/BCO-DMO/Deep_Atlantic_DOM/nutrients --cast eq 38-- Level 1

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# Inorganic and organic nutrients from Niskin bottles
# PI: Elizabeth Kujawinski (WHOI)
# Co-PI & Contact: Krista Longnecker (WHOI)
# Version History:
#   25 July 2016 - remoper request of Pable NPOC value inal vquest of PI (cast 18 Dec 2013 - original version
# Noiginal version
# Note: Inorganic nutrient values below zero should be considered as 
#       below the detection limit for the instrument
cast  station  date_start_utc  time_start_utc  event_start         lat_start    lon_start     
38    13       20130416        1428            20130416.1428.001   -5.700148    -28.499966    
niskin  depth      press     bots  PO4      NO3_NO2   silicate  NO2      NH4      NPOC              TN                
1       5525.102   5628.741  1     2.2845   32.6448   117.582   0.0234   0.0224   42.8102839602154  34.6892200767025  
4       2504.771   2533.938  4     1.494    21.1274   28.8805   0.0381   2.7319   44.5025784262874  24.2695873500965  
7       775.969    781.767   7     2.413    35.7392   29.3983   0.023    0.0516   44.4829005836587  39.4832295002114  
12      250.337    251.887   12    1.9857   30.8353   13.1759   0.0178   0.0311   46.4190160116132  32.1783106785436  
17      112.326    112.983   17    0.8404   10.0791   3.1862    0.6903   0.0307   59.1232154994445  12.8544638911598  
21      5.789      5.822     21    0.1146   0.0628    0.4981    0.0075   0.0102   76.0264823175358  3.92929022463742