/BCO-DMO/ESAS_Water_Column_Methane/water_column_samples --station eq 105-- Level 1

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#  Water Column Data
#  S. Joye and V. Samarkin, PIs
#  Version 4 October 2016
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
105      65.0835    178.9479   2011/10/07   62         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
62            1.5          nd     33.3      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     21.8   0.159   
59.8          1.5          7.5    33.3      525    nd     32     42     2      30.5                    0.1                     9.1                     4.7    0.5                     4.2  113.5  22.1   0.171   
45.4          2.2          7.6    33.1      526    nd     32     40     2      27.9                    Below_detection_limit   10.1                    3.7    0.2                     3.5  96.8   14.9   0.047   
39.9          4.6          8.3    32.3      507    nd     33     8      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.2                     1.3    0.7                     0.6  nd     12.6   0.002   
29.9          5.3          nd     31.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     5.3    nd      
19.6          5.5          8.3    31.7      507    nd     36     9      7      0.1                     Below_detection_limit   1.3                     0.7    0.1                     0.6  nd     6.8    0.002   
9.9           5.5          8.3    31.7      500    nd     39     9      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.9                     0.6    0.2                     0.4  nd     5.4    0.002   
2.8           5.5          8.3    31.7      510    nd     32     8      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.7    0.2                     0.5  nd     5.5    0.002