/BCO-DMO/Coral_DOM/event_log --year eq 2011-- Level 1
# Event Log
# Project: Coral DOM
# Chief Sci: Craig Carlson (UC Santa Barbara, MSI)
# Co-Chief Sci & Cong Nelsta Bon HistorySI)
# Version HistorySI)
# Version History:
# Dataset updated: 02 January 2013
# Original data: 31 July 20lon_lab given foharard B Gump Resicinates for evesicinates for evesearch Stn.);
# coorded tes for events will be added as more data are submitted by PI.
cruiseid year lat_lab lon_lab
MCR11-1 2011 -17.4907 -149.826
event project_code site_ID activity sample_desig date_local time_start_local time_end_local ISO_DateTime_start_UTC si comment
MCR2011. TentI LTER I Tent Deployment I nd 09/02/11 1030 1400 2011-09-02T10:30:00Z JS et al. Loggers Deployed Smith 1-6 Manta 2 Sub Water Quality Multiprobe.
MCR2011. TentI LTER I Tent Sampling nd 09/02/11 1330 1400 2011-09-02T13:30:00Z JS et al. DOC; POM; FCM; DNA.
MCR2011. RR;SS;NBE LTER I Organismal Collection nd 09/02/11 1500 1800 2011-09-02T15:00:00Z JS et al. Pocillopora Nubbins for SS (50); CCA and Galaxaura for RR1; CCA for Niskin1.
MCR2011. SS LTER I Coral Nubbin Acclimation nd 09/02/11 1700 1900 2011-09-02T17:00:00Z JS et al. nd
MCR2011. NBEI LTER I CCA Acclimation nd 09/02/11 1800 1900 2011-09-02T18:00:00Z JS et al. nd
MCR2011. FF LTER I LTER1 ADP Deployment nd 09/03/11 0800 0900 2011-09-03T08:00:00Z AW; SQ FCM; DOC; DNA; CHL; POC; NUTS.
MCR2011. SS LTER I SS/NBEI organism collection nd 09/03/11 0900 1100 2011-09-03T09:00:00Z JS; AH Turf; CCA; Amansia; Halimeda; Dictyota; addl CCA for NBE.
MCR2011. NBEI LTER I Offshore water collection nd 09/03/11 1100 1100 2011-09-03T11:00:00Z CN;AW nd
MCR2011. FF6 LTER I Lagrangian Survey nd 09/03/11 1130 1730 2011-09-03T11:30:00Z AW et al. nd
MCR2011. NBEI LTER I Niskin Incubator Setup nd 09/03/11 1200 1400 2011-09-03T12:00:00Z CN;LW nd
MCR2011. TentI LTER I Tent Sampling nd 09/03/11 1400 1500 2011-09-03T14:00:00Z AH et al. DOC; FCM.
MCR2011. SS LTER I SS/RR Filtrate Backreef prep nd 09/03/11 1500 1900 2011-09-03T15:00:00Z CN nd
MCR2011. NBEI LTER I Niskin Incubator Deployments nd 09/03/11 1700 1720 2011-09-03T17:00:00Z LW;AH DOC; FCM; DNA; DO.
MCR2011. FF6 LTER I FF6 Sample Processing nd 09/03/11 1800 2200 2011-09-03T18:00:00Z AW et al. DOC; POM; FCM; DNA; Nuts; Chl; DO13C. 6 samples for DO13C.
MCR2011. RR1 LTER I RR1 Dark Exudation nd 09/03/11 1900 2030 2011-09-03T19:00:00Z AH DOC; DO.
MCR2011. SS LTER I SS Exudation nd 09/04/11 0800 0900 2011-09-04T08:00:00Z JS nd
MCR2011. RR1 LTER I RR1 Light Exudation nd 09/04/11 0900 1000 2011-09-04T09:00:00Z AH DOC; DO.
MCR2011. FF LTER5 Ha apiti Survey nd 09/04/11 1000 1500 2011-09-04T10:00:00Z AW et al. DOC; POM; FCM; DNA; Nuts; Chl.
MCR2011. NBEII LTER I NBEII Organismal Collection nd 09/04/11 1230 1300 2011-09-04T12:30:00Z AH et al. Turf.
MCR2011. Sand LTER I Sand Bottle Prelim Sampling nd 09/04/11 1300 1330 2011-09-04T13:00:00Z AH;CN DO.
MCR2011. TentI LTER I Tent Sampling and Recovery nd 09/04/11 1330 1400 2011-09-04T13:30:00Z AH et al. DOC; FCM; POM; DNA; Nuts.
MCR2011. SS LTER I SS Filtrate Backreef prep nd 09/04/11 1400 1800 2011-09-04T14:00:00Z CN nd
MCR2011. RR1 LTER I Inoculum Collection (RR1) nd 09/04/11 1530 1600 2011-09-04T15:30:00Z CN nd
MCR2011. NBEI LTER I NBEI Recovery and Sampling nd 09/04/11 1600 1800 2011-09-04T16:00:00Z CN;LW DOC; FCM; DNA; DO; Nuts.
MCR2011. FF LTER5 Ha apiti Sample Processing nd 09/04/11 1630 2100 2011-09-04T16:30:00Z CN et al. DOC; POM; FCM; DNA; Nuts; Chl.
MCR2011. SS LTER I SS Exudate Filtration nd 09/04/11 1700 2000 2011-09-04T17:00:00Z JS;CN DNA (142mm SUPORs saved.
MCR2011. RRR1 LTER I RR1 Remineralization Pelagic nd 09/04/11 1800 0200 2011-09-04T18:00:00Z AH;CN DOC; DO; FCM.
MCR2011. SS LTER I SS Inoculation nd 09/05/11 0800 0900 2011-09-05T08:00:00Z JS nd
MCR2011. NBEII LTER I Offshore water collection nd 09/05/11 0900 1000 2011-09-05T09:00:00Z AW;LW nd
MCR2011. RRR1 LTER I RRR1 Sampling (FCM) nd 09/05/11 0930 1000 2011-09-05T09:30:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. NBEII LTER I NBEII Incubator Deployments nd 09/05/11 1000 1130 2011-09-05T10:00:00Z CN et al. DOC; FCM; DO; pH.
MCR2011. SS1 LTER I SS Sampling nd 09/05/11 1030 1100 2011-09-05T10:30:00Z CN; SQ DOC; FCM. Only bottles 1; 3; 5 were sampled for DOC from each treatment; start of Day 1.
MCR2011. FF8 LTER I Lagrangian Survey nd 09/05/11 1200 1600 2011-09-05T12:00:00Z SQ; AW DOC; POM; FCM; Nuts; Chl; DO13C. 6 samples for DO13C; did not collect DNA.
MCR2011. TentII LTER I TentII Deployment nd 09/05/11 1230 1330 2011-09-05T12:30:00Z CN et al. nd
MCR2011. TentII LTER I TentII Sampling nd 09/05/11 1330 1600 2011-09-05T13:30:00Z CN;LW DOC; FCM; POM; DNA.
MCR2011. SS2 LTER I SS Water Collection + Filtration nd 09/05/11 1500 1900 2011-09-05T15:00:00Z CN nd
MCR2011. RRR1 LTER I RRR1 Sampling (FCM) nd 09/05/11 1800 1900 2011-09-05T18:00:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. SS1 LTER I SS Sampling nd 09/06/11 0800 1100 2011-09-06T08:00:00Z JS et al. DOC;FCM. Only bottles 1; 3; 5 were sampled for DOC from each treatment; end of Day 1.
MCR2011. RRR1 LTER I RRR1 Sampling (FCM) nd 09/06/11 0900 0930 2011-09-06T09:00:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. SS LTER I SS Monitoring (PAM) nd 09/06/11 1000 1100 2011-09-06T10:00:00Z JS PAM.
MCR2011. FF9 LTER5 Haapiti Lagrangian and Grid nd 09/06/11 1200 1700 2011-09-06T12:00:00Z AW;SQ DOC; FCM; POM; Nuts; Chl; DO13C. Additional grid with bottles labeled C1 - C8 for Craig Nelson.
MCR2011. SandII LTER I Sand Bottle Prelim Sampling nd 09/06/11 1300 1330 2011-09-06T13:00:00Z CN DO.
MCR2011. TentII LTER I Tent Sampling nd 09/06/11 1330 1600 2011-09-06T13:30:00Z CN et al. DOC; FCM.
MCR2011. NBEII LTER1 NBEII Recovery and Sampling nd 09/06/11 1400 1600 2011-09-06T14:00:00Z LW;CN DOC; FCM; DNA; Nuts; DO.
MCR2011. RRS1 LTER1 RRS1 Sand Collection nd 09/06/11 1430 1500 2011-09-06T14:30:00Z AH nd
MCR2011. NBEIII LTER1 Organism Collect (NBEIII and RR2) nd 09/06/11 1500 1530 2011-09-06T15:00:00Z AH et al. Porites.
MCR2011. SS LTER1 SS Water Collection + Filtration nd 09/06/11 1630 1800 2011-09-06T16:30:00Z CN nd
MCR2011. RRR1 LTER1 RRR1 Harvest nd 09/06/11 1800 2000 2011-09-06T18:00:00Z AH; CN DOC; DO; DNA; FCM. DNA collected from pooled samples (both PC and BOD bottles w/silicone grease).
MCR2011. RRS1 LTER1 RR1S Remineralization nd 09/06/11 2000 2100 2011-09-06T20:00:00Z AH FCM; DOC; DO.
MCR2011. RRS1 LTER1 RRS1 Sampling (FCM) nd 09/07/11 0830 0900 2011-09-07T08:30:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. BPE LTER1 Offshore water collection & filtration nd 09/07/11 0900 1000 2011-09-07T09:00:00Z CN;AW 2 count SUPORs collected - water for exudation.
MCR2011. SS2 LTER1 SS2 Monitoring (PAM) nd 09/07/11 1000 1100 2011-09-07T10:00:00Z JS nd
MCR2011. FF10 LTER1 Lagrangian Survey nd 09/07/11 1200 1800 2011-09-07T12:00:00Z CN;AW DO13C collected odd stations; additional sample hand collected reef crest CEN.
MCR2011. TentII LTER1 Tent Recovery and Sampling nd 09/07/11 1330 1600 2011-09-07T13:30:00Z SQ et al. nd
MCR2011. RRS1 LTER1 RRS1 Sampling (FCM) nd 09/07/11 1800 1830 2011-09-07T18:00:00Z AH nd
MCR2011. Sofitel LTER1 Sofitel Sampling (EtOH) nd 09/07/11 1900 2100 2011-09-07T19:00:00Z All nd
MCR2011. BPE LTER1 BPE Exudation nd 09/08/11 0900 1830 2011-09-08T09:00:00Z LW Turf and CCA exuded into 20L Polycarbonate Carboys.
MCR2011. RRS1 LTER1 RRS1 Sampling (FCM) nd 09/08/11 0930 1000 2011-09-08T09:30:00Z AH nd
MCR2011. SS3 LTER1 SS3 Monitoring (PAM) nd 09/08/11 1000 1100 2011-09-08T10:00:00Z JS PAM.
MCR2011. SS4 LTER1 SS Sampling nd 09/08/11 1100 1200 2011-09-08T11:00:00Z CN;SQ DOC; FCM. Only bottles 1; 3; 5 were sampled for DOC from each treatment; Start of Day 4.
MCR2011. NBEIII LTER1 NBE Prep and T0 Sampling nd 09/08/11 1200 1300 2011-09-08T12:00:00Z LW et al. DO; pH; DOC; FCM;. Porites (forgot to collect Ambient DNA offshore 'inoculum').
MCR2011. FF LTER1 Hydro: Casts; DIC sampling; Conductivity calibration nd 09/08/11 1300 1600 2011-09-08T13:00:00Z AW et al. nd
MCR2011. TentIII LTER1 TentIII Deploy and T0 Sampling nd 09/08/11 1400 1500 2011-09-08T14:00:00Z AH et al. DOC; FCM.
MCR2011. BPE LTER1 BPE Control Water Collection (1km offshore) nd 09/08/11 1500 1600 2011-09-08T15:00:00Z AW et al. nd
MCR2011. RRS1 LTER1 RRS1 Harvest nd 09/08/11 1800 1830 2011-09-08T18:00:00Z AH; CN FCM; DO; DOC; DNA. DNA collected from pooled samples (both PC and BOD bottles w/silicone grease).
MCR2011. BPE LTER1 BPE Exudate filtration nd 09/08/11 1830 2000 2011-09-08T18:30:00Z CC et al. 1 count 142mm SUPOR used for CCA and Control; 4 count for Turf.
MCR2011. BPE LTER1 BPE T0 Mixing; burping; and sampling nd 09/08/11 2000 2330 2011-09-08T20:00:00Z CC et al. FCM; DOC; DNA. No stir plates; used flicking method for oxygen; DNA ~ 500ml.
MCR2011. SS LTER1 SS Water Collection + Filtration nd 09/08/11 0800 1100 2011-09-08T08:00:00Z AH; CN nd
MCR2011. BPE LTER1 BPE Oxygen Sampling nd 09/08/11 0830 0900 2011-09-08T08:30:00Z CC et al. DO.
MCR2011. SS4 LTER1 SS4 Sampling (FCM) nd 09/09/11 0900 1000 2011-09-09T09:00:00Z SQ;CN FCM.
MCR2011. FF11 LTER1 Flow and Flux offshore survey nd 09/09/11 0930 1100 2011-09-09T09:30:00Z CC et al. DIC. Very windy.
MCR2011. SS LTER1 SS4 Monitoring (PAM) nd 09/09/11 1000 1030 2011-09-09T10:00:00Z JS PAM.
MCR2011. SS4 LTER1 SS4 Sampling DOC nd 09/09/11 1030 1130 2011-09-09T10:30:00Z CN DOC.
MCR2011. BPE nd BPE Sampling (FCM) nd 09/09/11 1100 1130 2011-09-09T11:00:00Z LW FCM.
MCR2011. SS4 LTER1 SS4 Sampling (DNA pelagic) nd 09/09/11 1130 1230 2011-09-09T11:30:00Z LW et al. DNA. Replicates 1; 3; and 5 only; ~200 mL through sterivex.
MCR2011. FF11 LTER1 Flow and Flux nearshore Survey nd 09/09/11 1300 1700 2011-09-09T13:00:00Z CC et al. DOC; FCM; DNA; Nuts.
MCR2011. TentIII LTER1 TentIII Sampling nd 09/09/11 1430 1700 2011-09-09T14:30:00Z AH; SQ DOC; FCM.
MCR2011. NBE;RR LTER1 Organism collection (NBE IV and RR2) nd 09/09/11 1530 1600 2011-09-09T15:30:00Z JS Turbinaria (NBE IV) and Turf (RR2).
MCR2011. NBEIII LTER1 NBEIII Recovery and Sampling nd 09/09/11 1600 1800 2011-09-09T16:00:00Z LW; CN DOC; FCM; DNA; Nuts. Used Rohwer Rig to filter DOC; collected 6 replicates (Dark) filtered direct 47mm.
MCR2011. BPE nd BPE Sampling nd 09/09/11 1630 1900 2011-09-09T16:30:00Z LW FCM; DOC; DNA; DO. replicate DOC draws; DNA filtered ~ 1L.
MCR2011. BPE nd BPE Sampling (DO) nd 09/10/11 0900 0930 2011-09-10T09:00:00Z CC DO.
MCR2011. BPE nd BPE Sampling (FCM; DOC) nd 09/10/11 1000 1030 2011-09-10T10:00:00Z LW FCM; DOC; DNA.
MCR2011. SS5 nd SS Sampling (PAM) nd 09/10/11 1030 1130 2011-09-10T10:30:00Z JS PAM.
MCR2011. NBEIV nd Offshore water collection (NBEIV; SandBag) = 80L nd 09/10/11 1130 1200 2011-09-10T11:30:00Z AW;CC nd
MCR2011. SS nd SS Sampling (Super Suckers) nd 09/10/11 1200 1330 2011-09-10T12:00:00Z LW;SQ DNA. Replicates 1; 3; and 5 only; ~200 mL through sterivex.
MCR2011. TentIII nd TentIII Sampling nd 09/10/11 1300 1400 2011-09-10T13:00:00Z CN et al. DOC; DNA; Nuts; FCM; POM. Recovered two tents only; left remainder for addtl day; DOCs done on rig.
MCR2011. RR1 nd RR2 Filtration (Reef water for exudation) nd 09/10/11 1300 1800 2011-09-10T13:00:00Z CN nd
MCR2011. NBEIV nd NBEIV T0 Sampling nd 09/10/11 1400 1600 2011-09-10T14:00:00Z LW;SQ FCM; DOC; DO.
MCR2011. SB nd Sand Collection nd 09/10/11 1600 1630 2011-09-10T16:00:00Z CN (32 X 40ml Falcon tubes of surface sand LTER 1 (upper 2-3cm oxic - 1 patch).
MCR2011. SB nd Sand Combustion nd 09/10/11 1700 1800 2011-09-10T17:00:00Z CC nd
MCR2011. RR2 nd RR2 Exudation (Night) nd 09/10/11 1800 1900 2011-09-10T18:00:00Z AH DOC; DO. Extra three 'coral tile/clay controls' to judge DOM released by nubbin platforms.
MCR2011. BPE nd BPE Harvesting nd 09/10/11 1830 2100 2011-09-10T18:30:00Z LW;CN DOC; FCM; DNA; Metagen (142mm); DO.
MCR2011. SB nd Sandbag Experiment Setup nd 09/10/11 1900 2200 2011-09-10T19:00:00Z CC;CN DOC; DO; FCM; DNA. accidentally ran DNA too long on A; C; E (maybe 1-2L ran through?).
MCR2011. RR2 nd RR2 Exudation (daylight) nd 09/11/11 0700 0800 2011-09-11T07:00:00Z AH DOC; DO. Two corals suffering mild hypoxia (< 3mg/L uncorrected for salinity ).
MCR2011. SB nd SB Sampling nd 09/11/11 0800 0830 2011-09-11T08:00:00Z CC FCM; DO.
MCR2011. FF12 nd Haapiti Survey nd 09/11/11 1200 1600 2011-09-11T12:00:00Z CC nd
MCR2011. TentIII nd TentIII recovery nd 09/11/11 1430 1530 2011-09-11T14:30:00Z CN et al. nd
MCR2011. NBEIV nd NBEIV recovery nd 09/11/11 1530 1600 2011-09-11T15:30:00Z CN et al. DOC; Nuts; pH; DO; DNA; FCM. DOCs run through pos. press. rig (not dripped through 47mm cartridge).
MCR2011. NBE;Tent;FF nd NBEIV and TentIII and FF12 sampling nd 09/11/11 1800 2200 2011-09-11T18:00:00Z CN et al. nd
MCR2011. RRR2 nd RRR2 Remineralization setup nd 09/11/11 1830 2330 2011-09-11T18:30:00Z AH DO; pH; DOC; FCM.
MCR2011. SB nd SB Sampling nd 09/11/11 2045 2100 2011-09-11T20:45:00Z CC DOC; DO ; FCM. DOC ARE FILTERED THROUGH GF/F.
MCR2011. SB nd SB Sampling nd 09/12/11 0825 0835 2011-09-12T08:25:00Z CC DO; FCM.
MCR2011. RR2 nd RRR2 Sampling nd 09/12/11 0900 0930 2011-09-12T09:00:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. FF nd Avaroa Instrument Deployment nd 09/12/11 1300 1800 2011-09-12T13:00:00Z JL;AW nd
MCR2011. PW nd Porewater Sampling Test nd 09/12/11 1100 1300 2011-09-12T11:00:00Z CC et al. nd
MCR2011. TentIV nd TentIV Deployment and sampling nd 09/12/11 1600 1800 2011-09-12T16:00:00Z AH et al. nd
MCR2011. SB nd SB Sampling nd 09/12/11 1730 1800 2011-09-12T17:30:00Z CC DOC; DO; FCM; DNA; Sediment. 40ml sediment slurries frozen -80 for DNA analysis.
MCR2011. RRR2 nd RRR2 Sampling nd 09/12/11 1800 1830 2011-09-12T18:00:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. RRR2 nd RRR2 Sampling nd 09/12/11 0800 0830 2011-09-12T08:00:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. FF13 nd FF13 OFfshore sites nd 09/13/11 0830 1000 2011-09-13T08:30:00Z CC et al. nd
MCR2011. NBEV nd Offshore water collection for NBE V nd 09/13/11 0900 0930 2011-09-13T09:00:00Z CC et al. nd
MCR2011. Tent nd Fluorescein Test on tent nd 09/13/11 0930 1000 2011-09-13T09:30:00Z CN et al. nd
MCR2011. Benthic nd Benthic cover transect test nd 09/13/11 1000 1045 2011-09-13T10:00:00Z AH nd
MCR2011. PW/NBEV nd Porewater collection nd 09/13/11 1030 1130 2011-09-13T10:30:00Z SQ;CN nd
MCR2011. FF13 nd FF13 Lagrangian nd 09/13/11 1300 1500 2011-09-13T13:00:00Z CC et al. DOC; DNA; Nuts; FCM; POM; Chl.
MCR2011. PW/NBEV nd Porewater Experiment (NBE V) setup nd 09/13/11 1400 1800 2011-09-13T14:00:00Z CN DO; DOC. Collected Porewater samples before pooling.
MCR2011. TentIV nd Tent Sampling (TentIV Tf) and RRS2 Sand Collection nd 09/13/11 1700 1800 2011-09-13T17:00:00Z AH; SQ DOC; POM; FCM; DNA. DNA = 400ml.
MCR2011. NBEV nd NBE V Deployment nd 09/13/11 1800 1830 2011-09-13T18:00:00Z AH; SQ DOC; DO; pH; FCM.
MCR2011. RRR2 nd RRR2 Harvest and RRS2 Inoculation nd 09/13/11 1900 2200 2011-09-13T19:00:00Z AH DO; pH; DOC; FCM; DNA (pooled = 6). Control Light DNA sample appeared to have rust from filtering Niskin Bottle.
MCR2011. RRS2 nd RRS2 Sampling nd 09/14/11 0830 0900 2011-09-14T08:30:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. FF nd Avaroa Instrument Deployment nd 09/14/11 0900 1000 2011-09-14T09:00:00Z JL et al. nd
MCR2011. FF14 nd Haapiti Survey nd 09/14/11 1200 1600 2011-09-14T12:00:00Z JL;AW DOC; POC; FCM; Nuts.
MCR2011. BUB nd BUB Collected water for bubble exp nd 09/14/11 1600 2000 2011-09-14T16:00:00Z CC; CN DOC; POC.
MCR2011. TentV nd Tent Deployment nd 09/14/11 1630 1700 2011-09-14T16:30:00Z CN et al. Fluor; DOC; FCM; Nuts. Deployed additional tents with Fluorescein 5mg/L (1 tarp; 1 sand); T0 samples.
MCR2011. NBEV nd NBE V Recovery and sampling nd 09/14/11 1700 2200 2011-09-14T17:00:00Z SQ;AH DOC; FCM; DNA; Nuts; DO; pH.
MCR2011. TentV nd Fluorescein tent sampling nd 09/15/11 0900 0930 2011-09-15T09:00:00Z CN et al. Fluor. T1 samples (10ml after 60ml line flush).
MCR2011. FF nd Instrument Deployment nd 09/15/11 1000 1200 2011-09-15T10:00:00Z JL; AW nd
MCR2011. FF nd LTER1 Benthic Survey nd 09/15/11 1400 1800 2011-09-15T14:00:00Z JL; AW nd
MCR2011. TentV nd Tent Sampling nd 09/15/11 1600 1700 2011-09-15T16:00:00Z AH; SQ FCM; DOC.
MCR2011. TentV nd Fluorescein Tent Sampling nd 09/15/11 1700 1715 2011-09-15T17:00:00Z AH; SQ Fluor. T2 samples.
MCR2011. RRS2 nd RR Harvesting nd 09/15/11 1800 2000 2011-09-15T18:00:00Z AH FCM; DO; pH; DOC.
MCR2011. TentV nd Fluorescein tent sampling nd 09/16/11 0830 0900 2011-09-16T08:30:00Z AH; SQ Fluor. T3 Samples.
MCR2011. FF nd Haapiti Instrument deployment nd 09/16/11 1000 1400 2011-09-16T10:00:00Z JL ADCP.
MCR2011. TentVI nd Niskin Fluorescein Experiment Deployment (see Tent worksheet) nd 09/16/11 1600 1630 2011-09-16T16:00:00Z CN et al. Fluor.
MCR2011. Tent V nd Tent Recovery and Sampling and FLuor tent sampling nd 09/16/11 1630 1730 2011-09-16T16:30:00Z CN et al. DOC; Nuts; FCM; DNA. Not collecting POC - saving for Tent VI.
MCR2011. RR3 nd RR3 Exudation (Dark) nd 09/16/11 1800 1900 2011-09-16T18:00:00Z AH DO; pH; DOC.
MCR2011. RR3 nd RR3 Exudation (Light) nd 09/17/11 0700 0730 2011-09-17T07:00:00Z AH DO; pH; DOC.
MCR2011. NBE;Tent nd Offshore Water collection (140L) nd 09/17/11 1000 1100 2011-09-17T10:00:00Z SQ; JL nd
MCR2011. TentVI nd Tent Deployment nd 09/17/11 1130 0230 2011-09-17T11:30:00Z CN et al. DOC; FCM; Nuts. Offshore pumping 80L into Tent Logger 3 - Took about an hour to pump via Whale
MCR2011. NBEVI nd NBEVI Setup and Filtration nd 09/17/11 1500 1700 2011-09-17T15:00:00Z CN DOC; FCM; Inoculum DNA (offshore); DO; pH.
MCR2011. FF nd Benthic Surveys nd 09/17/11 1600 1800 2011-09-17T16:00:00Z JL 9 transescts T1-1 through T1-9.
MCR2011. NBEVI nd NBEVI Deployment in Reef nd 09/17/11 1700 1730 2011-09-17T17:00:00Z CN et al. nd
MCR2011. RR3 nd RR3 Exudation Harvest and Remineralization Setup nd 09/17/11 1800 1900 2011-09-17T18:00:00Z AH DOC; FCM; DO; pH.
MCR2011. nd nd RR3 FCM Sampling nd 09/18/11 0800 0830 2011-09-18T08:00:00Z AH FCM.
MCR2011. TentVI nd Tent Sampling nd 09/18/11 1300 1400 2011-09-18T13:00:00Z SQ et al. DOC; FCM. Stormy weather (high winds; relatively calm at depth); ALl harvested through 47mm GF/F
MCR2011. TentVI nd Fluorescein Bottle Harvest nd 09/18/11 1400 1430 2011-09-18T14:00:00Z CN Fluor. Syringes lost in storm...capped ends of sand open bottles with Bot 5; sampled lab
MCR2011. NBEVI nd NBE Recovery and Sampling nd 09/18/11 1700 1900 2011-09-18T17:00:00Z CN DOC; DO; pH; Nuts; FCM; DNA. Whirl-pak bags (PC bottle - pour spout) and Niskins all harvested through 47mm GF/F
MCR2011. FF nd Benthic Surveys nd 09/19/11 1000 1300 2011-09-19T10:00:00Z AH; SQ 9 transescts T3-1 through T3-9
MCR2011. TentVI nd Tent Sampling nd 09/19/11 1330 1400 2011-09-19T13:30:00Z AH et al. DOC; FCM.
MCR2011. RR3 nd RR3 Harvest nd 09/19/11 1700 1800 2011-09-19T17:00:00Z AH nd
MCR2011. FF nd Benthic Surveys nd 09/20/11 0900 1300 2011-09-20T09:00:00Z AH nd
MCR2011. TentVI nd Tent Recovery and Sampling nd 09/20/11 1300 1330 2011-09-20T13:00:00Z AH;CN DOC; FCM; Nuts; DNA; POM.