/BCO-DMO/LTER_MCR/porites --lab eq Edmunds_MCR_2011-- Level 1
# Porites growth and respiration, and seawater carbonate chemistry
# P. Edmunds (CSU-Northridge)
# version: 2014-08-22
# These data were published in: Edmunds PJ respiration,
# ohe growth, rivephysssiology of massivehysssiology of massive Porites spp. in Moorea, French Polynesia. (2012)
# Mar Bio 159: 2149-2160.
# DMO NOTE: combined Excel sheets Temperature, Light intensity, pH,,
# and Og values,
# and Omega
lab lat lon species
Edmunds_MCR_2011 -17.4769 -149.8153 Porites_sp.
tank treatment
1 ambient_pCO2
2 ambient_pCO2
3 mid_pCO2
4 mid_pCO2
5 high_pCO2
11 high_pCO2