/BCO-DMO/DeZoZoo/cruise_data --cruise eq DZZ1101,station eq 10-- Level 2

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#  Master DeZoZoo Database
#  Cruise Log 
#  Note: South station near mouth of Rappohannock River
#    North station near mouth of Choptank River
cruise    cruise_official  
DZZ1101   HRS110525JP      
station  lat       lon         
10       38.5110   -76.403     
sample_ID     cast  net  occupation  year  month_local  day_local  time_local  gear            mesh  depth_relative  depth_start_nom  depth_end_nom  preservation  tow_duration  vol_filt  O2_mg_L_mean  time_accuracy  ISO_DateTime_Local        comments  
10-MOC-1-1    1     1    North       2011  5            30         08:18       Mocness_Trawl   200   bottom          nd               nd             Formalin      nd            46.0      1.8           nd             2011-05-30T08:18:00       nd        
10-MOC-1-2    1     2    North       2011  5            30         08:21       Mocness_Trawl   200   Bot_to_Pyc      nd               nd             Ethanol       5             80.0      1.1           nd             2011-05-30T08:21:00       nd        
10-MOC-1-3    1     3    North       2011  5            30         08:26       Mocness_Trawl   200   pycnocline      nd               nd             Formalin      nd            53.0      4.1           nd             2011-05-30T08:26:00       nd        
10-MOC-1-4    1     4    North       2011  5            30         08:30       Mocness_Trawl   200   surface         nd               nd             Formalin      nd            48.0      7.1           nd             2011-05-30T08:30:00       nd        
10-MOC-1-5    1     5    North       2011  5            30         08:33       Mocness_Trawl   200   Pyc_to_Sfc      nd               nd             Ethanol       5             89.0      6.7           nd             2011-05-30T08:33:00       nd        
10-TT-1-1     1     1    North       2011  5            30         09:00       Tucker_Trawl    1000  bottom          18               15             Ethanol       2             203.0     0.4           0              2011-05-30T09:00:00       nd        
10-TT-1-2     1     2    North       2011  5            30         09:02       Tucker_Trawl    1000  Below_Pyc       18               12             Ethanol       2             116.0     1.2           50             2011-05-30T09:02:00       nd        
10-TT-2-1     2     1    North       2011  5            30         09:12       Tucker_Trawl    1000  pycnocline      12               10             Ethanol       2             138.5     5.2           75             2011-05-30T09:12:00       nd        
10-TT-2-2     2     2    North       2011  5            30         09:14       Tucker_Trawl    1000  surface         10               0              Ethanol       2             185.0     8.0           100            2011-05-30T09:14:00       nd