/BCO-DMO/Bact_Arch_Prot_Biodiversity/spot_cruises_v2 ---- Level 1

# Deployments for ARISA datasets
# 2000-2014
# J. Fuhrman (USC)
# version 2: 2014-11-04
# NOTE: replaces v Deployments fro0-22
# NOTE:froployments rom 2000-2010 wwere added
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Aug_2000 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2000 RV_Point_Sur MLML monthly 2000-08-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Sep_2000 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2000 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2000-09-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Oct_2000 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2000 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2000-10-09 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Nov_2000 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2000 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2000-10-27 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Dec_2000 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2000 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2000-12-08 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-01-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Feb_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-02-05 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Mar_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-03-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Apr_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-04-02 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_May_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-05-09 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
1901_MICROBES_VIII nd RV_Point_Sur MLML nd 2001-06-23 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jun_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2001;1901_MICROBES_VIII RV_Point_Sur MLML monthly 2001-06-28 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
1901_MICROBES_VIII nd RV_Point_Sur MLML nd 2001-06-29 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
1901_MICROBES_VIII nd RV_Point_Sur MLML nd 2001-06-30 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jul_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-07-27 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Aug_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-08-24 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Sep_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-09-28 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Oct_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-10-29 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Nov_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-11-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Dec_2001 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2001 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2001-12-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-01-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Feb_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-02-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Mar_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-03-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Apr_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-04-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_May_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-05-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jun_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-06-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jul_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-07-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Aug_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-08-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Sep_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2002 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2002-09-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Oct_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2002 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd SPOT nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Nov_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2002 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd SPOT nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Dec_2002 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2002 xx xx monthly 2002-12-09 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-01-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Feb_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2003 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd SPOT nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Mar_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-03-12 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Apr_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-05-05 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_May_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-05-21 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jun_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-06-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jul_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-07-02 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Aug_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-08-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Sep_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-09-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Oct_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-10-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Nov_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-11-12 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Dec_2003 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2003 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2003-12-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2004 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd SPOT nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Feb_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2004 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2004-02-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Mar_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-03-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Apr_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2004 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2004-04-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_May_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2004 RV_Point_Sur MLML monthly 2004-05-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jun_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-06-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jul_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-07-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Aug_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-08-25 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Sep_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-09-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Oct_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-10-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Nov_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-11-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Dec_2004 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2004 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2004-12-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-01-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Feb_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-02-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Mar_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-03-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Apr_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-04-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_May_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-05-04 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
nd nd nd nd nd 2005-05-11 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jun_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-06-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jul_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-07-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Aug_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-08-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Sep_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-09-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Oct_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-10-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Nov_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-11-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Dec_2005 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2005 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2005-12-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-01-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Feb_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-02-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Mar_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-03-29 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Apr_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-04-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_May_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-05-17 nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jun_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-06-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Jul_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-07-25 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Aug_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-08-24 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Sep_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2006 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2006-09-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Oct_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2006 xx nd monthly 2006-10-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Nov_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2006 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Dec_2006 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2006 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2007 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-0084231
MO_SPOT_Feb_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2007 xx nd monthly 2007-02-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman nd
MO_SPOT_Mar_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2007 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman nd
MO_SPOT_Apr_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2007 xx nd monthly 2007-04-04 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman nd
MO_SPOT_May_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2007 xx nd monthly 2007-05-21 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman nd
MO_SPOT_Jun_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2007 xx nd monthly 2007-06-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman nd
MO_SPOT_Jul_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2007 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman nd
MO_SPOT_Aug_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2007 xx nd monthly 2007-08-07 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman nd
MO_SPOT_Sep_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2007 xx nd monthly 2007-09-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Oct_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2007 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Nov_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2007 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2007-11-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Dec_2007 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2007 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2007-12-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2008 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Feb_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2008 nd nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Mar_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-03-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Apr_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-04-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_May_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-05-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jun_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-06-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jul_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-07-09 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Aug_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-08-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Sep_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-09-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Oct_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2008 xx nd monthly 2008-10-20 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Nov_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-11-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Dec_2008 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2008 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2008-12-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2009 RV_Sea_Watch nd nd no cruise nd nd nd nd nd nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Feb_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-02-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Mar_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-03-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Apr_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-04-23 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_May_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-05-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jun_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-06-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jul_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-07-09 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Aug_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-08-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Sep_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-09-24 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Oct_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-10-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Nov_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-11-12 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Dec_2009 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2009 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2009-12-23 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2010 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2010-01-28 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Feb_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2010 RV_Sea_Watch SCMI_USC monthly 2010-02-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Mar_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-03-24 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Apr_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-04-27 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_May_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-05-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jun_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2010 Miss_Christi SCMI_USC monthly 2010-06-29 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jul_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-07-21 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Aug_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-08-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Sep_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-09-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT nd Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Oct_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-10-21 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Nov_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-11-23 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Dec_2010 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2010 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2010-12-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-01-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Feb_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-02-23 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Mar_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-03-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Apr_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-04-29 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_May_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-05-24 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jun_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-06-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Jul_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-07-20 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Aug_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-08-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Sep_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2011 Miss_Christi SCMI_USC monthly 2011-09-28 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159
MO_SPOT_Oct_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-10-25 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Nov_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-11-29 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Dec_2011 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2011 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2011-12-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
MO_SPOT_Jan_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-01-26 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Feb_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-02-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Mar_2012 nd Harmony SCMI_USC quarterly 2012-03-13 07:00 14:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Mar_2012 nd Harmony SCMI_USC quarterly 2012-03-13 07:00 14:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Mar_2012 nd Harmony SCMI_USC quarterly 2012-03-13 07:00 14:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Mar_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-03-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Apr_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-05-03 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_May_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2012 Miss_Christi SCMI_USC monthly 2012-05-30 nd nd 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
New_CTD_Trial_June_2012 nd RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC nd 2012-06-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT nd nd nd
MO_SPOT_Jun_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-06-20 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Jul_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-07-09 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2012 nd Harmony nd quarterly 2012-07-15 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2012 nd Harmony nd quarterly 2012-07-15 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2012 nd Harmony nd quarterly 2012-07-15 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Aug_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-08-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Dave Caron Jed Fuhrman NSF-OCE-0703159 and NSF-OCE-1136818
nd nd nd nd nd 2012-09-21 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT nd nd nd
MO_SPOT_Sep_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-09-28 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Oct_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-10-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2012 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2012-10-19 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2012 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2012-10-19 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2012 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2012-10-19 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Nov_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-11-28 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Dec_2012 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2012 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2012-12-11 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jan_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-01-09 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jan_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-01-09 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jan_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-01-09 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Jan_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-01-16 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Feb_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-02-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Mar_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-03-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Apr_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-04-24 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Apr_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-04-24 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Apr_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-04-24 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Apr_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-04-24 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_May_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-05-22 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Jun_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-06-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-07-15 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-07-15 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2013 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2013-07-15 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Jul_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-07-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Aug_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-08-14 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Sep_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-09-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Oct_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-10-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2013 nd Sundiver Private quarterly 2013-10-16 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2013 nd Sundiver Private quarterly 2013-10-16 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2013 nd Sundiver Private quarterly 2013-10-16 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Nov_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Nov_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-11-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
nd nd nd nd nd 2013-12-19 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT nd nd NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Dec_2013 Wrigley_SPOT_Dec_2013 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2013-12-23 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
cruise_id cruise_id_alt platform operator sampling_timing date_start time_start time_end lat lon site brief_cruise_description chief_scientist co_chief_scientist funding
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jan_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-01-07 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jan_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-01-07 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jan_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-01-07 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Jan_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Jan_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-01-15 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Feb_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Feb_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-02-12 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Mar_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Mar_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-03-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Apr_2014 nd Sundiver Private quarterly 2014-04-08 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Apr_2014 nd Sundiver Private quarterly 2014-04-08 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Apr_2014 nd Sundiver Private quarterly 2014-04-08 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Apr_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Apr_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-04-10 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_May_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_May_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-05-21 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Jun_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Jun_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-06-18 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-07-14 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-07-14 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Jul_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-07-14 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Jul_2014 nd RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-07-17 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Jul_2014 RV_Yellowfin nd nd 2014-07-23 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Aug_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Aug_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-08-13 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Sep_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Sep_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-09-10 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
MO_SPOT_Oct_2014 Wrigley_SPOT_Oct_2014 RV_Yellowfin SCMI_USC monthly 2014-10-01 07:00 17:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT depth profile at SPOT Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-10-06 08:00 13:00 33.71 -118.26 POLA sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-10-06 08:00 13:00 33.55 -118.4 SPOT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818
DOBD_POLA_SPOT_CAT_Oct_2014 nd Sundiver_Express Private quarterly 2014-10-06 08:00 13:00 33.45 -118.48 CAT sampling at SPOT; CAT; and POLA Jed Fuhrman Dave Caron NSF-OCE-1136818