/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_event_log ---- Level 0
# Event log from cruise KN207-03
# Chief Scientist: K. Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 10 April 2013
# Note:ition, date, timeections to position, date, time have been applied omment column. Originalement column. Original event nuumbers have been preserved,
# indicating the date and time each event was originally logged.
event date_utc time_utc instrument action transect station cast lat lon depth_w author ISO_DateTime_UTC comment
20120615.1717.001 20120615 1641 Ship startCruise nd nd nd 37.73759 -25.66280 0 jOssolinski 2012-06-15T16:41:00Z Delayed entry; leaving Ponta Delgada; Start of cruise KN207-3
20120616.0941.001 20120616 0942 CTD911 deploy Transit_1 nd 1 40.65746 -26.44107 0 kBidle 2012-06-16T09:42:00Z shakedown/training/KN207-3-1 (CTD code = KN207-3-cast#)
20120616.1213.001 20120616 1214 RU25_glider recover Transit_1 nd nd 40.66379 -26.56144 0 kBidle 2012-06-16T12:14:00Z RU25 recovery via small boat ops; Filipa/Christien
20120616.1816.001 20120616 1817 CTD911 recover Transit_1 nd 2 41.34859 -27.11448 0 jOssolinski 2012-06-16T18:17:00Z KN207-03-2 80L at 75m
20120616.1909.001 20120616 1909 CTD911 recover Transit_1 nd 3 41.34969 -27.11414 0 jOssolinski 2012-06-16T19:09:00Z KN207-03-3 Core cast
20120616.2200.001 20120616 2200 CTD911 deploy Transit_1 nd 4 41.35060 -27.11444 0 kBidle 2012-06-16T22:00:00Z Deep cast to 2000 m; Repeta & Martins 14C-clean water; Meddy?; KN207-03-4
20120616.2321.001 20120616 2321 CTD911 recover Transit_1 nd 4 41.35039 -27.12042 0 kBidle 2012-06-16T23:21:00Z nd
20120617.0930.001 20120617 0930 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 5 43.03277 -27.26684 3047 mFrada 2012-06-17T09:30:00Z water grabed for PIT traps and dilution expriments
20120617.0949.001 20120617 0949 CTD911 recover nd Process_1 5 43.03269 -27.26736 3047 mFrada 2012-06-17T09:49:00Z nd
20120617.1115.001 20120617 1115 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 6 43.03263 -27.26677 3047 cLoureiro 2012-06-17T11:15:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120617.1129.001 20120617 1129 CTD911 recover nd Process_1 6 43.03262 -27.26667 3048 cLoureiro 2012-06-17T11:29:00Z nd
20120617.1300.001 20120617 1301 opticalFloat deploy nd Process_1 nd 43.03294 -27.25883 3054 kBidle 2012-06-17T13:01:00Z Board# 8493; Hull# 6284; lowered over fantail; slowly sunk
20120617.1340.001 20120617 1341 Net_trap deploy nd Process_1 nd 43.03289 -27.25503 3032 kBidle 2012-06-17T13:41:00Z Trap#1; deployed over the fantail; Justin
20120617.1415.001 20120617 1415 Net_trap deploy nd Process_1 nd 43.03595 -27.25167 3026 kBidle 2012-06-17T14:15:00Z Trap#2; deployed over the fantail; Justin/Bethanie; moved ~200 m to starboard
20120617.1511.001 20120617 1511 RU01_glider deploy nd Process_1 nd 43.03955 -27.24917 3015 kBidle 2012-06-17T15:11:00Z deployed from small boat; line test performed & passed; 10 min dive test iniated
20120617.1655.001 20120617 1625 PIT_trap deploy nd Process_1 nd 43.04180 -27.25088 3031 kBidle 2012-06-17T16:25:00Z Delayed entry; 1625 h deployed off stern; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence(1Feb13)
20120617.1656.001 20120617 1656 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 7 43.04331 -27.25156 3031 kBidle 2012-06-17T16:56:00Z water grab at DCM; calibration of PAR sensor
20120617.1731.001 20120617 1731 CTD911 recover nd Process_1 7 43.04329 -27.25156 3032 kBidle 2012-06-17T17:31:00Z water grab at DCM and 20 m; SUNA test to 300 m (does not appear to be working)
20120617.1819.001 20120617 1819 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 8 43.04328 -27.25156 63 kBidle 2012-06-17T18:19:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120617.1827.001 20120617 1827 CTD911 recover nd Process_1 8 43.04330 -27.25155 62 kBidle 2012-06-17T18:27:00Z nd
20120617.2015.001 20120617 1930 diaphramPump start nd Process_1 nd 43.04103 -27.25523 3017 jOssolinski 2012-06-17T19:30:00Z Started pumping over starboard rail @ 5 m depth; source water for incubation experiments
20120617.2258.001 20120617 2248 diaphramPump end nd Process_1 nd 43.03095 -27.25209 3044 jOssolinski 2012-06-17T22:48:00Z Stopped pumping
20120617.2305.001 20120617 2305 Other end nd Process_1 8 43.02971 -27.25362 3046 bSchieler 2012-06-17T23:05:00Z 0.8 um filtrate collected onto sterivex 0.2 um filters at 150m (8L) 40m (10L) and 15m (10L)
20120618.0914.001 20120618 0914 diaphramPump start nd Process_1 nd 42.99059 -27.24802 3102 kBidle 2012-06-18T09:14:00Z ~1000L pumped @7L/min;pumping started @1930 on 17 June 12;finished @2248 & dispensed (see time/position stamps above);incubations started @0000h;Treatments: #1 no addition control (yellow);#2 myriocin (120 nM; pink);#3 nutrients (red);#4 temperature (20.5degC; white);incubators @17.5degC
20120618.0915.001 20120618 0915 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 9 42.99062 -27.24794 3102 kBidle 2012-06-18T09:15:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120618.1103.001 20120618 1103 Net_trap recover nd Process_1 nd 42.99435 -27.24146 3127 kBidle 2012-06-18T11:03:00Z Trap#1; twists & snags on the 4-ball line; no problem though
20120618.1118.001 20120618 1118 Net_trap deploy nd Process_1 nd 42.99523 -27.24327 3113 kBidle 2012-06-18T11:18:00Z Net trap 3
20120618.1327.001 20120618 1327 opticalFloat other nd Process_1 nd 42.98784 -27.22820 3141 cLaber 2012-06-18T13:27:00Z first contact established with float 8493
20120618.1402.001 20120618 1402 Net_trap recover nd Process_1 nd 42.98636 -27.23976 3143 kBidle 2012-06-18T14:02:00Z Trap#2; went smoothly; ~30 minutes ago (need time/position correction)
20120618.1403.001 20120618 1403 Net_trap deploy nd Process_1 nd 42.98640 -27.23992 3143 kBidle 2012-06-18T14:03:00Z Trap#4; steamed & adjusted position to deploy behind Trap#3 and also in-line with PIT trap
20120618.1810.001 20120618 1810 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 10 42.97175 -27.23734 3168 aCarvalho 2012-06-18T18:10:00Z core cast; SUNA range 0-20 uM
20120618.1835.001 20120618 1835 CTD911 recover nd Process_1 10 42.97084 -27.23615 3168 kBidle 2012-06-18T18:35:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120618.1846.001 20120618 1846 RU01_glider other nd Process_1 nd 42.97060 -27.23577 3168 aCarvalho 2012-06-18T18:46:00Z new set of waypoints (WPT04 to WPT07)
20120618.1905.001 20120618 1905 Other start nd Process_1 nd 42.97397 -27.23325 0 bBailleul 2012-06-18T19:05:00Z surface water sampled for fluorescence lifetime measurements
20120619.0515.001 20120619 0515 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 11 42.96273 -27.21979 3181 aCarvalho 2012-06-19T05:15:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m; SUNA range 0-20 uM
20120619.0539.001 20120619 0539 CTD911 recover nd Process_1 11 42.96378 -27.22150 3178 aCarvalho 2012-06-19T05:39:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120619.0637.001 20120619 0637 Other end nd Process_1 11 42.95528 -27.21677 3186 lHaramaty 2012-06-19T06:37:00Z FiRE measurment - CTD samples - cast 011 (files KN011.---)
20120619.0838.001 20120619 0838 RU01_glider other nd Process_1 nd 42.95580 -27.21126 3184 aCarvalho 2012-06-19T08:38:00Z glider aborted at 05:46 am. Reported a leak in the aft section. It is at the surface in 15 min callbacks
20120619.1256.001 20120619 0930 Net_trap recover nd Process_1 nd 42.95361 -27.20708 3189 jOssolinski 2012-06-19T09:30:00Z Delayed entry; net trap #3; recovered at 0930 h local time; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120619.1257.001 20120619 1015 Net_trap recover nd Process_1 nd 42.94622 -27.21190 3186 kBidle 2012-06-19T10:15:00Z Delayed entry; net trap #4; recovered at 1015 h local time; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120619.1303.001 20120619 1115 PIT_trap recover nd Process_1 nd 42.97010 -27.19963 3183 jOssolinski 2012-06-19T11:15:00Z Delayed entry; recovered at 1115 h; two days earlier than planned because we are heading north now; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120619.1307.001 20120619 1307 opticalFloat recover nd Process_1 nd 42.95033 -27.22384 3182 jOssolinski 2012-06-19T13:07:00Z recovered by surprise while picking up net trap 4; brought on over starboard rail
20120619.1707.001 20120619 1707 Other start nd Process_1 nd 42.98604 -27.24660 3123 kBidle 2012-06-19T17:07:00Z Started 1st sampling of incubation experiments; 36 h time point; 1300 h
20120619.1707.002 20120619 1707 CTD911 deploy nd Process_1 12 42.98815 -27.24700 3115 kBidle 2012-06-19T17:07:00Z Deep water cast; down to 2000 m; water collected from various depths
20120619.1708.001 20120619 1708 CTD911 recover nd Process_1 12 42.98981 -27.24733 3111 kBidle 2012-06-19T17:08:00Z nd
20120619.1709.001 20120619 1710 Ship other Transit_2 nd nd 42.99383 -27.24822 3101 kBidle 2012-06-19T17:10:00Z Leaving 43 deg N and heading north towards 53 deg N and a higher OC and PIC patch
20120619.1711.001 20120619 1711 RU01_glider recover Transit_2 nd nd 42.99677 -27.24886 3101 kBidle 2012-06-19T17:11:00Z recovered RU01 via small boat ops; Filipa; Christien; Clara
20120620.0631.001 20120620 0631 CTD911 deploy Transit_2 nd 13 45.00156 -27.85678 0 kBidle 2012-06-20T06:31:00Z Deep water cast; down to 2000 m; water collected from various depths
20120620.0819.001 20120620 0735 CTD911 recover Transit_2 nd 13 45.00791 -27.86795 1842 kBidle 2012-06-20T07:35:00Z recovered at 0735 local time
20120620.0838.001 20120620 0838 CTD911 deploy Transit_2 nd 14 45.01844 -27.87421 1941 lHaramaty 2012-06-20T08:38:00Z core cast 150m; SUNA range 0-20uM
20120620.1025.001 20120620 1025 Other end Transit_2 nd 14 45.15177 -27.90446 2376 lHaramaty 2012-06-20T10:25:00Z FiRE measurment - CTD samples - cast 014 (files KN014.---)
20120620.1459.001 20120620 1459 Other start Transit_2 nd Incubations 45.84383 -28.09915 0 lHaramaty 2012-06-20T14:59:00Z Filtering for biomass - Incubations (Myr; Nut; Temp; Control)
20120620.1505.001 20120620 1505 Other start Transit_2 nd Incubations 45.85916 -28.10379 2606 lHaramaty 2012-06-20T15:05:00Z Filtering for biomass - Incubations (Myr; Nutl; Temp; Control)
20120621.0501.001 20120621 0501 CTD911 deploy Transit_2 nd 15 47.99826 -28.70899 2356 kBidle 2012-06-21T05:01:00Z Core cast to 150 m; SUNA range 0-20 uM
20120621.0746.001 20120621 0746 CTD911 abort Transit_2 nd 15 48.04403 -28.70392 2824 kBidle 2012-06-21T07:46:00Z CTD connection to computer was not working; Anton tried both connectors; both times connection was lost in mid-deployment; pulled up CTD and will diagnose; in meantime will steam 1 degree to the North (49N 29W)
20120621.1125.001 20120621 1125 Other end Transit_2 nd nd 48.65506 -28.91801 Segmentation_fault lHaramaty 2012-06-21T11:25:00Z Filtering for biomass - incubations (control; myr; nutrients; temprature)
20120621.1403.001 20120621 1403 CTD911 deploy Transit_2 nd 16 49.00135 -29.03179 2594 kBidle 2012-06-21T14:03:00Z Core cast to 150 m; also test of Antons cleaning of seabird connection; all appears to be working properly; started collecting for Bhattacharya re: single cell genomics; SUNA range 0-20 uM
20120621.1425.001 20120621 1425 CTD911 recover Transit_2 nd 16 48.99926 -29.03445 2565 kBidle 2012-06-21T14:25:00Z broad chlorophyll maximum
20120621.1515.001 20120621 1515 Other start Transit_2 nd 16 48.99799 -29.02909 2607 bSchieler 2012-06-21T15:15:00Z 0.8 micron filtrate collected onto sterivex at 21m (2x4L) and 8m (2x4L)
20120621.1518.001 20120621 1518 Other end Transit_2 nd 16 48.99759 -29.02949 2603 bSchieler 2012-06-21T15:18:00Z FIRe measurements filename kn016
20120621.1544.001 20120621 1544 CTD911 deploy Transit_2 nd 17 48.99620 -29.02787 2616 jOssolinski 2012-06-21T15:44:00Z Deep cast to 2000 m; Repeta & Martins.
20120621.1724.001 20120621 1724 CTD911 recover Transit_2 nd 17 49.02845 -29.04302 2461 kBidle 2012-06-21T17:24:00Z Repetta bottles #1 (650 m); #3 (550 m); and #5 (5 m)
20120621.2013.001 20120621 2013 Other end Transit_2 nd nd 49.50700 -29.19539 3225 lHaramaty 2012-06-21T20:13:00Z FiRE measurment - small volume incubations with myriocyn; methanol; DMSO
20120622.0535.001 20120622 0535 CTD911 deploy Transit_2 nd 18 50.99640 -29.67194 2700 kBidle 2012-06-22T05:35:00Z Core cast to 150 m; SUNA range 0-40 uM
20120622.0536.001 20120622 0536 CTD911 recover Transit_2 nd 18 50.99633 -29.67193 2700 kBidle 2012-06-22T05:36:00Z For some reason computer/CTD connection simultaneously fired bottles #11&12; all bottles after were shifted by one in relation to depth sampled
20120622.0832.001 20120622 0832 Other end Transit_2 nd 18 51.23476 -29.78163 0 lHaramaty 2012-06-22T08:32:00Z FiRE measurment - all depths - file kn018.xxx
20120622.1438.001 20120622 1438 Other end Transit_2 nd Incubations 52.18504 -30.21100 2639 lHaramaty 2012-06-22T14:38:00Z FiRE measurment - incubations
20120622.1439.001 20120622 1439 Other start Transit_2 nd Small_Incubations 52.18713 -30.21176 2640 lHaramaty 2012-06-22T14:39:00Z FiRE measurment - small volume incubations with myriocyn; methanol; DMSO
20120622.1842.001 20120622 1842 CTD911 deploy Transit_2 nd 19 52.74886 -30.50717 3294 jOssolinski 2012-06-22T18:42:00Z diagnostic cast for potential process station; also core cast #19 to 150 m; SUNA range 0-40 uM
20120622.1937.001 20120622 1937 Other start Transit_2 nd 19 52.75014 -30.50776 3295 lHaramaty 2012-06-22T19:37:00Z Filtering for biomass - all depths
20120622.2016.001 20120622 2016 Other start nd nd nd 52.74974 -30.50800 3295 sSharoni 2012-06-22T20:16:00Z Aerosols measurements
20120623.0919.001 20120623 0610 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 20 53.50073 -30.74547 3042 lHaramaty 2012-06-23T06:10:00Z Delayed entry; core cast to 150m; SUNA range 0-40 uM; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120623.1113.001 20120623 0640 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 20 53.50381 -30.74317 2977 lHaramaty 2012-06-23T06:40:00Z Delayed entry; core cast to 150 m at 0610 h; back on board at 0640 h; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120623.0921.001 20120623 0921 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 21 53.49803 -30.74441 3042 lHaramaty 2012-06-23T09:21:00Z water grab 150m for Jamie ; respiration profile; SUNA range 0-40 uM
20120623.1111.001 20120623 0935 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 21 53.49811 -30.74546 0 lHaramaty 2012-06-23T09:35:00Z back on deck at 0935 h
20120623.0922.001 20120623 0922 Other end nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 20_(water_from) 53.49802 -30.74445 3042 lHaramaty 2012-06-23T09:22:00Z FiRE measurment - all depths - file kn020.xxx
20120623.0923.001 20120623 0923 Other end nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 20_(water_from) 53.49801 -30.74453 3041 lHaramaty 2012-06-23T09:23:00Z Filtering for biomass - all depths
20120623.1105.001 20120623 1035 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.50163 -30.74884 0 jOssolinski 2012-06-23T10:35:00Z Delayed entry; net trap #5; 1 flag and 4 balls deployed at 1035 local time; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120623.1108.001 20120623 1055 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.50464 -30.74675 2979 jOssolinski 2012-06-23T10:55:00Z Delayed entry; net trap #6; 2 flags and 3 balls deployed at 1055 local time; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120623.1325.001 20120623 1325 opticalFloat deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.49622 -30.75347 3036 kBidle 2012-06-23T13:25:00Z optical profiler deployed ~200 m from net trap#6; over stern via rope
20120623.1331.001 20120623 1331 opticalFloat deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.49606 -30.75474 3010 jOssolinski 2012-06-23T13:31:00Z profiler put in water next to Net traps#5 and #6
20120623.1344.001 20120623 1344 Other end nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.49603 -30.75596 3002 bBailleul 2012-06-23T13:44:00Z surface water for lifetime fluorescence measurements
20120623.1542.001 20120623 1542 Other start nd Process_1_(water_from) nd 53.49817 -30.74811 3037 lHaramaty 2012-06-23T15:42:00Z FiRE measurment - small volume incubations with myriocyn; methanol; DMSO; experiments performed on water collected @ Process 1
20120623.1553.001 20120623 1553 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 22 53.50300 -30.74327 3022 kBidle 2012-06-23T15:53:00Z water grab at 7m for Jamie (PIT trap) and Assaf/Miguel for concentrating coccos
20120623.1553.002 20120623 1553 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 22 53.50321 -30.74314 3023 kBidle 2012-06-23T15:53:00Z nd
20120623.1554.001 20120623 1554 PIT_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.50388 -30.74304 3023 kBidle 2012-06-23T15:54:00Z deployed PITS @ 50; 150; & 300 m; PHORCYS @ 7m; deployment #2
20120623.1910.001 20120623 1850 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hole 23 53.13358 -30.69331 3105 jOssolinski 2012-06-23T18:50:00Z core cast to 150 m in Da Hole; south of Process 2 station
20120623.1910.002 20120623 1910 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hole 23 53.13452 -30.69466 3104 jOssolinski 2012-06-23T19:10:00Z nd
20120623.2001.001 20120623 2001 opticalFloat deploy nd Da_Hole nd 53.16496 -30.69977 3076 kBidle 2012-06-23T20:01:00Z Profiler DURIP #8502; lowered over the stern
20120625.1603.001 20120625 2300 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 24 53.48593 -30.77413 nd aCarvalho 2012-06-25T23:00:00Z Delayed entry for 6/23/2012 @ 2300 h; water grab for dilution experiments; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence
20120624.0904.001 20120624 0904 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 25 53.46132 -30.76973 3070 kBidle 2012-06-24T09:04:00Z Core cast to 150 m; 10% Io @ 8 m; 1% Io @ 15 m
20120624.0904.002 20120624 0904 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 25 53.46132 -30.76972 3070 kBidle 2012-06-24T09:04:00Z nd
20120625.1607.001 20120625 1043 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 26 53.42162 -30.77441 nd aCarvalho 2012-06-25T10:43:00Z Delayed entry for 6/24/2012 @ 1043 h; water grab; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (1Feb13)
20120624.1313.001 20120624 1257 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.45800 -30.76776 3061 jOssolinski 2012-06-24T12:57:00Z net trap #5
20120624.1314.001 20120624 1314 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.46006 -30.76487 3057 jOssolinski 2012-06-24T13:14:00Z net trap #7
20120624.1359.001 20120624 1334 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.46247 -30.75941 3034 jOssolinski 2012-06-24T13:34:00Z net trap #6
20120624.1400.001 20120624 1400 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.46091 -30.75738 3029 jOssolinski 2012-06-24T14:00:00Z net trap #8; 2flags and 3 balls deployed
20120624.1842.001 20120624 1815 diaphramPump start nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.45322 -30.76212 3072 jOssolinski 2012-06-24T18:15:00Z pumping for second mesocosm experiment and core paramrters started at 1815 local time
20120624.2231.001 20120624 2130 diaphramPump end nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.45117 -30.76739 3149 jOssolinski 2012-06-24T21:30:00Z ended pumping at around 2130 local time
20120625.0857.001 20120625 0857 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 27 53.33279 -30.75606 3096 kBidle 2012-06-25T08:57:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120625.0922.001 20120625 0922 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 27 53.35194 -30.75901 3117 dSchatz 2012-06-25T09:22:00Z nd
20120625.1252.001 20120625 1252 Other end nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 27_(water_from) 53.42456 -30.78647 3119 lHaramaty 2012-06-25T12:52:00Z FiRE measurment - all depths - file kn027.xxx (done at 11:00)
20120625.1344.001 20120625 1344 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.41607 -30.74424 3035 kBidle 2012-06-25T13:44:00Z Recovered net trap #7; noticeably less material compared to #5
20120625.1344.002 20120625 1344 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.41611 -30.74420 3035 kBidle 2012-06-25T13:44:00Z recovered net trap #8; noticeably less material compared to #6
20120625.1352.001 20120625 1352 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.41668 -30.74385 3032 kBidle 2012-06-25T13:52:00Z Steamed ~2 miles to deploy net trap#9 closer to PIT trap
20120625.1419.001 20120625 1419 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.41843 -30.74868 3036 kBidle 2012-06-25T14:19:00Z Net trap #10 deployed @ 300 m; in line with PIT and Net trap#9
20120625.1441.001 20120625 1441 RU01_glider other nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.43160 -30.74696 3026 aCarvalho 2012-06-25T14:41:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04280000.mlg
20120625.1559.001 20120625 1559 Ship other nd nd nd 53.65468 -30.96518 3072 kBidle 2012-06-25T15:59:00Z Heading north to Da Hump; 54deg30min N 31deg 40min W; Will deploy CTD and net trap # 11
20120625.2221.001 20120625 2221 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 28 54.50973 -31.67979 2610 aCarvalho 2012-06-25T22:21:00Z core cast - initial look at the upper mixed layer (32; 20; 13; 8 m)
20120625.2221.002 20120625 2221 RU01_glider other nd Da_Hump nd 54.50987 -31.67995 2610 aCarvalho 2012-06-25T22:21:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned off - log file 04280000.mlg closed
20120625.2224.001 20120625 2224 RU01_glider other nd Da_Hump nd 54.51026 -31.68086 2608 aCarvalho 2012-06-25T22:24:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04290000.mlg opened
20120625.2226.001 20120625 2226 Net_trap deploy nd Da_Hump nd 54.51033 -31.68134 2605 aCarvalho 2012-06-25T22:26:00Z Net trap #11 deployed @ 150 m
20120626.0509.001 20120626 0509 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 29 54.51928 -31.70251 2589 dSchatz 2012-06-26T05:09:00Z Core cast to 150 m; 5 bottles accidentally tripped at 9 m
20120626.0533.001 20120626 0533 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 29 54.52099 -31.70388 2598 dSchatz 2012-06-26T05:33:00Z nd
20120626.0655.001 20120626 0655 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 30 54.52484 -31.70202 2597 kBidle 2012-06-26T06:55:00Z Water grab @ 9 m for Petey (B12); Chris (viral concentrate); Kay/Assaf (metatranscriptomics samples onto sterivex)
20120626.0655.002 20120626 0656 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 30 54.52482 -31.70193 2597 kBidle 2012-06-26T06:56:00Z nd
20120626.0712.001 20120626 0712 Other end nd Da_Hump 29_(water_from) 54.48572 -31.67067 2672 lHaramaty 2012-06-26T07:12:00Z FiRE measurment - all depths - file kn029.xxx
20120626.1532.001 20120626 1532 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.36944 -30.73281 3058 kBidle 2012-06-26T15:32:00Z Net trap #10 recovered; tangled with balls of Net trap#9; traps OK & independent though
20120626.1534.001 20120626 1534 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.37060 -30.73349 3055 kBidle 2012-06-26T15:34:00Z deployed net trap# 12 @ 300 m
20120626.1648.001 20120626 1648 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.36771 -30.74486 3061 kBidle 2012-06-26T16:48:00Z Recovered net trap #9; compromised samples; release did not work so trap stayed open up to the surface;
20120626.1652.001 20120626 1652 Net_trap deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.36354 -30.75269 3074 kBidle 2012-06-26T16:52:00Z Deployed net trap #13 @ 150 m; Justin put on a new release
20120626.2000.001 20120626 1930 opticalFloat recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.08332 -30.95201 0 aCarvalho 2012-06-26T19:30:00Z durip 8502 recovered from the side of ship; Capt Kent & Pete totally impressive
20120626.2014.001 20120626 2014 RU01_glider other nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.18431 -30.87536 0 aCarvalho 2012-06-26T20:14:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned off - log file 04290000.mlg closed
20120626.2020.001 20120626 2020 RU01_glider other nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.19830 -30.86554 0 aCarvalho 2012-06-26T20:20:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04300000.mlg opened
20120626.2027.001 20120626 2027 RU01_glider other nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.21719 -30.85248 0 aCarvalho 2012-06-26T20:27:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned off - log file 04300000.mlg closed
20120626.2111.001 20120626 2111 RU01_glider other nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.33013 -30.76746 0 aCarvalho 2012-06-26T21:11:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04310000.mlg opened
20120627.1443.003 20120626 2146 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 31 53.34561 -30.74539 nd aCarvalho 2012-06-26T21:46:00Z Late record 6/26/2012 21:46; 2200 h cast; water grab for Kim/Benjamin; diel cycle; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (1Feb13)
20120627.1448.001 20120627 0204 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 32 53.33910 -30.75015 3092 aCarvalho 2012-06-27T02:04:00Z Late record 6/27/2012 02:04; 0200 h cast; water grab for Kim/Benjamin; diel cycle; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (1Feb13)
20120627.0501.001 20120627 0501 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 33 53.32163 -30.73010 3088 dSchatz 2012-06-27T05:01:00Z nd
20120627.0527.001 20120627 0527 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 33 53.32020 -30.72863 3093 dSchatz 2012-06-27T05:27:00Z nd
20120627.0722.001 20120627 0722 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 34 53.31084 -30.72814 3092 kBidle 2012-06-27T07:22:00Z water grab @ 7m for Kim/Benjamin; diel cycle
20120627.0722.002 20120627 0722 Other start nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 33_(water_from) 53.31083 -30.72813 3092 cBrown 2012-06-27T07:22:00Z three 0.2 um sterivex filters collected: 1 @ 21m; 1 @ 30m; 1 @ 14m
20120627.0724.001 20120627 0724 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 34 53.31071 -30.72770 3091 kBidle 2012-06-27T07:24:00Z nd
20120627.1126.001 20120627 1126 RU01_glider other nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.29234 -30.73147 3083 aCarvalho 2012-06-27T11:26:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned off - log file 04310000.mlg closed
20120627.1357.001 20120627 1357 RU01_glider other nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.30129 -30.74323 3102 aCarvalho 2012-06-27T13:57:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04320000.mlg opened
20120627.1443.001 20120627 1443 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 35 53.29877 -30.74216 3096 kBidle 2012-06-27T14:43:00Z 1000 h cast; water grab for Kim/Benjamin; diel cycle
20120627.1443.002 20120627 1443 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 35 53.29865 -30.74242 3096 kBidle 2012-06-27T14:43:00Z 1000 h cast; water grab for Kim/Benjamin; diel cycle
20120627.1445.001 20120627 1445 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 36 53.29760 -30.74468 3098 kBidle 2012-06-27T14:45:00Z 1400 h cast for Kim/Benjamin (diel cycle; 7 m) & Bethanie (@ 150 m)
20120627.1445.002 20120627 1445 CTD911 recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 36 53.29732 -30.74523 3094 kBidle 2012-06-27T14:45:00Z 1400 h cast for Kim/Benjamin (diel cycle; 7 m) & Bethanie (@ 150 m)
20120703.0727.001 20120627 1802 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 37 53.29230 -30.73359 2983 kBidle 2012-06-27T18:02:00Z Delayed entry; 1802 h 27June12; water grab @ 7m for Kim (Diel); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0728.001 20120627 2200 CTD911 deploy nd Process_2_(Da_Base) 38 53.29446 -30.74158 2982 kBidle 2012-06-27T22:00:00Z Delayed entry; 2200 h 27June12; water grab @ 7m for Kim (Diel); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120627.1448.002 20120627 1448 PIT_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.29471 -30.74996 3091 kBidle 2012-06-27T14:48:00Z recovered after a 4 d deployment (50; 150; 300 m); PHORCYS set at 7 m; light & dark bottles were mangled & drained of water
20120627.1449.001 20120627 1449 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.29440 -30.75095 3090 kBidle 2012-06-27T14:49:00Z Net trap #12 @ 300 m; all went smoothly
20120627.1600.001 20120627 1600 opticalFloat recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.33573 -30.75067 3082 kBidle 2012-06-27T16:00:00Z recovered optical float# 8493 over starboard rail; a few bumps and scratches but all OK; this crew is awesome!
20120627.1603.001 20120627 1503 Net_trap recover nd Process_2_(Da_Base) nd 53.29662 -30.75215 3095 kBidle 2012-06-27T15:03:00Z Recovered net trap #12 @ 150 m ~1 hr ago; major problems with trap; cod piece end was not attached to net; top hose clamp was detached & missing; no splits recovered; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120628.0820.001 20120628 0820 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 39 54.55907 -31.51873 2740 dSchatz 2012-06-28T08:20:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120628.0913.001 20120628 0913 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 39 54.55674 -31.51753 2744 dSchatz 2012-06-28T09:13:00Z down and up casts revealed very different profiles in temp & density; ~20 m difference in mixed layer; cast aborted due to error in sensors; Will re-cast
20120628.0914.001 20120628 0914 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 40 54.55670 -31.51747 2744 dSchatz 2012-06-28T09:14:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m; re-cast of Cast#39 above
20120628.0939.001 20120628 0939 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 40 54.55784 -31.51423 0 kBidle 2012-06-28T09:39:00Z Vertical profiles of all sensors look OK on this cast
20120628.0940.001 20120628 0940 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 40 54.55788 -31.51361 2754 dSchatz 2012-06-28T09:40:00Z duplicate entry of above record for Cast#40
20120628.1039.001 20120628 1039 Net_trap recover nd Da_Hump NA 54.55691 -31.50410 2779 kBidle 2012-06-28T10:39:00Z Recovered net trap #11 from 150 m after 2.5 d; all went smoothly; nice particle load
20120628.1134.001 20120628 1134 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 41 54.55619 -31.49856 2793 kBidle 2012-06-28T11:34:00Z Water grab @ 11 m for Assaf/Chris/etc
20120628.1240.001 20120628 1241 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 41 54.54281 -31.47256 2865 kBidle 2012-06-28T12:41:00Z nd
20120628.1831.001 20120628 1600 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 42 54.54030 -31.49306 2817 kBidle 2012-06-28T16:00:00Z water grab @ 11 m for H2O2 experiment source water; @ 1600 h; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120628.1832.001 20120628 1600 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 42 54.54030 -31.49306 2817 kBidle 2012-06-28T16:00:00Z nd
20120628.1833.001 20120628 1630 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 43 54.54014 -31.49517 2817 kBidle 2012-06-28T16:30:00Z water grab @ 11 m for H2O2 experiment source water; @ 1630 h; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120628.1833.002 20120628 1630 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 43 54.54014 -31.49517 2817 kBidle 2012-06-28T16:30:00Z nd
20120628.1834.001 20120628 1834 CTD911 deploy nd Da_Hump 44 54.54333 -31.48712 2817 kBidle 2012-06-28T18:34:00Z Deep water cast; down to ~2500 m; water collected from various depths; decorated styrofoam cups going along for the ride
20120628.1851.001 20120628 1851 RU01_glider other nd Da_Hump nd 54.54334 -31.48649 2819 aCarvalho 2012-06-28T18:51:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned off - log file 04320000.mlg closed
20120628.1908.001 20120628 1909 RU01_glider other nd Da_Hump nd 54.54333 -31.48714 2817 aCarvalho 2012-06-28T19:09:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04330000.mlg opened
20120628.2115.001 20120628 2015 CTD911 recover nd Da_Hump 44 54.54311 -31.49102 2848 kBidle 2012-06-28T20:15:00Z delayed record; performed @ 2015 h; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120629.0901.001 20120629 0901 CTD911 deploy Transit_3 nd 45 56.18122 -31.82923 2239 dSchatz 2012-06-29T09:01:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120629.0908.001 20120629 0908 CTD911 recover Transit_3 nd 45 56.18095 -31.82827 2238 dSchatz 2012-06-29T09:08:00Z nd
20120629.2104.001 20120629 1815 CTD911 deploy Transit_3 nd 46 57.71096 -32.15032 1961 aCarvalho 2012-06-29T18:15:00Z Delayed entry for 6/29/2012 @ 1815 h; core cast; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120629.2040.001 20120629 1900 Other start Transit_3 nd nd 57.75531 -32.18216 0 bBailleul 2012-06-29T19:00:00Z surface seawater sampling for fluorescence lifetime measurements @ 7pm; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13
20120630.0906.001 20120630 0906 CTD911 deploy Transit_3 nd 47 60.16034 -32.77445 2384 dSchatz 2012-06-30T09:06:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120630.0912.001 20120630 0912 CTD911 recover Transit_3 nd 47 60.16073 -32.77435 2389 dSchatz 2012-06-30T09:12:00Z nd
20120630.2115.001 20120630 1053 CTD911 deploy Transit_3 nd 48 60.15732 -32.76821 2986 kBidle 2012-06-30T10:53:00Z delayed record; water grab @ 8 m for Petey; 1053 h; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120630.2116.001 20120630 1053 CTD911 recover Transit_3 nd 48 60.15732 -32.76821 2986 kBidle 2012-06-30T10:53:00Z All bottles fired at 8 m
20120630.1140.001 20120630 1140 Other end Transit_3 nd nd 60.15711 -32.76742 2344 bBailleul 2012-06-30T11:40:00Z surface seawater sampling for fluorescence lifetime measurements
20120630.2114.001 20120630 2114 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 49 61.62126 -34.09887 2986 kBidle 2012-06-30T21:14:00Z Test the waters @ Cocco 1; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120701.0024.001 20120630 2114 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 49 61.62126 -34.09887 2987 kBidle 2012-06-30T21:14:00Z 6/30/12 @ 2111 h; Cast aborted due to diverging profiles for sensors (temp; fluorescence; etc) on down & up casts; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120630.2118.001 20120630 2118 RU01_glider other nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.62177 -34.09844 2986 aCarvalho 2012-06-30T21:18:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned off - log file 04330000.mlg closed
20120630.2138.001 20120630 2138 RU01_glider other nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.62481 -34.09976 2986 aCarvalho 2012-06-30T21:38:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04340000.mlg opened
20120701.0027.001 20120630 2154 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 50 61.62527 -34.10040 2987 kBidle 2012-06-30T21:54:00Z delayed entry; 6/30/12 @ 2154 h; Cast to 150 m; test the waters at Cocco 1; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120701.0027.002 20120630 2154 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 50 61.62527 -34.10040 2986 kBidle 2012-06-30T21:54:00Z sensors looked a bit better on this cast; still did not perfectly trace each other though
20120701.0029.001 20120630 2314 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 51 61.62051 -34.10080 2987 kBidle 2012-06-30T23:14:00Z delayed entry; 6/30/12 @ 2314 h; Deep cast to 300 m (x 2 bottles) & surface (x1 bottle) for Rapetta (Justin); water grab @ 33 m; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120701.0029.002 20120630 2314 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 51 61.62051 -34.10080 2987 kBidle 2012-06-30T23:14:00Z nd
20120701.0521.001 20120701 0521 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 52 61.61819 -34.10097 2987 dSchatz 2012-07-01T05:21:00Z Core profile cast to 150 m
20120701.0545.001 20120701 0545 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 52 61.62083 -34.10353 2988 dSchatz 2012-07-01T05:45:00Z nd
20120701.0744.001 20120701 0744 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 53 61.62103 -34.09997 2987 kBidle 2012-07-01T07:44:00Z water grab @ 200 m (Jamie Collins); 21 m (Jacob Kendrick) and 11 m (Kim/Assaf)
20120701.0744.002 20120701 0744 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 53 61.62101 -34.09997 2987 kBidle 2012-07-01T07:44:00Z nd
20120701.0845.001 20120701 0845 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.62261 -34.09571 2987 kBidle 2012-07-01T08:45:00Z Deployed Net trap #14 @ 50 m (1 flag/4 balls)
20120701.1239.001 20120701 1239 opticalFloat deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.65840 -34.12624 2982 cLaber 2012-07-01T12:39:00Z Profiler DURIP #8493; lowered over the stern
20120701.1313.001 20120701 1313 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.66732 -34.12589 2983 kBidle 2012-07-01T13:13:00Z Net trap #15 @ 150 m; all went smoothly; 2 flags/3 balls
20120701.1503.001 20120701 1345 Other end nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.67522 -34.12919 2982 bBailleul 2012-07-01T13:45:00Z delayed entry; surface seawater sampling for fluorescence lifetime measurements @ 1:45pm; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0723.001 20120701 1353 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 54 61.67691 -34.12958 2983 kBidle 2012-07-01T13:53:00Z Delayed entry; 1353 h on 1July12; water grab @ 8 m; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120701.1954.001 20120701 1600 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.70833 -34.13185 2971 kBidle 2012-07-01T16:00:00Z delayed entry; 1600 h; Net trap #16 @ 300 m; all went smoothly; 3 flags/3 balls; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120701.1959.001 20120701 1800 opticalFloat deploy nd Process_3_(but_outside_patch) nd 61.61999 -34.66441 2972 kBidle 2012-07-01T18:00:00Z Delayed entry; ~1800 h; optical profiler deployed @ 61deg 37min 10.70sec N 34deg 38 min 12.02 sec W; outside of Cocco 1 patch based on satellite imagery (PIC; Chla; 555); this spot was much lower in all categories; over stern via rope; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120701.1959.002 20120701 1959 Other end nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 52-53_(water_from) 61.75001 -34.17941 2972 cBrown 2012-07-01T19:59:00Z 50kDa TFF concentrate of 11 m water from Cast 52 and 53; Started with 0.22um filtrate.
20120703.0724.001 20120701 2045 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 55 61.76099 -34.11315 2983 kBidle 2012-07-01T20:45:00Z Delayed entry; 2045 h on 1July12; water grab @ various depths; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120702.0604.001 20120702 0604 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 56 61.82923 -33.94291 2977 dSchatz 2012-07-02T06:04:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120702.0623.001 20120702 0623 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 56 61.83268 -33.93787 2977 dSchatz 2012-07-02T06:23:00Z nd
20120702.1107.001 20120702 1107 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.85058 -33.82733 2975 kBidle 2012-07-02T11:07:00Z Net trap # 14 recovered; severe twisting around the balls; very heavy particle load
20120702.1108.001 20120702 1108 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.85029 -33.82587 2976 kBidle 2012-07-02T11:08:00Z Deployed Net trap #17 @ 50 m
20120702.1349.001 20120702 1349 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.86203 -33.75639 2974 kBidle 2012-07-02T13:49:00Z Net trap # 14 recovered; severe twisting around the balls; heavy particle load but lighter in color/biomass than trap #14
20120702.1351.001 20120702 1351 opticalFloat other nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.86194 -33.75583 2974 kBidle 2012-07-02T13:51:00Z 1327 h; sighting at surface; saw optical profiling float off of stern during recovery of Net Trap #15; looked like Knorr took a path right over it; not sure if contact was made
20120702.1359.001 20120702 1359 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.86038 -33.75113 2974 kBidle 2012-07-02T13:59:00Z Deployed Net trap #18 @ 150 m; had to steam away from PIT trap before deployment; placed half way between Net Trap #17 and PIT
20120702.1433.001 20120702 1433 Other end nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.86978 -33.70584 2974 bBailleul 2012-07-02T14:33:00Z surface seawater sampling for fluorescence lifetime measurements
20120702.1645.001 20120702 1645 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.86206 -33.65667 2969 kBidle 2012-07-02T16:45:00Z net trap # 16 recovered; severe twisting around the balls; decent particle load; light in color; looks promising
20120702.1646.001 20120702 1646 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.86194 -33.65616 2969 kBidle 2012-07-02T16:46:00Z deployed Net trap #19 @ 300 m; put in line with PIT and net traps # 17 & 18
20120703.0714.001 20120702 1810 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 57 61.85885 -33.61749 2981 kBidle 2012-07-02T18:10:00Z Delayed entry; 1810h 2July12; Core cast to 150 m; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0716.001 20120702 2017 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 58 61.86119 -33.59865 2982 cBrown 2012-07-02T20:17:00Z Delayed entry; 2017h 2July12; Water grab for Kim/Benjamin/Jack/Jamie; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0717.001 20120702 2308 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 59 61.85333 -33.55919 2981 kBidle 2012-07-02T23:08:00Z Delayed entry; 2308h 2July12; Water grab @ 7m for Kim (diel cycle); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0718.001 20120703 0205 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 60 61.83818 -33.51165 2982 kBidle 2012-07-03T02:05:00Z Delayed entry; 0205h 3July12; Water grab for Kim/Benjamin; Uri; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0719.001 20120703 0308 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 61 61.83474 -33.50000 2982 kBidle 2012-07-03T03:08:00Z Delayed entry; 0308h 3July12; Water grab @ 8m for Kim (diel cycle); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0719.002 20120703 0505 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 62 61.82286 -33.47517 2983 kBidle 2012-07-03T05:05:00Z Delayed entry; 0505h 3July12; Water grab @ 8m for Kim (diel cycle); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.0720.001 20120703 0545 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 63 61.81734 -33.46820 2982 kBidle 2012-07-03T05:45:00Z Delayed entry; 0545h 3July12; Core cast to 150 m; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.1030.001 20120703 1030 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 64 61.78023 -33.44767 2982 kBidle 2012-07-03T10:30:00Z Water grab @ 7 m for Kim (diel)
20120703.1119.001 20120703 1119 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.73187 -33.41224 2983 kBidle 2012-07-03T11:19:00Z Net trap # 17 (50 m) recovered; severe twisting around the balls; heavy particle load; similar to yesterday
20120703.1120.001 20120703 1120 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.73170 -33.41205 2983 kBidle 2012-07-03T11:20:00Z Deployed Net trap #20 @ 50 m (1 flag/4 balls); put in line with PIT
20120703.1334.001 20120703 1334 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.72851 -33.40968 2983 kBidle 2012-07-03T13:34:00Z Net trap # 18 (150 m) recovered; severe twisting around the balls; nice particle load; similar to yesterday
20120703.1350.001 20120703 1350 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.71374 -33.40522 2984 kBidle 2012-07-03T13:50:00Z Net trap #21 @ 150 m; all went smoothly; 2 flags/3 balls
20120703.1418.001 20120703 1418 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 65 61.70398 -33.41259 2985 kBidle 2012-07-03T14:18:00Z water grab @ 7 m for Kim/Benjamin (diel)
20120703.1432.001 20120703 1432 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 65 61.70011 -33.41658 2984 kBidle 2012-07-03T14:32:00Z nd
20120703.1951.001 20120703 1530 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.69563 -33.42351 2983 kBidle 2012-07-03T15:30:00Z Delayed entry; 1530h; Net trap # 19 (300 m) recovered; severe twisting around the balls; nice particle load; similar to yesterday; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.1953.001 20120703 1600 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.68921 -33.42860 2983 kBidle 2012-07-03T16:00:00Z Delayed entry; 1600 h; Deployed Net trap #22 @ 300 m (3 flags/3 balls); put in line with PIT and other traps; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120703.2000.001 20120703 1800 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 66 61.68892 -33.43267 2983 kBidle 2012-07-03T18:00:00Z Delayed entry; 1800h; water grab for Kim (diel); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120704.0730.001 20120703 2200 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 67 61.63822 -33.43885 2989 kBidle 2012-07-03T22:00:00Z Delayed entry; 2200h 7/3/12; water grab @ 7m for Kim/Benjamin/Miguel (diel); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120704.0558.001 20120704 0558 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 68 61.55716 -33.59335 2989 dSchatz 2012-07-04T05:58:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120704.0617.001 20120704 0618 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 68 61.55350 -33.60632 2989 dSchatz 2012-07-04T06:18:00Z nd
20120704.1030.001 20120704 1030 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.51913 -33.71880 2992 kBidle 2012-07-04T10:30:00Z Net trap # 20 (50 m) recovered; twisting around the balls but not as bad as before; heavy particle load; similar to previous days
20120704.1057.001 20120704 1057 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.52032 -33.70643 2992 kBidle 2012-07-04T10:57:00Z Deployed Net trap #23 @ 50 m (1 flag/4 balls); put in line with PIT and other traps
20120704.1325.001 20120704 1325 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.50423 -33.79000 2992 kBidle 2012-07-04T13:25:00Z Net trap # 21 (150 m) recovered; no twisting around the balls this time; heavy particle load; similar to previous days
20120704.1343.001 20120704 1343 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.50660 -33.78076 2992 kBidle 2012-07-04T13:43:00Z Deployed Net trap #24 @ 150 m (2 flags/3balls); put in line with PIT and other traps
20120704.1604.001 20120704 1604 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.50047 -33.86511 2997 kBidle 2012-07-04T16:04:00Z Net trap # 22 (300 m) recovered; no twisting around the balls this time; decent particle load; similar to previous days
20120704.1605.001 20120704 1605 Net_trap deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.50019 -33.86561 2998 kBidle 2012-07-04T16:05:00Z deployed Net trap #25 @ 300 m; put in line with PIT and net traps # 23 & 24
20120704.1607.001 20120704 1607 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 69 61.49927 -33.86703 2998 kBidle 2012-07-04T16:07:00Z water grab @ 11; 21; & 30m for concentrating coccos for cell sorting
20120704.1946.001 20120704 1946 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Bulls_Eye) 70 61.69407 -33.77745 2990 kBidle 2012-07-04T19:46:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120704.1947.001 20120704 1947 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Bulls_Eye) 70 61.69407 -33.77744 2987 kBidle 2012-07-04T19:47:00Z nd
20120705.0050.001 20120704 2000 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Bulls_Eye) 71 61.69392 -33.77797 2984 cLoureiro 2012-07-04T20:00:00Z Delayed entry; 07/04/2012 @ 2000 h; Deep-cast; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120705.0515.001 20120705 0515 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 72 61.54333 -34.10718 2991 kBidle 2012-07-05T05:15:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120705.0841.001 20120705 0841 opticalFloat recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.59616 -34.20090 2984 kBidle 2012-07-05T08:41:00Z Float 8493; recovered smoothly; spotted from bridge and was already on deck before I got down; This crew is awesome!!
20120705.1045.001 20120705 1045 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.57953 -34.18730 2986 kBidle 2012-07-05T10:45:00Z Net trap # 23 (50 m) recovered; VERY close PIT trap (~40 m); heavy particle load; similar to previous days
20120705.1413.001 20120705 1300 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.60839 -34.22860 2981 kBidle 2012-07-05T13:00:00Z Delayed entry; ~1300 h; Net trap # 24 (150 m) recovered; decent particle load; similar to previous days; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120705.1412.001 20120705 1412 PIT_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.60434 -34.21940 2981 kBidle 2012-07-05T14:12:00Z Recovered PIT trap; all went well overall; PHORCYS did not close light & dark bottles however; also 50 m traps did not close
20120705.1537.001 20120705 1537 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 73 61.62906 -34.22036 2981 kBidle 2012-07-05T15:37:00Z Water grab @ 150 m (Bethanie) and 8 m (Petey)
20120705.1537.002 20120705 1537 CTD911 recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) 73 61.62908 -34.22035 2981 kBidle 2012-07-05T15:37:00Z nd
20120705.1633.001 20120705 1633 Net_trap recover nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.65202 -34.20073 2981 kBidle 2012-07-05T16:33:00Z Net trap # 25 (300 m) recovered; heavy particle load; seems a lot more than previous days; had to let set for a while before removing the net from the cod end
20120705.1635.001 20120705 1635 Ship other nd Process_3_(Cocco_1) nd 61.65347 -34.19140 2981 kBidle 2012-07-05T16:35:00Z departing main lagrangian stations to pick up out of patch optical profiler to the north; will stop at Bulls Eye for a CTD cast & water grab on the way
20120705.2001.001 20120705 2001 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Bulls_Eye) 74 61.76498 -33.66269 2983 kBidle 2012-07-05T20:01:00Z Bulls Eye; water grab @ 20 m (H2O2 exp & small scale myriocin)
20120705.2001.002 20120705 2001 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(Bulls_Eye) 75 61.76646 -33.66028 2982 kBidle 2012-07-05T20:01:00Z Bulls Eye; water grab @ 20 m (H2O2 exp & small scale myriocin)
20120705.2128.001 20120705 2128 CTD911 deploy nd Process_3_(outside_Bulls_Eye) 76 61.87160 -33.40398 2974 mFrada 2012-07-05T21:28:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120706.0914.001 20120706 0914 CTD911 deploy nd Cocco2 77 63.18935 -32.78389 2884 dSchatz 2012-07-06T09:14:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120706.0935.001 20120706 0935 CTD911 recover nd Cocco2 77 63.18606 -32.78691 2884 dSchatz 2012-07-06T09:35:00Z nd
20120707.0941.001 20120706 1409 CTD911 deploy nd Cocco2 78 63.33356 -32.85016 2984 kBidle 2012-07-06T14:09:00Z Delayed entry; 1409h on 7/6/12; CTD cast down to 150m; testing the waters at the center of this eddy feature; niskins fired @ 6 depths & water used for flow cytometry & microscopy; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120706.2012.001 20120706 1812 opticalFloat deploy nd Cocco2 nd 63.34962 -32.82151 2870 cLaber 2012-07-06T18:12:00Z delayed entry; Two hours ago: Profiler DURIP #8502; lowered over the stern; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120706.1840.001 20120706 1840 RU01_glider other nd nd nd 63.34792 -32.82433 2853 aCarvalho 2012-07-06T18:40:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned off - log file 04340000.mlg closed
20120706.1859.001 20120706 1859 RU01_glider other nd nd nd 63.34783 -32.82410 2853 aCarvalho 2012-07-06T18:59:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04350000.mlg opened
20120707.0942.001 20120706 1907 CTD911 deploy nd Cocco2 79 63.34785 -32.82414 2984 kBidle 2012-07-06T19:07:00Z Delayed entry; 1907 h on 7/6/12; Core cast down to 150 m; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120706.1933.001 20120706 1933 CTD911 deploy nd Cocco2 79 63.34531 -32.82328 2854 kBidle 2012-07-06T19:33:00Z Core cast to 150 m; center of eddy; evidence of high EhV abundance; post-bloom?
20120706.1933.002 20120706 1933 CTD911 recover nd Cocco2 79 63.34505 -32.82336 2853 kBidle 2012-07-06T19:33:00Z nd
20120707.0943.001 20120707 0037 CTD911 deploy Transit_4 Anas_Place 80 62.56002 -33.11646 2983 kBidle 2012-07-07T00:37:00Z Delayed entry; 0037 h on 7/7/12; sampling of a cyclonic water mass in between Cocco2 and Cocco1; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120707.0713.001 20120707 0713 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 81 61.69455 -33.77596 2983 dSchatz 2012-07-07T07:13:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120707.0732.001 20120707 0732 CTD911 recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 81 61.69454 -33.77271 2983 dSchatz 2012-07-07T07:32:00Z nd
20120707.1458.001 20120707 0854 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 82 61.69094 -33.77003 2982 aCarvalho 2012-07-07T08:54:00Z Delayed entry for 07/07/2012 @ 0854 h; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120707.1900.001 20120707 1900 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 82 61.67058 -33.78288 2985 kBidle 2012-07-07T19:00:00Z water grab for Jamie
20120707.0933.001 20120707 0933 opticalFloat deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.69293 -33.77692 2984 kBidle 2012-07-07T09:33:00Z Deployed optical profiling float at center of eddy feature; ADCP @ 0.1 knots to SE
20120707.1029.001 20120707 1029 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.69335 -33.77700 2983 kBidle 2012-07-07T10:29:00Z deployed Net trap #26 @ 300 m; 3 flags/3 balls
20120707.1312.001 20120707 1312 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.67814 -33.75453 2983 kBidle 2012-07-07T13:12:00Z Deployed Net trap #27 @ 150 m; 2 flags/3 balls
20120707.1314.001 20120707 1314 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.67916 -33.75547 2983 kBidle 2012-07-07T13:14:00Z Deployed Net trap #28 @ 50 m; 1 flags/3 balls
20120707.1353.001 20120707 1353 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 83 61.68614 -33.75206 2982 aCarvalho 2012-07-07T13:53:00Z water grab for Assaf/Jamie @ 30; 20; 13 & 7 m
20120707.1858.002 20120707 1858 CTD911 recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 83 61.67060 -33.78216 2984 kBidle 2012-07-07T18:58:00Z nd
20120707.1544.001 20120707 1544 PIT_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.67591 -33.75175 0 kBidle 2012-07-07T15:44:00Z Deployed PIT trap (PHORCYS; 50m; 150 m; 300m); put red food dye in the 70ppt formaline brine for one of the tubes (#11) to track its location and stability over the 4d incubation
20120708.2135.001 20120708 1814 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 84 61.93891 -34.27102 2875 kBidle 2012-07-08T18:14:00Z Delayed entry; 1814 h; Core cast @ 150 m; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.2137.001 20120708 2017 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 85 62.24345 -34.68396 2876 kBidle 2012-07-08T20:17:00Z Delayed entry; 2017 h; water grab @ 13 m for Jack (dilution exps); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.0503.001 20120708 0503 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 86 61.66736 -33.86645 2982 dSchatz 2012-07-08T05:03:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120708.0525.001 20120708 0525 CTD911 recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 86 61.66711 -33.86509 2982 dSchatz 2012-07-08T05:25:00Z nd
20120708.2138.001 20120708 0930 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 87 61.67292 -33.89833 2875 kBidle 2012-07-08T09:30:00Z Delayed entry; 0930 h; water grab for Jamie/Kim/Benjamin/Miguel; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.1142.001 20120708 1020 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.67413 -33.91217 2986 kBidle 2012-07-08T10:20:00Z Delayed entry; ~1020h; Net trap # 26 (300 m) recovered; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.1143.001 20120708 1110 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.66967 -33.93275 2984 kBidle 2012-07-08T11:10:00Z Delayed entry; 1110 h; deployed net trap #29 @ 300 m (3 flags); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.1235.001 20120708 1130 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.67547 -33.92334 2984 kBidle 2012-07-08T11:30:00Z Delayed entry; ~1130 h; Net trap # 27 (150 m) recovered; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.1236.001 20120708 1200 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.67074 -33.92633 2984 kBidle 2012-07-08T12:00:00Z Delayed entry; ~1200 h; Deployed Net trap #30 @ 150 m; 2 flags/3 balls; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.1237.001 20120708 1237 Other end nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.66107 -33.91880 2984 kBidle 2012-07-08T12:37:00Z 24 h sampling of H2O2 incubation experiment
20120708.1253.001 20120708 1253 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.67040 -33.93503 2983 kBidle 2012-07-08T12:53:00Z Net trap # 28 (50 m) recovered
20120708.1309.001 20120708 1309 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.66677 -33.94125 2983 dSchatz 2012-07-08T13:09:00Z Deployed Net trap 31@ 50m
20120708.1327.001 20120708 1327 diaphramPump start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.66662 -33.94402 2983 kBidle 2012-07-08T13:27:00Z Started pumping water from 8 m over the starboard rail for incubation exps (EhV; Myriocin); harvested for biomass (3 filters); chlorophyll; pigment; measured Fv/Fm and ETR
20120711.1918.001 20120708 1300 diaphramPump start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.66857 -33.93784 2974 kBidle 2012-07-08T13:00:00Z Delayed entry; 7/8/12 @ 1300 h; pumped water @ 8m over starboard rail for myriocin/EhV incubations; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1918.002 20120708 1600 diaphramPump end nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.68533 -33.96169 2974 kBidle 2012-07-08T16:00:00Z Delayed entry; 7/8/12 @ 1600 h; finished pumping; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120708.2019.001 20120708 2019 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 88 62.24359 -34.68422 2899 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-08T20:19:00Z 8 m depth (equivalent to water pumped for mesocosm) sampled for biomass (3 filters); measured Fv/Fm and ETR
20120708.2054.001 20120708 2054 Net_trap deploy nd Cyclops_(edge) nd 62.24463 -34.68612 2876 kBidle 2012-07-08T20:54:00Z Deployed Net trap #32 @ 150 m; 2 meter diameter trap (the big boy); 2 flags/3 balls; ADCP @ 0.4 knots @ 19 degrees (NE)
20120708.2140.001 20120708 2140 CTD911 deploy nd Cyclops_(edge) 89 62.27883 -34.69264 2874 kBidle 2012-07-08T21:40:00Z core cast to 150 m
20120708.2240.001 20120708 2240 RU01_glider other nd Cyclops_(edge) nd 62.46260 -34.73418 2850 aCarvalho 2012-07-08T22:40:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04360000.mlg opened
20120709.0126.001 20120709 0126 CTD911 deploy nd Cyclops_(eye) 90 62.42678 -34.96441 2854 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-09T01:26:00Z 'Hollow' core to 150m
20120709.0144.001 20120709 0144 CTD911 deploy nd Cyclops_(eye) 91 62.42822 -34.96925 2853 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-09T01:44:00Z Deep cast to 2500m for Ana and Petey
20120709.0345.001 20120709 0345 CTD911 recover nd Cyclops_(eye) 91 62.43379 -35.01072 2851 cLoureiro 2012-07-09T03:45:00Z Deep cast to 2500m for Ana and Petey
20120709.0912.001 20120709 0912 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 92 61.77381 -33.90555 2980 dSchatz 2012-07-09T09:12:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120709.0934.001 20120709 0934 CTD911 recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 92 61.77457 -33.90253 2980 dSchatz 2012-07-09T09:34:00Z nd
20120709.1044.001 20120709 1044 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.77969 -33.88285 2980 kBidle 2012-07-09T10:44:00Z Net trap # 29 (300 m) recovered; lighter particle load; flakey and whitish in color
20120709.1045.001 20120709 1045 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.77905 -33.88133 2980 kBidle 2012-07-09T10:45:00Z deployed Net trap #33 @ 300 m; 3 flags/3 balls
20120709.1146.001 20120709 1146 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.78212 -33.91045 2981 kBidle 2012-07-09T11:46:00Z 1115h; recovered net trap # 30 (150 m)
20120709.1147.001 20120709 1148 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.78252 -33.91010 2980 jOssolinski 2012-07-09T11:48:00Z 150m; 2flags and 3 balls. deployed at 11:40; trap #34
20120709.1303.001 20120709 1303 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.78271 -33.92197 2980 kBidle 2012-07-09T13:03:00Z Net trap # 31 (50 m) recovered
20120709.1303.002 20120709 1303 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.78277 -33.92192 2979 kBidle 2012-07-09T13:03:00Z Deployed Net trap #35 @ 50 m; 1 flags/3 balls
20120709.1333.001 20120709 1334 Other start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.78738 -33.91516 2979 bBailleul 2012-07-09T13:34:00Z surface seawater sampling for fluorescence lifetime measurements
20120709.1526.001 20120709 1526 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 93 61.79695 -33.90170 2978 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-09T15:26:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120709.1656.001 20120709 1656 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 94 61.85740 -33.96696 2972 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-09T16:56:00Z water grab for Jamie; Benjamin; Miguel; and Petey
20120709.2105.001 20120709 2105 CTD911 deploy nd Cyclops_(edge) 95 62.40785 -34.91407 2854 cLoureiro 2012-07-09T21:05:00Z Core cast to 150 m; at location of recovered net trap #32
20120711.1925.001 20120709 2340 CTD911 deploy nd Cyclops_(new_eye) 96 62.27960 -35.07394 2974 kBidle 2012-07-09T23:40:00Z Delayed entry; 7/9/12; 2340h; water grab at a few depths; 'hollow' core; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120710.0510.001 20120710 0510 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 97 61.76265 -33.85589 2978 dSchatz 2012-07-10T05:10:00Z Core cast to 150 m
20120710.0534.001 20120710 0534 CTD911 recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 97 61.76461 -33.85521 2978 dSchatz 2012-07-10T05:34:00Z nd
20120710.0929.001 20120710 0929 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.76748 -33.85104 2979 kBidle 2012-07-10T09:29:00Z Net trap # 33 (300 m) recovered; lighter particle load; flakey and whitish in color
20120710.0953.001 20120710 0953 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.76875 -33.84228 2979 kBidle 2012-07-10T09:53:00Z Deployed Net trap #36 @ 300 m; 3 flags/3 balls
20120710.1017.001 20120710 1017 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.77894 -33.83025 2979 kBidle 2012-07-10T10:17:00Z Net trap # 34 (150 m) recovered
20120710.1044.001 20120710 1044 Net_trap deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.77462 -33.83156 2978 kBidle 2012-07-10T10:44:00Z Deployed Net trap #37 @ 150 m; 2 flags/3 balls
20120710.1328.001 20120710 1328 Other end nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.77268 -33.83271 2979 bBailleul 2012-07-10T13:28:00Z surface seawater sampling for fluorescence lifetime measurements
20120710.1619.001 20120710 1619 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 98 61.78363 -33.85146 2978 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-10T16:19:00Z 2 m depth resolution upper 40m; diel Kim/Benjamin
20120711.1910.001 20120710 1900 diaphramPump start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.78213 -33.87049 2974 kBidle 2012-07-10T19:00:00Z Delayed entry; 7/10/12 @ 1900 h; pumped water @ 8m over starboard rail for light/EhV incubations; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1912.001 20120710 2200 diaphramPump end nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.78549 -33.87445 2974 kBidle 2012-07-10T22:00:00Z Delayed entry; 7/10/12 @ 2200 h; dispensed water into 22 L carboys and placed into 150 umol photon m-2 s-1 incubators O/N; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1923.001 20120710 2300 CTD911 deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 99 61.78663 -33.92237 2974 kBidle 2012-07-10T23:00:00Z Delayed entry;7/10/12 @ 2300h;water grab;CTD connection to computer was not working in mid-cast;Cast aborted & Dave tried various things;no success;Anton & Dave diagnosed problem in AM 7/11/12;traced problem to a faulty module;looks like CTD is dead (say it aint so!); corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.2058.001 20120711 0900 Other start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.85302 -33.93825 2982 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-11T09:00:00Z Delayed entry; Reconfigured port side incubators at 9 am; removed all mesh and 1 layer of blue film from lid (400 uE) from forward incubator; added 1 layer of charcoal mesh (30 uE) to aft incubator; added EhV1 at 11:30am
20120711.1834.001 20120711 0900 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.85302 -33.93825 2974 kBidle 2012-07-11T09:00:00Z Delayed entry; 0900 h; Net trap # 36 (300 m) recovered; net had a tear; very little particle recovery; samples may have been compromised in terms of quantity and compostion; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1835.001 20120711 1000 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.85082 -33.92820 2974 kBidle 2012-07-11T10:00:00Z Delayed entry; 1000h; Net trap # 37 (150 m) recovered; all OK; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1836.001 20120711 1030 Net_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.85007 -33.93411 2973 kBidle 2012-07-11T10:30:00Z Delayed entry; 1030 h; Net trap # 38 (50 m) recovered; all OK; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1838.001 20120711 1100 opticalFloat recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.82929 -33.93368 2974 kBidle 2012-07-11T11:00:00Z Delayed entry; 1100h; #8493; all OK even in choppy swell; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1839.001 20120711 1400 PIT_trap recover nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.85905 -33.95575 2974 kBidle 2012-07-11T14:00:00Z Delayed entry; 1400h; dark bottle closed but top open on light bottle of PHORCYS; top trap (50 m) open; red dye in formalin brine of bottle #11 intact and at bottom (nice!); 150 and 300 m traps were closed; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.1706.001 20120711 1706 Other end nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.88456 -33.72969 2975 bBailleul 2012-07-11T17:06:00Z surface seawater sampling for fluorescence lifetime measurements
20120711.1927.001 20120711 1800 Other start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.87849 -33.71541 2974 kBidle 2012-07-11T18:00:00Z 1800 h; sampling myriocin/EhV exp; T=42 h
20120711.2218.001 20120711 1930 planktonNetTow deploy nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.87376 -33.72958 2989 kBidle 2012-07-11T19:30:00Z Delayed entry; 1930h; plankton tow off of starboard rail (Miguel/Assaf); 100 um mesh; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.2216.001 20120711 2000 diaphramPump start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.86992 -33.90917 2972 kBidle 2012-07-11T20:00:00Z Delayed entry; 2000h; pumped water from 12m for dilution exp; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120711.2217.001 20120711 2217 diaphramPump start nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) 100* 61.87294 -33.94452 2971 kBidle 2012-07-11T22:17:00Z pumped water from 18; 15; 13; 11; 9; 7 & 5 meters for high resolution depth profile of Ehux & EhV; collected biomass filters (NOT prefiltered over Nitex)
20120711.2224.001 20120711 2224 Ship other nd Process_4_(Cocco1_Redux_-_Bulls_Eye) nd 61.89161 -33.93172 2971 kBidle 2012-07-11T22:24:00Z leaving Cocco 1- Bulls Eye for the 2nd time (sniff sniff)
20120712.0915.001 20120712 0700 opticalFloat recover nd Cocco2 nd 63.23158 -32.93103 2867 kBidle 2012-07-12T07:00:00Z delayed entry; 0700 h; Optical float # 8502; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120712.0916.001 20120712 0916 diaphramPump start nd Cocco2 101* 63.23036 -32.93597 2867 kBidle 2012-07-12T09:16:00Z Pumped water from 18; 15; 13; 11; 9; 7 & 5 meters for high resolution depth profile of Ehux & EhV; collected biomass filters (NOT prefiltered over Nitex)
20120712.1820.001 20120712 1400 diaphramPump start nd Cocco4 102* 63.86481 -31.85981 2619 kBidle 2012-07-12T14:00:00Z Delayed entry; 1400h; pumped water over starboard rail from 18; 15; 13; 11; 9 & 5 m; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120712.2035.001 20120712 2035 Other start nd Cocco4 nd 64.47105 -30.31219 2440 kBidle 2012-07-12T20:35:00Z Secchi disk reading taken; between 8.5 and 9 m visibility
20120712.2058.001 20120712 2058 Other start nd nd nd 64.50438 -30.17228 2371 kThamatrakoln 2012-07-12T20:58:00Z Sampled t=27h timepoint light experiment at 14:30
20120713.1125.001 20120713 1125 diaphramPump start nd CoccoIce 103* 65.44701 -26.10189 141 kBidle 2012-07-13T11:25:00Z pumped water from 18; 15; 13; 11; 9; & 5 meters for high resolution depth profile of Ehux & EhV; collected biomass filters (NOT pre-filtered thru Nitex)
20120714.1130.001 20120714 0800 Ship endCruise nd nd nd 64.15231 -21.93837 17 kBidle 2012-07-14T08:00:00Z Delayed entry; Arrived in Reykjavik Iceland @ 0800 h; Harbor Master on board and navigating to dock; what a kick ass cruise!; corrected time/location information and moved line record into sequence (3Feb13)
20120714.0857.001 20120714 0857 Ship endCruise nd nd nd 64.14988 -21.93818 17 anOther 2012-07-14T08:57:00Z Reykjavik Iceland (@ dock)
20120718.1823.001 20120718 1823 RU01_glider other nd nd nd 59.97014 -29.77746 1411 cLoureiro 2012-07-18T18:23:00Z underway glider FIRe sensor turned on - log file 04370000.mlg opened