/BCO-DMO/Antarctic_microzoo/sulfur_ant1 --treatment eq LTLF-- Level 2

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# Dimethylsulfide and DMSP concentrations from temp and Iron 
# experiments on Antarctic phytoplankton and microzooplankton
# PIs: J. Rose (NOAA) and D. Hutchins (USC)
# Version:  20131026
# Note: HTHF = High Temp, High Iron; HTLF = High Temp, Low Iron; etc.
treatment  lat  lon  
LTLF       -75.00  177.36  
bottle  DMS     DMSP_disslv  DMSP_total  DMSP_partic  
1       12.226  5.005        116.161     111.156      
2       9.482   4.306        100.418     96.112       
3       8.896   4.026        116.085     112.059      
bottle  DMS     DMSP_disslv  DMSP_total  DMSP_partic  
1       6.232   8.402        176.101     167.699      
2       4.857   10.147       169.982     159.835      
3       5.15    25.348       173.157     147.809      
13      6.136   13.345       198.115     184.77       
14      7.716   13.969       194.946     180.977      
15      6.966   21.42        158.856     137.436