/BCO-DMO/Deep_Atlantic_DOM/nutrients --event_start eq 20130430.0834.001-- Level 1

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# Inorganic and organic nutrients from Niskin bottles
# PI: Elizabeth Kujawinski (WHOI)
# Co-PI & Contact: Krista Longnecker (WHOI)
# Version History:
#   25 July 2016 - removed one questionable NPOC value per request of PI (cast 18, niskin 21)
#   15 Dec 2013 - original version
# Note: Inorganic nutrient values below zero should be considered as 
#       below the detection limit for the instrument
cast  station  date_start_utc  time_start_utc  event_start         lat_start    lon_start     
61    21       20130430        834             20130430.0834.001   6.499247     -47.999910    
niskin  depth      press     bots  PO4      NO3_NO2   silicate  NO2      NH4      NPOC              TN                
1       3968.058   4028.113  1     1.4419   20.1121   34.5288   0.0361   0.0353   41.3092625351143  22.1211986595618  
5       2502.223   2531.385  5     1.404    19.7831   24.5676   0.0239   0.0253   43.2364474144918  20.8401546979414  
9       802.866    808.93    9     2.4319   35.4835   28.6591   0.0267   0.0741   48.5762524182955  36.9492624943367  
16      252.071    253.636   16    1.7262   25.5105   11.9459   0.0295   0.0249   46.5620164441492  26.436042059263   
18      98.771     99.347    18    0.1487   0.034     1.8165    0.0272   0.0247   74.3243442274448  5.49692075492899  
22      5.78       5.812     22    0.1423   0.0326    1.6441    0.03     0.0244   71.6741755126227  2.96540110261996