/BCO-DMO/ESAS_Water_Column_Methane/water_column_samples --station eq 34-- Level 1

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#  Water Column Data
#  S. Joye and V. Samarkin, PIs
#  Version 4 October 2016
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
34       76.7201    126.396    2011/09/22   67         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
67            -1.2         nd     34        nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     32.5   0.582   
63            -1.2         8      34        564    28.1   75     14     6      7.5                     Below_detection_limit   1                       1      0.2                     0.9  7      28.3   0.534   
50            -1.5         7.9    33.6      557    27.7   67     14     6      7.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.9                     0.8    0.1                     0.7  7      58.7   0.49    
39            -1.7         7.8    33        546    27     102    11     6      5.1                     Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.6    0.9                     0.7  6.5    72.2   0.303   
29.7          -1.5         nd     32.7      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     21.9   nd      
19            3.5          8      30.3      498    24.5   148    12     9      0.2                     0.1                     1.8                     nd     nd                      0.5  5      45.2   0.185   
10            3.5          8      20.2      336    16.4   307    12     12     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.1                     0.5    0.1                     0.4  19.1   7.8    0.052   
4             3.3          8.1    19.8      323    15.7   309    12     12     0.3                     Below_detection_limit   0.1                     0.4    Below_detection_limit   0.3  20.7   4.3    0.017