/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/Guaymas_Sulfate2014 --lat eq 27.62793-- Level 1

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# Porewater sulfate concentrations from Guaymas Basin sediment cores 
#  collected on R/V El Puma, 14 October to 27 October 2014
# PI: Andreas Teske (UNC Chapel Hill)
# Co-PIs: Ivano Aiello (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories) & Ana Christina Ravelo (UC Santa Cruz)
# Version: 14 Oct 2016
core  lat        lon          depth  
P3    27.62793   -111.87617   1611   
core_sample  actual_depth  sulfate_mM  
1            -2            28.84       
2            1             28.56       
3            9             28.2        
4            29            28.09       
5            54            27.94       
6            79            27.91       
7            127           27.95       
8            177           27.62       
9            276           28.23       
10           317           27.88