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#  Stations, dates, lats, lons, casts and bots for BLOOMER 
#  2009
#  date ingested into BCO-DMO: September 30, 2009
# #################################
# ########
# ######################################################
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
2         CTD_cast                  1         1         20070810       0400      22.751    -158.002  4744        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.0      24       
5           5.9      23       
5           5.5      22       
25          26.6     21       
25          26.3     20       
25          26.4     19       
45          45.3     18       
45          45.9     17       
45          45.0     16       
75          75.5     15       
75          75.2     14       
100         99.3     13       
100         99.4     12       
125         126.3    11       
125         126.2    10       
150         149.1    9        
150         149.3    8        
150         149.2    7        
175         174.7    6        
175         175.1    5        
175         175.0    4        
200         202      3        
200         202      2        
200         202      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
5         CTD_cast                  2         1         20070810       1814      23.745    -158.992  4555        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.1      5        
45          44.5     4        
75          76.6     3        
125         126.4    2        
175         176.5    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
6         CTD_cast                  3         1         20070810       2044      23.750    -159.170  4725        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           7.4      10       
5           7.5      9        
25          24.9     8        
25          24.8     7        
45          45.3     6        
45          45.3     5        
75          76.6     4        
75          75.6     3        
75          75.9     2        
75          75.5     1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
9         CTD_cast                  4         1         20070810       2311      23.750    -159.350  4739        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.56     10       
5           5.53     9        
25          24.80    8        
25          25.41    7        
45          45.72    6        
45          45.30    5        
75          75.46    4        
75          76.02    3        
75          75.89    2        
75          75.50    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
14        CTD_cast                  5         1         20070811       0410      23.738    -159.176  4725        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
10          10.46    24       
10          10.25    23       
10          10.49    22       
45          44.24    21       
45          44.66    20       
45          44.82    19       
45          44.73    18       
45          44.07    17       
45          44.20    16       
75          75.61    15       
100         99.84    14       
125         125.12   13       
125         125.47   12       
125         125.52   11       
150         149.80   10       
300         301.50   9        
300         301.32   8        
300         301.19   7        
500         502.23   6        
500         501.04   5        
500         501.39   4        
1000        1008.83  3        
1000        1008.82  2        
1000        1008.67  1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
45        CTD_cast                  6         1         20070813       2256      23.997    -159.011  4674        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           5.7      11       
25          25.0     10       
45          45.7     9        
75          75.7     8        
100         99.7     7        
125         125.3    6        
150         151.0    5        
175         175.9    4        
200         201.3    3        
250         250      2        
300         302      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
46        CTD_cast                  7         1         20070814       0111      24.000    -158.818  4669        no_bots_fired                        
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
47        CTD_cast                  8         1         20070814       0259      24.000    -158.645  4665        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.5      11       
25          25.9     10       
45          44.5     9        
75          74.4     8        
100         101.2    7        
125         126.24   6        
150         150.86   5        
175         176.67   4        
200         202.94   3        
250         250.75   2        
300         302.15   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
48        CTD_cast                  9         1         20070814       0506      24.001    -158.463  4631        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           3.88     22       
5           4.43     21       
25          23.99    20       
25          24.56    19       
45          45.97    18       
45          45.27    17       
75          75.18    16       
75          75.74    15       
100         99.24    14       
100         98.87    13       
125         125.69   12       
125         124.98   11       
150         151.71   10       
150         152.21   9        
175         177.51   8        
175         176.42   7        
200         201.68   6        
200         201.78   5        
250         251.04   4        
250         250.66   3        
300         303.28   2        
300         303.17   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
49        CTD_cast                  10        1         20070814       0655      24.001    -158.270  4547        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.59     22       
5           7.95     21       
25          25.06    20       
25          25.15    19       
45          45.06    18       
45          46.38    17       
75          76.34    16       
75          76.09    15       
100         101.45   14       
100         100.32   13       
125         125.80   12       
125         125.76   11       
150         150.94   10       
150         150.61   9        
175         175.44   8        
175         174.92   7        
200         201.43   6        
200         200.82   5        
250         251.39   4        
250         251.72   3        
300         299.52   2        
300         301.37   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
50        CTD_cast                  11        1         20070814       0908      24.000    -158.090  4468        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           7.60     22       
5           8.51     21       
25          23.69    20       
25          25.54    19       
45          43.46    18       
45          44.36    17       
75          75.02    16       
75          75.35    15       
85          85.82    14       
100         102.78   13       
100         102.64   12       
115         114.20   11       
125         125.01   10       
125         125.30   9        
140         139.84   8        
150         152.29   7        
150         149.20   6        
175         177.43   5        
175         179.25   4        
200         200.84   3        
250         252.46   2        
300         302.64   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
51        CTD_cast                  12        1         20070814       1113      24.000    -157.904  4463        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           5.3      22       
5           4.5      21       
25          26       20       
25          25       19       
45          45       18       
45          45       17       
75          75       16       
75          75       15       
100         100      14       
100         100      13       
125         125      12       
125         124      11       
150         151      10       
150         150      9        
175         175      8        
175         175      7        
200         201      6        
200         200      5        
250         253      4        
250         250      3        
300         300      2        
300         301      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
52        CTD_cast                  13        1         20070814       1321      24.000    -157.718  4022        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5        24       
5           6        23       
25          24       22       
25          26       21       
25          25       20       
45          46       19       
45          45       18       
45          45       17       
75          75       16       
75          74       15       
100         100      14       
100         100      13       
125         125      12       
125         125      11       
150         150      10       
150         150      9        
175         175      8        
175         177      7        
200         201      6        
200         201      5        
250         249      4        
250         250      3        
300         301      2        
300         301      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
53        CTD_cast                  14        1         20070814       1541      23.999    -157.533  4389        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           7        22       
5           6        21       
25          25       20       
25          25       19       
45          45       18       
45          45       17       
75          77       16       
75          75       15       
100         100      14       
100         100      13       
125         127      12       
125         127      11       
150         150      10       
150         150      9        
175         175      8        
175         176      7        
200         200      6        
200         200      5        
250         251      4        
250         251      3        
300         301      2        
300         300      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
54        CTD_cast                  15        1         20070814       1751      23.998    -157.351  4236        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.9      22       
5           4.99     21       
25          25.7     20       
25          25.6     19       
45          47.2     18       
45          47.1     17       
75          74.6     16       
75          75.5     15       
100         100.5    14       
100         100.3    13       
125         128.1    12       
125         127.2    11       
150         151.7    10       
150         150.7    9        
175         176.2    8        
175         176.3    7        
200         202.4    6        
200         203.2    5        
250         249.8    4        
250         250.1    3        
300         301.2    2        
300         301      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
55        CTD_cast                  16        1         20070814       1955      24.000    -157.168  4023        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           7.5      23       
5           5.8      22       
25          24.0     21       
25          24.3     20       
25          26.4     19       
45          45.1     18       
45          44.4     17       
75          75.6     16       
75          75.1     15       
100         100.2    14       
100         98.7     13       
125         126.0    12       
125         126.7    11       
150         151.5    10       
150         152.3    9        
175         177.3    8        
175         176.0    7        
200         203.5    6        
200         202.0    5        
250         251.3    4        
250         250.1    3        
300         302      2        
300         301      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
56        CTD_cast                  17        1         20070814       2146      23.997    -156.984  4374        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           4.4      23       
5           6.8      22       
5           5.0      21       
25          24.2     20       
25          24.7     19       
25          25.0     18       
45          45.6     17       
45          45.0     16       
45          45.2     15       
75          76.1     14       
75          75.1     13       
100         100.4    12       
100         100.0    11       
125         124.5    10       
125         124.1    9        
150         149.5    8        
150         150.7    7        
175         175.1    6        
175         176.9    5        
200         200.9    4        
200         200.7    3        
250         253.7    2        
300         301.9    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
57        CTD_cast                  18        1         20070815       0408      24.000    -156.000  4358        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           4.42     24       
5           4.71     23       
12          10.54    22       
12          11.90    21       
25          24.42    20       
25          24.32    19       
45          47.30    18       
45          46.36    17       
75          76.89    16       
75          73.91    15       
100         100.64   14       
100         99.23    13       
125         126.80   12       
125         128.12   11       
150         148.67   10       
150         149.45   9        
175         175.84   8        
175         175.21   7        
200         199.46   6        
230         232.29   5        
250         252.74   4        
250         251.89   3        
300         300.93   2        
300         299.46   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
62        CTD_cast                  19        1         20070815       2236      23.184    -159.061  4821        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.2      22       
5           6.3      21       
25          25.6     20       
25          26.1     19       
45          45.0     18       
45          43.7     17       
75          74.5     16       
75          77.0     15       
100         99.4     14       
100         101.3    13       
125         125.8    12       
125         126.5    11       
150         150.0    10       
150         151.5    9        
175         175.7    8        
175         176.5    7        
200         200.5    6        
200         201      5        
300         303      4        
500         502.7    3        
750         756.5    2        
1000        1007.5   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
99        CTD_cast                  20        1         20070819       0730      24.427    -159.117  4763        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           8.52     24       
5           7.77     23       
25          26.33    22       
25          26.85    21       
45          44.80    20       
45          43.67    19       
45          42.98    18       
65          65.78    17       
75          73.70    16       
75          74.86    15       
100         99.61    14       
100         100.32   13       
125         124.80   12       
125         124.56   11       
150         150.61   10       
150         150.71   9        
175         174.97   8        
200         199.78   7        
250         251.52   6        
300         300.52   5        
300         300.56   4        
300         300.48   3        
1000        1008.77  2        
1000        1007.19  1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
107       CTD_cast                  21        1         20070820       0046      24.370    -158.928  nd          core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.1      24       
5           5.5      23       
5           6.2      22       
25          26.1     21       
25          25.7     20       
25          25.3     19       
45          44.9     18       
45          44.5     17       
45          44.8     16       
45          44.8     15       
60          59.0     14       
75          75.9     13       
75          75.3     12       
75          75.0     11       
85          85.6     10       
100         100.0    9        
100         100.6    8        
125         126.0    7        
150         150.4    6        
175         176.8    5        
200         201.3    4        
250         251.3    3        
300         302.0    2        
500         503.3    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
108       CTD_cast                  22        1         20070820       0300      24.245    -158.783  4673        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.06     24       
5           4.84     23       
5           5.08     22       
25          24.46    21       
25          25.17    20       
25          24.61    19       
45          44.90    18       
45          46.18    17       
45          45.37    16       
60          59.66    15       
75          75.85    14       
75          75.68    13       
85          84.42    12       
100         100.73   11       
100         100.68   10       
125         125.0    9        
125         125.7    8        
150         150      7        
175         176      6        
175         176      5        
200         201      4        
250         250.6    3        
300         301.5    2        
500         503      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
109       CTD_cast                  23        1         20070820       0510      24.123    -158.640  nd          core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           7.15     24       
5           8.32     23       
5           7.46     22       
25          24.82    21       
25          24.69    20       
25          24.45    19       
45          45.17    18       
45          45.59    17       
45          45.22    16       
45          45.03    15       
60          59.21    14       
75          75.37    13       
75          75.12    12       
75          75.27    11       
85          85.78    10       
100         100.96   9        
100         99.84    8        
125         126.41   7        
150         151.27   6        
175         176.03   5        
200         199.81   4        
250         251.61   3        
300         301.76   2        
500         504.13   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
110       CTD_cast                  24        1         20070820       0710      24.000    -158.501  4642        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           7.46     24       
5           7.77     23       
25          24.76    22       
25          24.24    21       
25          23.68    20       
25          23.78    19       
45          45.99    18       
45          45.71    17       
45          45.10    16       
45          44.92    15       
65          64.89    14       
75          75.46    13       
75          75.93    12       
75          75.74    11       
85          85.06    10       
100         100.77   9        
100         100.02   8        
125         126.18   7        
150         149.61   6        
175         176.02   5        
200         200.42   4        
250         250.48   3        
300         302.10   2        
500         503.68   1