/BCO-DMO/Deep_Atlantic_DOM/nutrients --time_start_utc eq 2309-- Level 1

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# Inorganic and organic nutrients from Niskin bottles
# PI: Elizabeth Kujawinski (WHOI)
# Co-PI & Contact: Krista Longnecker (WHOI)
# Version History:
#   25 July 2016 - removed one questionable NPOC value per request of PI (cast 18, niskin 21)
#   15 Dec 2013 - original version
# Note: Inorganic nutrient values below zero should be considered as 
#       below the detection limit for the instrument
cast  station  date_start_utc  time_start_utc  event_start         lat_start    lon_start     
4     2        20130328        2309            20130328.2309.001   -37.997826   -44.998981    
niskin  depth      press     bots  PO4      NO3_NO2   silicate  NO2      NH4      NPOC              TN                
1       1997.181   2021.96   1     2.1096   29.3272   54.9077   0.0279   0.1465   43.6797075405155  30.7738007289827  
2       1473.625   1490.041  2     2.4022   34.5652   55.9738   0.0337   0.0343   41.2981009299274  36.3448887060556  
4       755.341    762.434   4     1.8755   27.554    14.5476   0.0295   0.0329   43.4832863767557  27.2354070138148  
20      150.729    151.921   20    0.4768   4.8796    2.1876    0.0525   0.1686   57.2389060013122  6.73530895763992