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#  Acetate and methanol turnover rates
#  PI: Samantha B. Joye
#  Data Version 1: 2020-06-05
Dive_No  Site                        Sampling_date  Latitude  Longitude     Depth  Incubation_T  Acetate_methanogenesis_rate  Acetate_turnover_time_to_methane  Aceate_Oxidation_rate  Actate_turnover_to_CO2  Methanol_methanogenesis_rate  Methanol_turnover_time_to_methane  Methanol_Oxidation_rate  Methanol_turnover_to_CO2  
4867     Guaymas 9A/Octopus Mound    2016-12-18     27.46950  -111.47317    1.5    4.0           0.04                         632266                            2140.5                 6                       B.D.                          B.D.                               nd                       16                        
4867     Guaymas 9A/Octopus Mound    2016-12-18     27.46950  -111.47317    7.5    4.0           0.03                         198709                            911.6                  6                       nd                            nd                                 nd                       nd                        
4867     Guaymas 9A/Octopus Mound    2016-12-18     27.46950  -111.47317    13.5   4.0           0.12                         596896                            1568.7                 6                       nd                            62465                              nd                       9                         
4867     Guaymas 9A/Octopus Mound    2016-12-18     27.46950  -111.47317    16.5   4.0           0.34                         116140                            1091.4                 9                       B.D.                          B.D.                               nd                       9                         
4869     Ultra Mound                 2016-12-21     27.00733  -111.40883    1.5    30            0.038                        138153                            1113.4                 4                       nd                            651                                nd                       12                        
4869     Ultra Mound                 2016-12-21     27.00733  -111.40883    7.5    30            0.088                        182179                            1068.1                 22                      0.2                           127516                             28.9                     32                        
4869     Ultra Mound                 2016-12-21     27.00733  -111.40883    13.5   30            0.011                        2138589                           976.6                  5                       nd                            1389                               nd                       52                        
4869     Ultra Mound                 2016-12-21     27.00733  -111.40883    16.5   45            0.003                        2416263                           19.1                   380                     B.D.                          B.D.                               39.6                     28                        
4870     Aceto Balsamico             2016-12-22     27.00767  -111.40717    1.5    4             0.3                          64345                             2334.3                 6                       4.9                           480                                119.9                    18                        
4870     Aceto Balsamico             2016-12-22     27.00767  -111.40717    7.5    4             47.5                         854                               1033.5                 18                      nd                            944                                nd                       36                        
4870     Aceto Balsamico             2016-12-22     27.00767  -111.40717    13.5   4             510.4                        53                                138.1                  132                     nd                            1604                               nd                       74                        
4870     Aceto Balsamico             2016-12-22     27.00767  -111.40717    16.5   15            98.8                         462                               564.0                  49                      nd                            2147                               nd                       42                        
4870     Aceto Balsamico             2016-12-22     27.00767  -111.40717    22.5   15            67.5                         1497                              373.3                  158                     nd                            1185                               nd                       63                        
4870     Aceto Balsamico             2016-12-22     27.00767  -111.40717    25.5   15            281.1                        1965                              84.5                   1417                    nd                            1812                               nd                       186                       
4871     Northern Towers-12          2016-12-23     27.04617  -111.38483    1.5    4             0.15                         301262                            9635.2                 4                       0.0                           7753                               11.9                     28                        
4871     Northern Towers-12          2016-12-23     27.04617  -111.38483    7.5    4             4.15                         67230                             21059.5                8                       0.7                           477                                12.4                     23                        
4871     Northern Towers-12          2016-12-23     27.04617  -111.38483    11.5   4             2.96                         59578                             17999.5                8                       9.8                           198                                49.7                     31                        
4871     Northern Towers-12          2016-12-23     27.04617  -111.38483    16.5   4             4.00                         35552                             20098.1                7                       3.1                           179                                15.7                     27                        
4871     Northern Towers-1           2016-12-23     27.04583  -111.38417    1.5    45            B.D.                         B.D.                              2354.6                 43                      0.4                           6516                               26.2                     89                        
4871     Northern Towers-1           2016-12-23     27.04583  -111.38417    7.5    45            0.8                          710976                            6745.3                 30                      2.6                           1501                               68.9                     52                        
4871     Northern Towers-1           2016-12-23     27.04583  -111.38417    11.5   45            B.D.                         B.D.                              1567.3                 186                     B.D.                          B.D.                               253.3                    80                        
4871     Northern Towers-1           2016-12-23     27.04583  -111.38417    16.5   45            B.D.                         B.D.                              996.3                  204                     B.D.                          B.D.                               577.1                    63                        
4871     Northern Towers-1           2016-12-23     27.04583  -111.38417    31.5   80            0.5                          293427                            394.3                  440                     69.5                          1162                               303.5                    127                       
4871     Northern Towers-1           2016-12-23     27.04583  -111.38417    50     80            B.D.                         B.D.                              B.D.                   B.D.                    B.D.                          B.D.                               B.D.                     B.D.                      
4872     Cathedral Hill              2016-12-24     27.01133  -111.40450    1.5    45            0.14                         58919                             1662.8                 5                       50.5                          46                                 267.5                    7                         
4872     Cathedral Hill              2016-12-24     27.01133  -111.40450    7.5    45            0.22                         37057                             1001.3                 5                       8.5                           97                                 111.4                    7                         
4872     Cathedral Hill              2016-12-24     27.01133  -111.40450    13.5   80            0.07                         398585                            991.2                  9                       0.1                           10276                              71.6                     20                        
4872     Cathedral Hill              2016-12-24     27.01133  -111.40450    16.5   80            0.12                         1019472                           379.7                  44                      0.1                           15252                              32.4                     22                        
4872     Cathedral Hill              2016-12-24     27.01133  -111.40450    22.5   80            0.11                         50052                             1088.8                 5                       nd                            23114                              nd                       55                        
4872     Cathedral Hill              2016-12-24     27.01133  -111.40450    25.5   80            0.06                         180660                            704.2                  9                       B.D.                          B.D.                               nd                       162