/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/TN-BS_water_inhibition --amino_acid eq Leu-- Level 1

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# Inhibition data for 3 peptidases at 
#  Bogue Sound NC and Tennessee River at Knoxville
# PI: Andrew D. Steen (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
# 14 March 2016
amino_acid  AA_abbrev  delta_Gr   pNA_subs  polarity            hydrophobicity  MW       Dauwe_score1  Dauwe_score2  
Leu         L          -205.03    Leu-pNA   neutral_nonpolar    3.8             131.17   0.122         0.169         
location      substrate  inhib_slope            inhib_slope_SE         rsq                  pval                   is_homologous  rel_Ki               rel_Ki_SE            low_err              high_err             
Bogue_Sound   Arg-AMC    0.023785660728531      0.00335587254250407    0.86262914811759     0.000103232762016527   FALSE          0.454653536758415    0.0641461819275753   0.39050735483084     0.518799718685991    
Bogue_Sound   Leu-AMC    0.0033516959846733     0.00213204848829993    0.236010982093188    0.154581658121584      TRUE           1                    0.636110344747674    0.363889655252326    1.63611034474767     
Bogue_Sound   Pro-AMC    0.0440279589969691     0.0255527918913853     0.27065834503175     0.123180065081572      FALSE          2.72652686849106     1.58241206824097     1.14411480025009     4.30893893673203     
TN_River      Arg-AMC    0.00415860822830203    0.00075829667113711    0.789892995318282    0.00058458678044252    FALSE          2.49118463580368     0.454252219206797    2.03693241659688     2.94543685501048     
TN_River      Leu-AMC    0.0102249932009661     0.00200271776890265    0.765166777140834    0.000923490647058168   TRUE           1                    0.195864948713454    0.804135051286546    1.19586494871345