/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/TN-BS_water_inhibition --MW eq 165.19-- Level 1

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# Inhibition data for 3 peptidases at 
#  Bogue Sound NC and Tennessee River at Knoxville
# PI: Andrew D. Steen (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
# 14 March 2016
amino_acid  AA_abbrev  delta_Gr   pNA_subs  polarity            hydrophobicity  MW       Dauwe_score1  Dauwe_score2  
Phe         F          -303.64    Phe-pNA   neutral_nonpolar    2.8             165.19   0.122         0.134         
location      substrate  inhib_slope            inhib_slope_SE         rsq                  pval                   is_homologous  rel_Ki               rel_Ki_SE            low_err              high_err             
Bogue_Sound   Arg-AMC    0.0249890925920289     0.00189292331182594    0.956110257639476    1.03295316393143e-06   FALSE          0.432758201784882    0.0327814259571705   0.399976775827711    0.465539627742052    
Bogue_Sound   Leu-AMC    0.0209363805566608     0.00220318219344949    0.918618998824504    1.24051276802793e-05   FALSE          0.160089561593633    0.0168465829375658   0.143242978656067    0.176936144531199    
Bogue_Sound   Pro-AMC    0.0988997097502494     0.0296487257610683     0.581743018414974    0.0102965241457504     FALSE          1.21378933743288     0.363876772622838    0.849912564810038    1.57766611005571     
TN_River      Arg-AMC    0.00655845852323201    0.000322105045388282   0.985733991267264    9.12209588405711e-07   FALSE          1.57961827279613     0.0775796650467216   1.5020386077494      1.65719793784285     
TN_River      Leu-AMC    0.00841010683630106    0.00352373044014198    0.41590333837272     0.0440819082152346     FALSE          1.21579825321973     0.509404386570916    0.706393866648813    1.72520263979065