/BCO-DMO/Deep_Atlantic_DOM/nutrients --cast eq 57-- Level 1

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# Inorganic and organic nutrients from Niskin bottles
# PI: Elizabeth Kujawinski (WHOI)
# Co-PI & Contact: Krista Longnecker (WHOI)
# Version History:
#   25 July 2016 - remoper request of Pable NPOC value inal vquest of PI (cast 18 Dec 2013 - original version
# Noiginal version
# Note: Inorganic nutrient values below zero should be considered as 
#       below the detection limit for the instrument
cast  station  date_start_utc  time_start_utc  event_start         lat_start    lon_start     
57    19       20130427        758             20130427.0758.001   5.921045     -41.296092    
niskin  depth      press     bots  PO4      NO3_NO2   silicate  NO2      NH4      NPOC              TN                
1       4661.181   4739.257  1     1.8839   27.1059   79.6103   0.0244   0.0912   44.1754391683767  29.5337701718912  
4       3500.209   3549.274  4     1.4654   20.394    33.8109   0.015    0.0225   43.7123680706795  21.656670568806   
6       2501.17    2530.285  6     1.4      20.0066   25.2923   0.0322   0.0227   44.0355240717946  21.7117434867822  
9       1803.271   1821.24   9     1.3963   20.2576   18.555    0.0256   0.0221   47.3040991273366  23.1833372512514  
10      782.057    787.916   10    2.3949   35.2958   28.1331   0.0278   0.0223   40.9449775884027  36.7322832461193  
13      250.175    251.725   13    1.8405   27.1525   13.7688   0.0334   0.0218   46.5385141895227  29.4530801744813  
18      100.611    101.197   18    0.8409   11.5319   4.906     0.0763   0.0119   58.5568804229467  16.4493649654571  
22      5.677      5.709     22    0.1051   0.1433    3.1379    0.0239   0.0311   70.5578184178614  3.40837892112425