/BCO-DMO/Deep_Atlantic_DOM/nutrients --lat_start eq -16.999109-- Level 1

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# Inorganic and organic nutrients from Niskin bottles
# PI: Elizabeth Kujawinski (WHOI)
# Co-PI & Contact: Krista Longnecker (WHOI)
# Version History:
#   25 July 2016 - removed one questionable NPOC value per request of PI (cast 18, niskin 21)
#   15 Dec 2013 - original version
# Note: Inorganic nutrient values below zero should be considered as 
#       below the detection limit for the instrument
cast  station  date_start_utc  time_start_utc  event_start         lat_start    lon_start     
27    8        20130409        2252            20130409.2252.001   -16.999109   -29.000582    
niskin  depth      press     bots  PO4      NO3_NO2   silicate  NO2      NH4      NPOC              TN                
1       5055.593   5146.984  1     2.343    33.6238   120.3868  0.0397   0.1894   38.8298206931934  35.0182088757922  
5       2504.599   2534.78   5     1.5808   21.7016   34.0338   0.0255   0.0275   43.2740937537901  23.4296352320601  
9       800.636    806.989   9     2.2928   33.3573   32.3872   0.0362   0.0462   42.7551882453413  37.326405268897   
15      250.368    252.019   15    0.7329   7.4844    2.8717    0.042    0.0448   57.2590843491968  5.47335293561591  
17      159.364    160.379   17    0.3179   0.0809    1.046     0.0228   0.0133   67.9923102680154  3.28645743037772  
21      5.581      5.614     21    0.2216   0.0128    0.849     0.0236   0.0421   80.2921010350535  -0.582144637561226