/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/TN-BS_water_inhibition --pNA_subs eq Tyr-pNA-- Level 1

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# Inhibition data for 3 peptidases at 
#  Bogue Sound NC and Tennessee River at Knoxville
# PI: Andrew D. Steen (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
# 14 March 2016
amino_acid  AA_abbrev  delta_Gr   pNA_subs  polarity            hydrophobicity  MW       Dauwe_score1  Dauwe_score2  
Tyr         Y          -334.2     Tyr-pNA   neutral polar       -1.3            181.19   0.188         0.178         
location      substrate  inhib_slope            inhib_slope_SE         rsq                  pval                   is_homologous  rel_Ki               rel_Ki_SE            low_err              high_err             
Bogue_Sound   Pro-AMC    0.0810965630199684     0.025843754712359      0.551739547638354    0.0138478975843062     FALSE          1.4802527838387      0.471725168530194    1.00852761530851     1.9519779523689      
TN_River      Arg-AMC    0.00529363252553339    0.00044413809651492    0.946687958457449    2.25754927962203e-06   FALSE          1.95704195081598     0.164196680189408    1.79284527062657     2.12123863100539     
Bogue_Sound   Leu-AMC    0.0220500459002534     0.00306224558772631    0.866329884775689    9.23952080656539e-05   FALSE          0.152004036628095    0.0211098739923995   0.130894162635696    0.173113910620495    
Bogue_Sound   Arg-AMC    0.0185973062886412     0.00177879502663259    0.931802920032291    6.08311521185688e-06   FALSE          0.581494685656032    0.055618799776933    0.525875885879099    0.637113485432965    
TN_River      Leu-AMC    0.0173638808897526     0.00184821908692538    0.916895746828351    1.34996980546865e-05   FALSE          0.58886566118986     0.0626791188880091   0.526186542301851    0.651544780077869