/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/TN-BS_water_inhibition --amino_acid eq Pro-- Level 1

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# Inhibition data for 3 peptidases at 
#  Bogue Sound NC and Tennessee River at Knoxville
# PI: Andrew D. Steen (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
# 14 March 2016
amino_acid  AA_abbrev  delta_Gr   pNA_subs  polarity            hydrophobicity  MW       Dauwe_score1  Dauwe_score2  
Pro         P          -192.83    Pro-pNA   neutral_nonpolar    -1.6            115.13   nd            nd            
location      substrate  inhib_slope            inhib_slope_SE         rsq                  pval                   is_homologous  rel_Ki               rel_Ki_SE            low_err              high_err             
Bogue_Sound   Leu-AMC    -0.00173407338472435   0.00124977505827219    0.19396924119691     0.202711735849762      FALSE          8.78156434958888     1.39303339297544     7.38853095661344     10.1745977425643     
Bogue_Sound   Arg-AMC    0.00503352019198059    0.000725046615045531   0.857641331364616    0.000119332538183232   FALSE          2.14844370577704     0.309469670742811    1.83897403503423     2.45791337651985     
Bogue_Sound   Pro-AMC    0.120043413170059      0.0225392459076479     0.780014223235296    0.000705941897301524   TRUE           1                    0.187759122407806    0.812240877592194    1.18775912240781     
TN_River      Arg-AMC    0.00113643432146432    0.000318270696716257   0.679992578677723    0.011774907643171      FALSE          9.11611056530206     2.55306514961868     6.56304541568338     11.6691757149207     
TN_River      Leu-AMC    0.00476483946072827    0.00174591202967437    0.48214060208061     0.025880173603001      FALSE          2.14592606639539     0.786301021260192    1.3596250451352      2.93222708765558