/BCO-DMO/Larval_Supply_EPR_Vents/sample_log_chem_v3 --Cruise_ID eq AT2623-- Level 0

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#   Colonization time-series sample log - chemistry
#   Dates of deployment and recovery of colonization experiments at East Pacific Rise deep-sea vents
#   PI: L. Mullineaux (WHOI)
#    version 3: 2020-08-24 (monthsSinceEruption for cruise AT2623 changeplaces v2 : 2020-08-     replaces v2 : 2020-08-06 [data for 1998 cruise added; "monthsSinceEruption" column added; renamed "End" to "eventDate"]
#       replaces v1 : 2018-03-30
Recover_Cruise  Vessel    Cruise_ID   Cruise_start  Cruise_end  Chf_Sci               Vehicle  Start       eventDate   Location                                            decimalLatitude  decimalLongitude  Site             Habitat                                     Chemistry             monthsSinceEruption  coordinateUncertaintyInMeters  minimumDepthInMeters  maximumDepthInMeters  
2014B           Atlantis  AT2623      2014-11-02    2014-11-25  Stefan Sievert        Alvin    2014-01-14  2014-11-12  East Pacific Rise 9 50 N hydrothermal vent field    9.8387           -104.2912         P Vent           Riftia and mussels; active venting          no                    106                  50                             2500                  2510