/BCO-DMO/Climate_Coral_Larvae/brood3_resprotein --date eq 2011-03-17-- Level 2

# respiration and protein of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2
# P. Edmunds (CSU-Northridge)
# version: 2014-10-07
# Cumbo, VR, Fan TY, Edmuds PJ.(2012) Effects of exposur duration on thhe response
# of Pocillopora damicornis larvae to elevated temperature and high pCO2.
# J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 439: 100-107. See Table 2, Figure 1b
lab lat lon
lab_Edmunds_NMMBA 21.93817 120.74602
date temp treatment_pCO2 days
2011-03-17 24 ambient 4
tank resp_larv mg_protein_larv resp_prot ug_protein_larv
1 0.114 0.06571 1.74000 65.71
1 0.100 0.06571 1.51597 65.71
7 0.101 0.06571 1.53726 65.71
7 0.117 0.06571 1.77760 65.71
date temp treatment_pCO2 days
2011-03-17 24 high 4
tank resp_larv mg_protein_larv resp_prot ug_protein_larv
2 0.132 0.06054 2.17448 60.54
2 0.130 0.06054 2.14007 60.54
5 0.108 0.06054 1.77952 60.54
5 0.107 0.06054 1.76605 60.54
date temp treatment_pCO2 days
2011-03-17 30.5 ambient 4
tank resp_larv mg_protein_larv resp_prot ug_protein_larv
4 0.134 0.06555 2.04949 65.55
4 0.190 0.06555 2.90074 65.55
8 0.147 0.06555 2.23841 65.55
8 0.150 0.06555 2.28318 65.55
date temp treatment_pCO2 days
2011-03-17 30.5 high 4
tank resp_larv mg_protein_larv resp_prot ug_protein_larv
3 0.172 0.06572 2.61070 65.72
3 0.156 0.06572 2.37575 65.72
6 0.146 0.06572 2.22680 65.72
6 0.139 0.06572 2.12254 65.72