/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/Guaymas_Sulfate2014 --core eq P11-- Level 1

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# Porewater sulfate concentrations from Guaymas Basin sediment cores 
#  collected on R/V El Puma, 14 October to 27 October 2014
# PI: Andreas Teske (UNC Chapel Hill)
# Co-PIs: Ivano Aiello (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories) & Ana Christina Ravelo (UC Santa Cruz)
# Version: 14 Oct 2016
core  lat        lon          depth  
P11   27.50848   -111.67810   1749   
core_sample  actual_depth  sulfate_mM  
1            -2            29.56       
2            5             28.9        
3            30            28.87       
4            55            29.26       
5            80            28.99       
6            120           28.93       
7            145           28.81       
8            170           28.8        
9            195           28.74       
10           220           28.8        
11           245           28.78       
12           270           28.89       
13           294.5         28.68       
14           319.5         29.23       
15           344.5         28.7        
16           369.5         28.67       
17           393.5         28.34       
18           418.5         28.02       
19           443.5         28.19       
20           468.5         28.31