/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/TN-BS_water_inhibition --pNA_subs eq Gly-pNA-- Level 1

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# Inhibition data for 3 peptidases at 
#  Bogue Sound NC and Tennessee River at Knoxville
# PI: Andrew D. Steen (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
# 14 March 2016
amino_acid  AA_abbrev  delta_Gr   pNA_subs  polarity            hydrophobicity  MW       Dauwe_score1  Dauwe_score2  
Gly         G          -80.49     Gly-pNA   neutral_nonpolar    -0.4            75.07    -0.026        -0.099        
location      substrate  inhib_slope            inhib_slope_SE         rsq                  pval                   is_homologous  rel_Ki               rel_Ki_SE            low_err              high_err             
Bogue_Sound   Arg-AMC    0.0102647894145204     0.000789358782473322   0.954828534700769    1.15962254381965e-06   FALSE          1.05352719258563     0.0810158794748914   0.972511313110735    1.13454307206052     
Bogue_Sound   Leu-AMC    -0.00190144466540051   0.002154802410425      0.0887000448235717   0.403283646149579      FALSE          8.78156434958888     1.99758233600844     6.78398201358043     10.7791466855973     
Bogue_Sound   Pro-AMC    0.0235364831504617     0.0115943239597217     0.370554650700081    0.0819127189807264     FALSE          5.10031224302532     2.51246849681578     2.58784374620953     7.6127807398411      
TN_River      Arg-AMC    0.000533489976343308   0.00142146591459469    0.0197255566554322   0.718543836291828      FALSE          19.4190357533654     51.7413609284785     0.01                 71.1603966818439     
TN_River      Leu-AMC    0.00857076331281858    0.00137809693176923    0.828618107504461    0.000254042187061861   FALSE          1.19300846701407     0.191824374091382    1.00118409292269     1.38483284110545