/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/integrated_zoo_col --cruiseid eq EN11-- Level 1

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#  North Atlantic Rings Cruises
#    1972-1986
#    Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with 
#      Net tow biomass and Car: n
#   P. Wiebe, P.I.
#   version[co017-07-24 07 lat ted spelling of Nematobrachion, OCt, disp_vol, abuded OC07 vol_fildances]
# 	replacundances]
# 	replaces v. 2015-03-17
cruiseid  year  
EN11      1977  
tow  tow_type  month_local  day_local  time_local  ISODateTime_local         lat       lon       region                               depth_max  depth_mid  vol_filt  disp_vol_Mm3  integ_disp_vol  Carbon      depth_10degISO  dist_RiCntr  biomass_50  Euphausia_americana  Euphausia_brevis  Euphausia_gibboides  Euphausia_hemigibba  Euphausia_krohni  Euphausia_mutica  Euphausia_pseudogibba  Euphausia_tenera  Nematobrachion_boopis  Nematobrachion_flexipes  Nematobrachion_sexspinosum  Nematoscelis_atlantica  Nematoscelis_megalops  Nematoscelis_microps  Nematoscelis_tenella  Stylocheiron_abbreviatum  Stylocheiron_affine  Stylocheiron_carinatum  Stylocheiron_elongatum  Stylocheiron_longicorne  Stylocheiron_maximum  Stylocheiron_suhmi  Thysanoessa_gregaria  Thysanoessa_longicaudata  Thysanoessa_parva  Thysanopoda_acutifrons  Thysanopoda_aequalis  Thysanopoda_obtusifrons  Thysanopoda_pectinata  Thysanopoda_tricuspidata  Thysanopoda_monacantha  Thysanopoda_orientalis  Meganyctiphanes_norvegica  Bentheuphausia_amblyops  
77   MOC1      7            31         2225        1977-07-31T22:25:00       34.508    -71.57    CCR_Bob_Center                       1000       36.5       nd        nd            61.58345        166.29118   325             9.3          nd          0                    0                 0                    1.688201             121.9559          0                 0                      1.048951          0                      0                        0                           0.237718                94.16428               0.944111              0                     0                         0                    17.13287                0                       0.2079                   0                     0                   50.83213              0.380711                  1.146178           1.142132                0.34965               0                        0                      0.34965                   0.34965                 0                       0                          0.287192                 
78   MOC1      8            1          1700        1977-08-01T17:00:00       34.43     -71.493   CCR_Bob_Center                       1000       36.5       nd        nd            55.06774        138.0667    355             13.0         nd          0.247525             1.769912          0                    1.740357             44.15029          0.294985          0                      0                 0                      0                        0                           0.332594                24.82204               0                     0.434783              0                         0                    28.14815                0                       0                        0                     0                   1.035726              0                         3.059104           2.456185                0.960174              0                        0                      0                         0.665188                0.308642                0                          0.127011                 
79   MOC1      8            2          0910        1977-08-02T09:10:00       33.633    -73.217   Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       36.5       nd        nd            22.26321        46.09858    922             179.6        nd          0.35545              7.059278          0                    2.476738             0                 0                 0                      1.376147          0                      0                        0.205761                    0.7109                  0                      5.962759              2.442497              1.508995                  16.75368             0.344828                6.217125                0                        0                     2.413793            0                     0                         0                  0.571654                1.731597              1.398974                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
80   MOC1      8            2          2327        1977-08-02T23:27:00       33.667    -73.15    Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       36.5       nd        nd            26.0487         60.11286    920             172.2        nd          0                    8.272506          0                    11.13387             0.486618          0                 0                      1.697572          0                      0                        0.237718                    0.27775                 0                      9.554565              1.556198              2.45994                   20.60554             12.28489                6.799167                0                        0                     3.608346            0                     0                         0                  0.773994                3.168651              0.217865                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
81   MOC1      8            5          2023        1977-08-05T20:23:00       34.5      -70.617   Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       36.5       nd        nd            42.08317        104.53371   850             101.9        nd          0                    17.88465          0                    10.42104             0.668896          0                 0                      3.67893           0.265487               0                        0                           1.339249                0                      15.94737              5.72882               5.53251                   24.31112             3.67893                 7.988763                0.561181                 0                     5.016722            0                     0                         0.84877            0                       1.390941              0.447654                 0                      0                         0.334448                0                       0                          0                        
82   MOC1      8            6          0901        1977-08-06T09:01:00       34.483    -70.967   Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       36.5       nd        nd            31.20769        69.415014   760             72.2         nd          0                    11.41653          0                    15.88582             1.536098          0                 0                      2.380952          0.396825               0                        0                           0.447872                0                      9.815558              2.867384              0.913794                  17.67256             7.624633                8.743647                0                        0                     10.85044            0                     0                         0.165198           0                       3.135572              0.306748                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0.165198                 
83   MOC1      8            6          2052        1977-08-06T20:52:00       34.45     -71.683   CCR_Bob_Center                       1000       36.5       nd        nd            68.78137        202.79732   365             25.9         nd          0.623701             0.2079            0                    0.452998             697.9163          0.2079            0                      1.455301          0.272727               0                        0                           2.0151                  149.4824               0.251256              0                     0.2079                    0                    6.093933                0                       0                        0                     0.2079              33.89907              0.219298                  4.051113           1.671981                0.2079                0                        0                      0                         0.2079                  0                       0                          0                        
84   MOC1      8            7          0800        1977-08-07T08:00:00       34.495    -71.833   CCR_Bob_Center                       1000       36.5       nd        nd            90.67078        301.77804   320             13.0         nd          nd                   nd                nd                   nd                   nd                nd                nd                     nd                nd                     nd                       nd                          nd                      nd                     nd                    nd                    nd                        nd                   nd                      nd                      nd                       nd                    nd                  nd                    nd                        nd                 nd                      nd                    nd                       nd                     nd                        nd                      nd                      nd                         nd                       
85   MOC1      8            7          2052        1977-08-07T20:52:00       34.893    -71.913   CCR_Bob_HVC                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            35.94346        86.497282   510             46.3         nd          0.441501             8.388521          0                    3.641472             14.67222          0                 0                      13.68653          0.26455                0                        0                           3.185119                27.54633               1.044787              1.823082              1.617795                  2.889913             39.23704                13.97161                0.279851                 0                     2.207506            0                     0                         2.60318            0                       0.992465              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0.150602                 
86   MOC1      8            8          0122        1977-08-08T01:22:00       35        -71.933   CCR_Bob_HVC                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            33.45823        78.349595   602             57.4         nd          0.176678             3.333117          0.15083              4.813488             3.072553          0                 0                      0.530035          0.30839                0                        0                           0.821913                44.97204               9.334049              1.429644              2.601024                  10.27187             27.02327                9.127737                0.211864                 0                     1.891765            0.096525              0                         1.682158           0                       2.007226              0.807921                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
87   MOC1      8            9          0825        1977-08-09T08:25:00       34.592    -71.917   CCR_Bob_Center                       1000       36.5       nd        nd            38.48884        88.538161   355             20.4         nd          2.650665             3.587804          0                    1.805778             21.71159          0.242131          0                      17.19128          0.229358               0.229358                 0                           1.063073                7.514352               0.1875                0.242131              0                         0.212314             4.883227                0                       0                        0                     0.212314            4.458599              0.1875                    2.153776           2.0625                  1.376147              0                        0                      0.229358                  0                       0                       0                          0                        
88   MOC1      8            10         0330        1977-08-10T03:30:00       34.528    -71.825   CCR_Bob_Center                       700        36.5       nd        nd            61.30235        164.36225   380             25.9         nd          nd                   nd                nd                   nd                   nd                nd                nd                     nd                nd                     nd                       nd                          nd                      nd                     nd                    nd                    nd                        nd                   nd                      nd                      nd                       nd                    nd                  nd                    nd                        nd                 nd                      nd                    nd                       nd                     nd                        nd                      nd                      nd                         nd                       
89   MOC1      8            12         2330        1977-08-12T23:30:00       34.55     -71.7     CCR_Bob_HVC                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            32.96633        80.921465   670             63.0         nd          1.295896             17.27862          0.431965             12.29995             0.833567          1.727862          0                      4.319654          0                      0                        0                           1.457804                0.47597                16.94415              2.24236               6.275631                  12.59383             25.48596                9.749925                0.457486                 0                     4.707361            0.287356              0                         3.618089           0.162162                3.316765              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
90   MOC1      8            14         0802        1977-08-14T08:02:00       34.747    -71.983   CCR_Bob_HVC                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            31.26463        69.178293   563             50.0         nd          0.521072             6.097902          0.268817             6.179711             0                 0                 0                      3.447299          0                      0                        0                           2.108669                1.290488               9.109797              1.716269              0.268817                  9.703529             4.485488                8.100977                0                        0                     3.645869            0.30303               0                         1.416203           0.606061                1.762793              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
91   MOC1      8            15         0848        1977-08-15T08:48:00       37.715    -69.967   Gulf_Stream                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            28.91581        66.998033   733             nd           nd          15.58809             6.075664          0                    14.27593             0.186104          5.679936          0                      4.560828          0.127443               0                        0                           0.254885                0                      4.267287              5.816865              0.211416                  9.496488             22.84757                3.708493                0                        0                     3.62117             0                     0                         0                  0.254885                4.868608              0.87186                  0                      0.422833                  0.186104                0.254885                0                          0                        
92   MOC1      8            15         2038        1977-08-15T20:38:00       38.312    -68.983   Slope_Water                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            96.84008        289.19721   235             nd           nd          2.222222             0                 0.634921             1.269841             60.93907          0.634921          0                      0.952381          0                      0                        0                           0.31746                 1032.881               0.634921              0                     0                         0                    0.952381                0                       0                        0                     0                   11.96156              19.37692                  0.439018           0                       0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       4.185189                   0                        
93   MOC1      8            16         0850        1977-08-16T08:50:00       38.512    -68.867   Slope_Water                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            66.12385        181.75849   223             nd           nd          1.7073               0.224719          0                    3.464395             99.04187          1.318164          0                      1.692224          0                      0                        0                           1.739317                103.2615               0.866099              0                     0                         0                    3.832753                0                       0                        0                     0                   0                     2.221608                  1.599528           0                       0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0.238663                   0                        
94   MOC1      8            16         2353        1977-08-16T23:53:00       38.983    -70.642   WCR                                  1000       36.5       nd        nd            138.1874        457.46033   415             nd           nd          14.61211             16.34615          5.343885             10.79862             0.536193          0.268097          0                      17.52181          0                      0                        0                           0.806051                0                      8.58993               1.632276              7.288223                  29.13975             25.96154                12.32563                0.55989                  0.189036              1.923077            94.63564              3.045091                  39.29907           1.950638                1.143357              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
95   MOC1      8            17         1532        1977-08-17T15:32:00       39.035    -70.983   WCR                                  1000       36.5       nd        nd            63.30772        171.439     555             nd           nd          0.85985              2.250804          2.572347             12.56579             1.92926           0.321543          0                      13.64635          0.246305               0                        0                           7.093642                0                      20.84507              1.001375              1.293103                  62.89144             2.312373                6.004544                0.643087                 0                     5.172414            0                     4.461956                  17.22811           0.216763                1.635511              1.416256                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0