/BCO-DMO/Deep_Atlantic_DOM/nutrients ---- Level 0

# Inorganic and organic nutrients from Niskin bottles
# PI: Elizabeth Kujawinski (WHOI)
# Co-PI & Contact: Krista Longnecker (WHOI)
# Version History:
# 25 July 2016 - removed one questionable NPOC value per request of PI (cast 18 Dec 2013 - original version
# Noiginal version
# Note: Inorganic nutrient values below zero should be considered as
# below the detection limit for the instrument
cast station date_start_utc time_start_utc event_start lat_start lon_start
2 2 20130327 1609 20130327.1609.001 -37.997297 -45.000042
3 2 20130328 1230 20130328.1230.001 -37.996300 -44.998833
4 2 20130328 2309 20130328.2309.001 -37.997826 -44.998981
5 2 20130329 1202 20130329.1202.001 -37.998253 -44.998872
8 2 20130329 1905 20130329.1905.001 -38.002600 -44.999921
9 3 20130331 525 20130331.0525.001 -34.500238 -42.500482
11 4 20130401 1101 20130401.1101.001 -31.249425 -41.003524
13 5 20130402 1530 20130402.1544.001 -28.236990 -38.493942
15 5 20130402 1808 20130402.1808.001 -28.235681 -38.525233
17 6 20130404 1525 20130404.1525.001 -24.994597 -35.997645
18 7 20130405 2046 20130405.2046.001 -22.493735 -33.013326
27 8 20130409 2252 20130409.2252.001 -16.999109 -29.000582
28 9 20130411 540 20130411.0540.001 -13.495091 -27.496312
32 10 20130412 2048 20130412.2048.001 -9.498914 -25.999497
33 11 20130414 1327 20130414.1327.001 -5.700542 -24.000749
35 12 20130415 1230 20130415.1230.001 -5.699596 -25.995643
37 12 20130415 1706 20130415.1706.001 -5.702476 -25.995786
38 13 20130416 1428 20130416.1428.001 -5.700148 -28.499966
39 14 20130417 1137 20130417.1137.001 -3.882930 -28.505928
42 15 20130417 2317 20130417.2317.001 -2.699884 -28.502454
43 15 20130418 1731 20130418.1731.001 -2.699512 -28.502444
48 16 20130422 1308 20130422.1308.001 0.001492 -33.497829
51 17 20130424 505 20130424.0505.001 1.499600 -36.998066
54 18 20130425 1140 20130425.1140.001 3.503780 -38.998575
57 19 20130427 758 20130427.0758.001 5.921045 -41.296092
60 20 20130428 1725 20130428.1725.001 5.912289 -44.998309
61 21 20130430 834 20130430.0834.001 6.499247 -47.999910
63 22 20130501 1105 20130501.1105.001 8.251115 -49.999811
68 23 20130504 334 20130504.0334.001 9.700333 -55.299250
74 23 20130506 1404 20130506.1404.001 9.699033 -55.299424