/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/table1 --sample_group eq Bulk_rock_carbonate_samples-- Level 1

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# Carbon geochemistry of the Santa Elena ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples
#  (Table 1 in the following publication: doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.02.017)
# PI: Esther Schwarzenbach
# Version: 03 November 2016
sample_name  sample_descrip                  TC       TC_err  TIC      TIC_err  TOC    pcnt_TIC  del13C_TC  del13C_TC_err  del13C_TIC  del13C_TIC_err  del18O_TIC  del18O_TIC_err  del13C_TOC  
SE_SP3       magnesite-talc_fels             12.316   nd      12.383   0.473    BDL    nd        -15.4      nd             -15.4       0.16            -6.1        0.20            nd          
SE_SP8       carbonate_vein                  13.041   nd      13.226   0.161    BDL    nd        -17.1      nd             -17.2       0.08            -5.9        0.95            nd          
RC_SP13      magnesite-talc_fels             12.840   nd      12.575   0.320    2654   nd        -16.6      nd             -16.5       0.01            -5.0        0.33            nd          
SE-031313-7  carbonate_deposit               NA       nd      10.843   0.410    NA     nd        NA         nd             -15.5       0.28            -9.2        1.52            nd          
SE-031513-1  carbonate_deposit               NA       nd      9.590    0.260    NA     nd        NA         nd             -22.4       0.17            -16.4       0.64            nd          
QD-031313-2  carbonate_deposit               NA       nd      10.581   nd       NA     nd        NA         nd             -19.5       nd              -9.6        nd              nd