/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/CCR_euph_strat_abund --cruiseid eq AII-85-- Level 1

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#   North Atlantic Cold Core Rings Cruises
#   1973-1977
#    Stratified Euphausiid Abundance with Biomass and Carbon 018-08-e tows
#   PI: P. Wiebe
#   version: 2018-08-14
cruiseid  year  
AII-85    1974  
tow  tow_type  month_local  day_local  time_local  ISODateTime_local         lat       lon       region                             depth_max  
3    MOC1      10           18         0051        1974-10-18T00:51:00       37.842    -66.64    Northern_Sargasso_Sea              400        
4    MOC1      10           18         1527        1974-10-18T15:27:00       38.225    -66.7     Gulf_Stream                        600        
5    MOC1      10           19         1308        1974-10-19T13:08:00       37.462    -67.458   Cold-Core_Ring_meander             800        
6    MOC1      10           21         1050        1974-10-21T10:50:00       38.978    -69.287   Slope_Water                        800        
8    MOC1_HOR  10           22         0944        1974-10-22T09:44:00       38.785    -69.13    Slope_Water                        nd