/BCO-DMO/C-DEBI/table1 --sample_group eq Group_A_basement_peridotites-- Level 1

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# Carbon geochemistry of the Santa Elena ultramafics and bulk rock carbonate samples
#  (Table 1 in the following publication: doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.02.017)
# PI: Esther Schwarzenbach
# Version: 03 November 2016
sample_name  sample_descrip                  TC       TC_err  TIC      TIC_err  TOC    pcnt_TIC  del13C_TC  del13C_TC_err  del13C_TIC  del13C_TIC_err  del18O_TIC  del18O_TIC_err  del13C_TOC  
SE_P1        dunite                          0.116    0.019   0.048    0.015    684    41.1      -16.2      0.47           -17.2       0.31            -13.2       1.12            -27.3       
SE_P2        dunite                          0.112    0.011   0.057    nd       546    51.2      -19.4      0.85           -19.8       nd              -11.6       nd              -24.4       
SE_P3        serpentinite                    0.036    0.005   0.012    <0.001   248    31.9      -12.7      1.09           -10.8       0.14            -16.5       1.65            -28.1       
SE_P4        harzburgite                     0.084    0.008   0.043    nd       414    50.9      -13.2      1.43           -15.6       nd              -12.0       nd              -26.2       
SE_P5        serpentinite                    0.033    0.007   0.009    nd       236    28.5      -16.4      0.40           -14.5       nd              -16.0       nd              -27.4       
SE10_01      lherzolite                      0.110    nd      BDL      nd       nd     nd        -21.1      nd             nd          nd              nd          nd              -27.4       
SE10_02      lherzolite                      0.041    0.008   0.024    0.005    176    57.3      nd         nd             -16.2       0.15            -16.8       1.01            -27.2       
SE10_03      lherzolite                      0.034    0.007   0.014    <0.001   197    41.4      nd         nd             -14.2       0.19            -16.3       0.87            -27.9       
SE10_05      lherzolite                      0.029    0.001   0.010    0.001    191    34.8      -17.6      0.39           -18.6       0.10            -15.4       1.60            -28.4       
SE10_06      serpentinite                    0.184    0.010   0.119    0.007    646    64.9      -12.2      1.86           -13.5       0.28            -12.6       1.09            -21.0       
SE10_09      harzburgite                     0.087    0.004   0.042    0.009    447    48.6      -16.4      1.15           -16.0       0.06            -13.4       1.89            -27.0       
SE10_12      harzburgite                     0.028    0.003   0.013    0.001    145    47.7      -19.0      0.77           -16.8       0.24            -14.8       1.63            -27.9       
SE10_16      lherzolite                      0.086    0.007   0.050    0.002    354    58.6      -19.7      2.38           -20.7       0.36            -12.2       0.84            -28.1       
SE10_19      lherzolite                      0.067    0.005   0.034    0.004    324    51.4      nd         nd             -21.4       0.11            -12.6       0.97            -28.3