/BCO-DMO/Antarctic_microzoo/sulfur_ant1 --treatment eq HTLF-- Level 2

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# Dimethylsulfide and DMSP concentrations from temp and Iron 
# experiments on Antarctic phytoplankton and microzooplankton
# PIs: J. Rose (NOAA) and D. Hutchins (USC)
# Version:  20131026
# Note: HTHF = High Temp, High Iron; HTLF = High Temp, Low Iron; etc.
treatment  lat  lon  
HTLF       -75.00  177.36  
bottle  DMS     DMSP_disslv  DMSP_total  DMSP_partic  
7       6.328   6.015        131.432     125.417      
8       4.435   5.093        135.718     130.625      
9       5.137   3.63         120.95      117.32       
bottle  DMS     DMSP_disslv  DMSP_total  DMSP_partic  
7       10.038  9.93         254.339     244.409      
8       8.76    8.014        224.246     216.232      
9       9.878   8.153        233.183     225.03       
19      18.65   20.393       250.078     229.685      
20      21.03   13.759       276.803     263.044      
21      14.747  18.044       238.911     220.867