358 Yes no 30.4 6.6 139.5 -20.2 SL is body length (no antennae). TL = total length. Pregnant
KM2008_LK135_109 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Munnopsid isopod 0.25 animal 0.5704 Yes no 24.5 6.4 91.5 -19.1 SL is body length (no antennae). TL = total length.
KM2008_LK135_110 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Umbellula 4.9 animal 0.5540 Yes no 23.9 9.6 82.6 -15.6 nd
KM2008_LK135_75 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus 277 animal 0.6074 Yes no 24.6 12.3 105.5 -17.9 shell is broken but guts intact
KM2008_LK135_77 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus 277 foregut 6.5763 No no 8.6 6.7 60.8 -17.0 for isotopes; from 75
KM2008_LK135_79 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus 277 midgut 6.2291 No no 8.2 6.0 59.9 -17.8 for isotopes; from 75
KM2008_LK135_81 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus 277 hindgut 6.7857 No no 8.6 5.7 64.0 -17.8 for isotopes; from 75
KM2008_LK135_82 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Clam from Pilematechinus gut nd animal 0.4477 Yes no 7.8 10.1 36.5 -17.3 from gut of 75. masses = 0.05; 0.05; 0.15; 0.35; 1.4; biggest is closest to mouth
KM2008_LK135_83 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd animal 0.5562 Yes no 18.6 12.7 116.0 -19.5 nd
KM2008_LK135_84 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd foregut 5.9822 No no 9.2 6.1 73.0 -18.2 from 83; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_86 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd midgut 6.6610 No no 9.1 6.2 66.0 -17.4 nd
KM2008_LK135_87 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd midgut 5.5788 No no 8.9 6.8 59.8 -17.2 from 83; for DNA
KM2008_LK135_88 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd hindgut 7.4366 No no 8.6 6.2 68.5 -17.2 from 83; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_90 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Clam from Pilematechinus gut nd animal 0.5626 Yes no 71.0 14.4 217.6 -16.3 from 83; graded size; length is widest part; masses = 0.05; 0.05; 0.15; 0.25; 0.45
KM2008_LK135_91 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 PIlematechinus nd animal 0.5138 Yes no 12.0 12.6 70.2 -19.7 nd
KM2008_LK135_92 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd foregut 6.8245 No no 9.0 6.4 65.3 -17.4 from 91; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_94 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd midgut 6.4662 No no 8.2 6.2 56.8 -17.4 from 91; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_96 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Pilematechinus nd midgut 6.2878 No no 8.0 6.4 60.8 -17.4 from 91; for isotopes
KM2008_LK135_98 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 Clam from Pilematechinus gut 0.55 animal 0.4425 Yes no 5.7 9.6 25.2 -17.8 not graded in size; last mass measurement of .05 combines the smallest two clams
KM2008_LK135_99 KM2008 ALOHA 2020-08-02 2020-08-02 PIlematechinus nd animal 0.5778 Yes no 32.7 12.6 135.4 -17.9 see label diagram and photograph