/BCO-DMO/ESAS_Water_Column_Methane/water_column_samples ---- Level 1

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#  Water Column Data
#  S. Joye and V. Samarkin, PIs
#  Version 4 October 2016
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
2        66.2085    169.4496   2011/09/12   56         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
52.7          3            nd     33.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.8    0.028   
39.8          3            nd     33.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     9      0.036   
19            3.1          nd     33.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     8.4    0.023   
14.1          3.1          nd     33        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     8.3    0.033   
9.3           4            nd     32.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.7    0.027   
3             4            nd     32.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     8.3    0.03    
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
3        67.7849    171.2858   2011/09/13   48         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
47            3.2          7.8    32.9      538    27.4   76     36     10     19.7                    0.2                     5.7                     2.4    Below_detection_limit   2.6  28     6.7    0.151   
40            3.2          8      32.9      537    27.2   67     29     10     15.6                    0.1                     3                       2.2    0.3                     1.9  49.2   5.9    0.027   
31            3.7          8.1    32.7      539    27.3   61     25     8      15.8                    0.1                     1.6                     1.8    0.1                     1.8  26.9   5.8    0.025   
20            4.2          8.1    32.4      540    27.3   73     27     9      15.1                    0.1                     2.4                     1.9    0.1                     1.8  28.5   6.3    0.008   
10            4.3          8.1    32.2      546    27.6   73     23     9      12.6                    0.1                     1.5                     1.6    0.2                     1.5  19.8   4.8    0.009   
3             4.4          8.1    32.2      549    27.7   65     21     7      12.2                    0.1                     0.9                     1.6    0.2                     1.4  18.5   5.8    0.012   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
5        70.3746    174.3325   2011/09/14   55         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
51            2.8          7.9    32.3      533    26.9   69     27     11     9.6                     0.4                     7.2                     3.6    1.3                     2.2  38.1   6.3    0.1     
39            2.8          7.9    32.3      531    26.8   112    31     11     9                       0.4                     10.4                    2.6    0.4                     2.2  34.3   6.1    0.078   
30            3.7          8.1    31.9      523    26.5   66     16     9      3.3                     0.2                     4.5                     1.9    0.3                     1.7  10.5   5.7    nd      
25            4.5          8.1    31.7      522    26.4   69     12     7      1.7                     0.1                     3.4                     1.7    0.5                     1.3  5.2    6.3    0.011   
14            5.7          8.2    31.2      513    25.9   81     8      7      0.3                     Below_detection_limit   0.3                     1.7    0.9                     0.9  0.5    10.3   nd      
3             5.8          8.2    31.1      505    25.4   82     9      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.8                     1.2    0.4                     0.8  nd     7.7    0.005   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
8        72.6399    175.4079   2011/09/15   52         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
49            -1.6         7.6    32.5      527    26.6   73     23     7      13.6                    Below_detection_limit   2.5                     4.3    1.9                     2.4  42.9   18.2   0.043   
40            -1.6         7.7    32.5      528    26.5   75     24     7      13.7                    Below_detection_limit   2.9                     2.3    Below_detection_limit   2.3  42.5   17.9   0.027   
30            -1.5         7.8    32.1      536    26.9   77     11     7      3.6                     Below_detection_limit   0.2                     1.7    0.2                     1.5  19.8   25.3   0.017   
20            -1           8.1    30.9      507    25.5   73     9      8      0.1                     Below_detection_limit   1.5                     1.2    0.3                     0.9  3.9    28.9   0.003   
10            -0.1         8.1    26.3      433    21.7   68     7      6      0.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.7                     1      0.2                     0.8  3.8    10.3   0.002   
3             -0.1         8.2    26.3      429    21.4   68     8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.7                     2      1                       1    2      13.3   0.002   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
10       71.8669    166.7672   2011/09/16   26         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
26            0.8          8      29        470    23.8   88     8      7      0.3                     Below_detection_limit   1                       1.5    0.1                     1.4  13.3   11.1   0.016   
24            1.4          8.1    28.4      462    23.1   82     7      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   nd     nd                      0.9  7.5    12     0.012   
22            1.9          8.2    28.3      462    23.3   82     8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.8                     1.4    0.4                     1    7.2    8.5    0.006   
20            1.8          8.2    28.3      460    23.1   81     6      5      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.6                     5.3    4.4                     0.9  7      7.6    0.009   
14            1.9          8.2    28.2      453    22.7   81     7      6      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.7                     3.3    2.3                     0.9  7.2    6.8    0.006   
3             1.9          8.2    28.2      460    23.1   85     9      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.4                     1.6    0.6                     1    7.5    7.1    0.022   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
12       72.5671    158.501    2011/09/17   23         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
23            2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     8      0.202   
21            2.2          8      28.8      472    23.7   103    7      7      0.4                     Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.5    0.1                     1.4  15.8   7.4    0.061   
15            2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.7    nd      
10            2.2          8.2    28.8      465    23.3   100    6      6      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.6    0.2                     1.4  15.7   7.6    0.057   
6             2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.8    nd      
3             2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.5    0.051   
3             2.2          8.1    28.8      471    23.7   98     8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.1                     1.5    0.1                     1.4  15.6   7.2    nd      
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
13       72.9666    153.5667   2011/09/17   28         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
28            -0.8         nd     27.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     23.3   0.095   
26            -0.8         7.4    27.1      442    22.1   126    11     7      2.6                     0.1                     1.3                     1.8    Below_detection_limit   1.9  36.8   30.7   0.092   
20            -0.9         7.6    26.6      437    21.9   130    10     7      2                       0.1                     1.4                     3.8    2                       1.9  33.1   31.2   0.069   
15            1.6          7.9    24.6      390    19.5   138    9      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.2                     1.5    Below_detection_limit   1.5  20.9   33.3   0.072   
13            1            8      23.4      366    18.3   141    8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.3                     1.6    0.3                     1.2  17.8   17.7   0.034   
10            0.4          7.9    21.8      351    17.4   144    8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.2    Below_detection_limit   1.2  16.4   24.1   0.011   
4             0.5          7.9    20.3      329    16.3   153    7      nd     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   nd                      1.2    0.1                     1    16.2   12     0.004   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
15       74.3997    144.8272   2011/09/18   18         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
18            2.3          nd     20.5      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.5    0.198   
16            2.3          7.9    20.5      333    16.5   188    11     9      0.1                     Below_detection_limit   1.2                     1      Below_detection_limit   1    22.5   10.5   0.139   
10            2.1          7.8    19.9      322    15.9   185    9      9      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.6                     1.2    0.2                     1    21.1   7.9    0.077   
4             1.9          7.9    19.5      314    15.5   188    10     9      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.2                     1      Below_detection_limit   1    20.7   4.6    0.042   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
19       76.3502    132.3421   2011/09/19   47         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
47            -1.4         nd     33.4      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     5.2    0.097   
44            -1.4         7.9    33.4      563    27.8   90     14     6      7.7                     Below_detection_limit   0.9                     4      3                       0.9  12.1   4.5    0.022   
36            -1.4         7.8    33.3      553    27.3   89     14     5      7.4                     Below_detection_limit   1.1                     1.2    0.2                     1    12     4.5    0.015   
31            -1.1         7.8    32.8      539    26.5   105    13     nd     7.8                     Below_detection_limit   nd                      1      Below_detection_limit   1    16.3   5      nd      
17            5.2          8      25.8      426    20.7   212    10     10     0.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.9                     0.5    Below_detection_limit   0.6  11.8   11.4   0.026   
10            4            8      18.7      309    14.8   309    12     11     0.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.5                     0.3    Below_detection_limit   0.3  21.6   3.4    0.024   
3             4            8.1    18.6      304    14.6   315    13     11     0.2                     Below_detection_limit   1.2                     0.4    0.1                     0.3  21.7   3.6    0.018   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
21       77.2102    130.4712   2011/09/20   67         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
67            -1.2         nd     34        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     8.2    0.118   
63            -1.2         7.9    34        544    nd     85     13     nd     7.9                     Below_detection_limit   nd                      0.8    Below_detection_limit   0.9  8.7    63.1   0.431   
52            -1.4         7.8    33.8      556    27.4   86     13     nd     7                       Below_detection_limit   nd                      1      0.2                     0.9  8.1    8.3    0.08    
35            -1.6         nd     33        519    25.5   107    12     8      2.9                     0.1                     1.6                     0.7    0.1                     0.6  2.5    6.9    0.013   
19            6            nd     25.5      363    17.6   281    10     10     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.2                     0.3    Below_detection_limit   0.3  15     4.3    0.011   
14            3.7          nd     21.3      350    16.9   284    11     10     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.9                     0.3    Below_detection_limit   0.3  16.1   7.6    0.017   
4             3.7          nd     21.3      351    16.9   290    11     10     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1                       0.5    0.3                     0.2  16.2   7.7    0.027   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
23       77.3829    131.3979   2011/09/20   68         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
68            -1.4         nd     33.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     5.8    0.131   
63            -1.4         7.9    33.8      562    27.7   80     13     6      7.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.8                     0.9    Below_detection_limit   0.9  8      5.6    0.037   
56            -1.5         7.8    33.5      559    27.5   92     13     6      6                       Below_detection_limit   1.2                     1.2    0.4                     0.8  6.5    7      0.037   
45            -1.7         7.8    33.1      550    27     121    12     7      4.7                     Below_detection_limit   0.2                     0.8    0.2                     0.7  5.2    5.7    0.015   
35            -1.6         7.9    32.9      554    27.2   105    11     7      1.9                     0.1                     1.4                     0.7    0.1                     0.6  1.8    10.3   0.025   
19            4.3          8      24.2      386    18.7   261    10     10     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.1                     0.3    Below_detection_limit   0.3  12.5   3.8    0.019   
4             3.9          8      22.1      364    17.6   299    11     10     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.8                     1.9    1.7                     0.3  14.3   4.3    0.02    
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
30       76.3919    125.755    2011/09/21   nd         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
50            -1.6         nd     33.4      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     1.8    nd      
44.7          -1.6         nd     33.4      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     2.1    0.033   
35.3          -1.7         nd     33.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     24.9   0.289   
28.9          -1.7         nd     33        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     43.9   0.162   
24.2          -1.7         nd     32.6      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     11.9   0.041   
18.6          -1.4         nd     31.6      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     3.6    0.006   
16.2          1.7          nd     29.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     3.4    0.011   
9.3           3.3          nd     22        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     3.1    0.007   
4.1           3.3          nd     21.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     2.8    0.007   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
34       76.7201    126.396    2011/09/22   67         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
67            -1.2         nd     34        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     32.5   0.582   
63            -1.2         8      34        564    28.1   75     14     6      7.5                     Below_detection_limit   1                       1      0.2                     0.9  7      28.3   0.534   
50            -1.5         7.9    33.6      557    27.7   67     14     6      7.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.9                     0.8    0.1                     0.7  7      58.7   0.49    
39            -1.7         7.8    33        546    27     102    11     6      5.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.6    0.9                     0.7  6.5    72.2   0.303   
29.7          -1.5         nd     32.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     21.9   nd      
19            3.5          8      30.3      498    24.5   148    12     9      0.2                     0.1                     1.8                     nd     nd                      0.5  5      45.2   0.185   
10            3.5          8      20.2      336    16.4   307    12     12     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.1                     0.5    0.1                     0.4  19.1   7.8    0.052   
4             3.3          8.1    19.8      323    15.7   309    12     12     0.3                     Below_detection_limit   0.1                     0.4    Below_detection_limit   0.3  20.7   4.3    0.017   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
41       76.8574    125.0406   2011/09/23   86         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
86            -1.1         nd     34.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.8    0.158   
79.4          -1.1         8      34.3      563    27.9   67     14     6      7.9                     Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.8    1.1                     0.7  4.6    8      0.079   
69.3          -1.2         7.9    34.3      570    28.2   42     15     5      8.4                     Below_detection_limit   0.9                     1      0.3                     0.7  4.6    11.3   0.093   
59.4          -1.2         8      34.2      563    27.9   56     15     6      8.1                     Below_detection_limit   1                       1      0.2                     0.7  4.3    2.7    0.024   
50.1          -1.3         8      34        562    27.8   44     14     6      7.5                     Below_detection_limit   0.4                     0.7    Below_detection_limit   0.7  3.9    2.3    0.014   
39.7          -1.3         8      33.6      555    27.4   45     14     6      6.9                     Below_detection_limit   0.9                     0.9    0.2                     0.7  4.6    2.1    0.013   
29.3          -0.9         8.1    33.1      503    27.1   98     10     8      1.2                     0.1                     1                       0.6    0.1                     0.4  3.5    3.9    0.019   
18.9          3.6          8.1    30.6      409    20.2   72     13     8      1.3                     0.1                     3.1                     0.6    0.2                     0.4  3.6    4.1    0.021   
11.1          3            8.1    24.4      513    25.4   170    11     10     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.7                     0.3    Below_detection_limit   0.3  12     2.7    0.009   
4             2.8          8      22.5      369    18.1   127    12     11     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.7                     0.9    0.6                     0.3  16.3   2.6    nd      
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
43       77.1429    126.3685   2011/09/23   651        
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
638.5         0.2          nd     34.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     23.8   0.016   
548.1         0.6          nd     34.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     9.7    nd      
448.9         1.3          nd     34.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     4.3    nd      
329.3         1.9          nd     34.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     2.9    0.001   
268.3         0.6          nd     34.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     5.2    nd      
149.1         -0.8         nd     34.5      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     6      nd      
99.6          -1.3         nd     34.4      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     4.4    0.006   
73.2          -1.5         nd     34.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     4.3    nd      
49.5          -1.2         nd     34        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     5.9    nd      
15            3.2          nd     30.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     4.1    nd      
3.4           2.5          nd     24        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     5.5    nd      
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
46       76.8966    127.8116   2011/09/24   65         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
57.1          -1.2         nd     34.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     26.9   0.17    
54.4          -1.3         nd     34        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     28.7   nd      
55.6          -1.2         nd     34.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     15.1   nd      
56.6          -1.2         nd     34.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     12.7   nd      
52            -1.4         nd     33.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     20.5   nd      
51.3          -1.5         nd     33.6      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     32.8   nd      
45.1          -1.7         nd     33.2      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     73.6   nd      
45.9          -1.7         nd     33.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     55.6   nd      
41.4          -1.7         nd     33        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     176.7  0.233   
39.5          -1.7         nd     33        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     191.4  nd      
34.2          -1.7         nd     32.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     33     nd      
29.1          -1.6         nd     32.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     49.5   nd      
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
47       76.8973    127.8116   2011/09/24   65         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
65            -1.2         nd     34.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     65.1   0.653   
62.2          -1.2         nd     34.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     54.8   nd      
60.1          -1.2         nd     34.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     78     nd      
55.9          -1.2         nd     34        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     57.4   nd      
46            -1.6         nd     33.2      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     56.9   0.175   
40.6          -1.7         nd     33.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     20.5   nd      
37            -1.7         nd     32.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     77.1   nd      
33.7          -1.7         nd     32.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     54.9   nd      
29.5          -1.6         nd     32.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     94.8   0.154   
26.2          -0.5         nd     32.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     26.4   nd      
21.2          2.6          nd     30.5      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     31.2   0.101   
15.2          3.3          nd     22.4      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     11.2   nd      
5.8           1.9          nd     19.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     6.4    0.025   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
63       72.4194    130.6566   2011/09/27   15         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
15            3.4          8      18.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     8.4    0.17    
15            3.4          8      18.7      300    nd     242    11     11     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.2                     3.5    3.1                     0.4  23.2   6.5    0.075   
12            3.4          7.9    18.7      307    nd     285    11     10     0.3                     Below_detection_limit   0.4                     1.7    1.3                     0.4  23.2   4.9    0.048   
9             3.4          8      18.7      303    nd     364    13     11     0.2                     Below_detection_limit   2.2                     0.4    Below_detection_limit   0.4  23.3   5.2    0.073   
6             3.4          8      18.7      303    nd     350    12     10     0.2                     Below_detection_limit   1.5                     0.4    Below_detection_limit   0.4  23.5   5.2    0.056   
3             3.4          8      18.7      308    nd     159    14     13     0.3                     Below_detection_limit   1                       0.5    Below_detection_limit   0.4  23.7   10.9   0.094   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
65       71.689     130.3668   2011/09/28   13         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
13            3            7.9    15.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     23     0.76    
12            3            7.9    15.1      240    nd     266    14     12     0.6                     Below_detection_limit   1.5                     0.9    0.5                     0.4  36.7   16.7   0.288   
10            3            8      14.9      243    nd     195    15     13     0.6                     Below_detection_limit   1.5                     0.6    0.1                     0.4  37.3   15.6   0.211   
8             2.9          8      14.6      228    nd     243    14     12     0.5                     Below_detection_limit   1.3                     0.5    0.1                     0.4  39.5   25.8   0.324   
6             2.9          8      14.5      235    nd     235    14     11     0.6                     Below_detection_limit   1.5                     0.4    Below_detection_limit   0.4  39.4   17.2   0.219   
3             2.7          8      14.1      nd     nd     290    13     12     0.7                     Below_detection_limit   1.2                     0.6    0.2                     0.4  40.5   18.8   0.183   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
69       72.4197    130.6593   2011/09/29   15         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
15            3.1          8      19.5      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     22.3   0.262   
14            3.1          8      19.5      307    nd     181    15     12     0.7                     Below_detection_limit   1.8                     1      0.4                     0.6  22.5   16.2   0.164   
14            3.1          8      19.5      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     20.2   nd      
12            3.1          8      19.4      311    nd     126    14     11     0.7                     Below_detection_limit   2                       0.9    0.4                     0.5  22.9   17.7   0.115   
10            2.8          8      19.1      313    nd     123    13     12     0.6                     Below_detection_limit   0.4                     1.1    0.6                     0.5  22.8   19     0.227   
8             2.8          8      19.1      309    nd     159    13     12     0.5                     Below_detection_limit   1                       0.6    0.1                     0.5  23.6   17.5   0.179   
6             2.7          8      19        305    nd     148    14     12     0.5                     Below_detection_limit   1.4                     0.6    0.1                     0.5  24     19     0.144   
3             2.8          8      19.1      307    nd     158    12     10     0.5                     Below_detection_limit   1                       0.5    0.1                     0.4  23.8   19.3   0.178   
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
73       72.8055    130.3498   2011/09/29   17         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
17            2.8          8      21.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     29     nd      
16            2.8          8      21.3      327    nd     204    14     11     0.9                     Below_detection_limit   1.3                     0.5    Below_detection_limit   0.5  23.6   10.2   nd      
13            2.6          8      19        306    nd     106    13     12     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.7                     0.5    Below_detection_limit   0.5  26.2   8.3    nd      
10            2.5          8      18.9      305    nd     125    14     12     0.6                     Below_detection_limit   1.7                     0.5    Below_detection_limit   0.5  26.3   10.8   nd      
7             2.3          8      17.6      267    nd     211    15     12     0.9                     Below_detection_limit   1.3                     0.4    Below_detection_limit   0.4  36.9   15.4   nd      
4             1.8          8      14.7      241    nd     248    13     11     0.9                     Below_detection_limit   0.9                     1.2    0.8                     0.4  43.5   33     nd      
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
74       73.1025    129.8194   2011/09/29   10         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
10            1.9          nd     20.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     68.1   nd      
8.9           1.9          nd     20.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     61.4   nd      
6.8           1.9          nd     20.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     51.1   nd      
5.2           1.9          nd     20.4      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     53.8   nd      
3.1           1.7          nd     19        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     39.1   nd      
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
92       70.1818    168.4958   2011/10/03   38         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
38            0.3          8      31.9      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     18.5   0.12    
36.5          0.3          8      31.9      497    nd     39     22     5      12.6                    0.1                     4                       3.6    1.4                     2.2  38.4   21.7   0.1     
29.6          0.3          8      31.9      509    nd     34     22     6      12.2                    0.1                     3.2                     2.2    Below_detection_limit   2.6  46.2   11.4   0.043   
19.5          0.3          8      31.9      507    nd     39     23     6      12.6                    0.1                     3.8                     2.5    0.1                     2.4  39.2   13.3   0.058   
10.3          0.3          7.9    31.8      507    nd     35     22     6      12.4                    0.1                     3.9                     2.5    0.3                     2.2  39.2   12.4   0.06    
5.9           0.2          8      31.1      495    nd     39     22     7      12                      0.1                     3.4                     2.2    Below_detection_limit   2.2  40     11.9   0.06    
2.9           0.2          8      30.6      479    nd     93     22     8      10.6                    0.1                     3                       1.9    0.1                     1.8  44     11.6   0.07    
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
105      65.0835    178.9479   2011/10/07   62         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
62            1.5          nd     33.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     21.8   0.159   
59.8          1.5          7.5    33.3      525    nd     32     42     2      30.5                    0.1                     9.1                     4.7    0.5                     4.2  113.5  22.1   0.171   
45.4          2.2          7.6    33.1      526    nd     32     40     2      27.9                    Below_detection_limit   10.1                    3.7    0.2                     3.5  96.8   14.9   0.047   
39.9          4.6          8.3    32.3      507    nd     33     8      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.2                     1.3    0.7                     0.6  nd     12.6   0.002   
29.9          5.3          nd     31.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     5.3    nd      
19.6          5.5          8.3    31.7      507    nd     36     9      7      0.1                     Below_detection_limit   1.3                     0.7    0.1                     0.6  nd     6.8    0.002   
9.9           5.5          8.3    31.7      500    nd     39     9      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.9                     0.6    0.2                     0.4  nd     5.4    0.002   
2.8           5.5          8.3    31.7      510    nd     32     8      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.7    0.2                     0.5  nd     5.5    0.002