/BCO-DMO/CMORE/bloomer/stations --lat eq 23.772-- Level 1

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#  Stations, dates, lats, lons, casts and bots for BLOOMER 
#  2009
#  date ingested into BCO-DMO: September 30, 2009
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# ########
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event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
18        CTD_cast                  5         5         20070811       1354      23.772    -159.199  nd          primary_prod_cast                    
depth       press    bot      
5           5        24       
5           5        23       
5           5        22       
25          26       21       
25          27       20       
25          27       19       
25          26       18       
25          27       17       
25          27       16       
25          26       15       
25          27       14       
25          27       13       
45          47       12       
45          47       11       
45          47       10       
75          77       9        
75          76       8        
75          77       7        
100         101      6        
100         102      5        
100         102      4        
125         126      3        
125         126      2        
125         126      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
19        CTD_cast                  5         6         20070811       1506      23.772    -159.199  4594        mixing_experiment                    
depth       press    bot      
75          74       24       
75          75       23       
75          75       22       
75          75       21       
75          76       20       
75          75       19       
75          75       18       
75          75       17       
75          75       16       
75          75       15       
75          74       14       
75          75       13       
75          75       12       
75          74       11       
75          75       10       
75          75       9        
75          74       8        
75          76       7        
75          75       6        
75          75       5        
75          75       4        
75          75       3        
700         704      2        
700         704      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
19.5      primary_prod_array        5         nd        20070811       1612      23.772    -159.199  nd          deployment_array_1                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
25        trace_metals_cast         5         nd        20070811       2300      23.772    -159.227  nd          surface                              
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd