/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/integrated_zoo_col --cruiseid eq KN38-- Level 1
# North Atlantic Rings Cruises
# 1972-1986
# Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with
# Net tow biomass and Car: n
# P. Wiebe, P.I.
# version[co017-07-24 07 lat ted spelling of Nematobrachion, OCt, disp_vol, abuded OC07 vol_fildances]
# replacundances]
# replaces v. 2015-03-17
cruiseid year
KN38 1974
tow tow_type month_local day_local time_local ISODateTime_local lat lon region depth_max depth_mid vol_filt disp_vol_Mm3 integ_disp_vol Carbon depth_10degISO dist_RiCntr biomass_50 Euphausia_americana Euphausia_brevis Euphausia_gibboides Euphausia_hemigibba Euphausia_krohni Euphausia_mutica Euphausia_pseudogibba Euphausia_tenera Nematobrachion_boopis Nematobrachion_flexipes Nematobrachion_sexspinosum Nematoscelis_atlantica Nematoscelis_megalops Nematoscelis_microps Nematoscelis_tenella Stylocheiron_abbreviatum Stylocheiron_affine Stylocheiron_carinatum Stylocheiron_elongatum Stylocheiron_longicorne Stylocheiron_maximum Stylocheiron_suhmi Thysanoessa_gregaria Thysanoessa_longicaudata Thysanoessa_parva Thysanopoda_acutifrons Thysanopoda_aequalis Thysanopoda_obtusifrons Thysanopoda_pectinata Thysanopoda_tricuspidata Thysanopoda_monacantha Thysanopoda_orientalis Meganyctiphanes_norvegica Bentheuphausia_amblyops
1 MTRN 3 12 0017 1974-03-12T00:17:00 20.238 -65.448 SSS 650 325 3390 8 5.2 84.643222 nd nd nd 0 3.643068 0 1.342183 0 0.19174 0 0.575221 0.383481 0.19174 0 0 0 0.766962 2.492625 0.958702 5.560472 3.834808 0.766962 0 0.19174 10.54572 0 0 0 0 2.492625 0.383481 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 MTRN 3 13 0023 1974-03-13T00:23:00 23.133 -64.115 SSS 630 315 2999 8 5.04 82.038815 nd nd nd 0 0.63021 0 0.42014 0 0 0 0.84028 0 0 0 0 0 0.42014 1.68056 0.42014 3.15105 3.57119 0.84028 0 0.63021 15.12504 0 0 0 0 2.1007 0.63021 0 0.21007 0 0 0 0
3 MTRN 3 13 0137 1974-03-13T01:37:00 23.192 -64.1 SSS 750 375 2711 14 10.5 98.16106 nd nd nd 0.276651 6.362966 0 0.276651 0 0 0 1.936555 0 0 0.276651 0 0 0 2.766507 1.383253 3.043158 5.533014 1.936555 0 0.553301 11.89598 0 0 0 0 2.766507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 MTRN 3 14 0032 1974-03-14T00:32:00 25.302 -62.978 SSS 750 375 3637 10 7.5 97.830473 nd nd nd 0 4.949134 0 0.412428 0 0 0 0.206214 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.124278 1.03107 3.505637 4.536706 0.618642 0 0 23.7146 0 0 0 0 2.474567 1.237283 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 MTRN 3 15 0045 1974-03-15T00:45:00 28.187 -61.937 SSS 920 460 2171 nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.423768 4.661446 0.847536 0.847536 0 0 0 0 0.423768 0 0 0 0 2.118839 0.847536 0 4.661446 2.966375 1.695071 0 0 15.25564 0 0 0 0 1.271304 0 0 0.423768 0 0 0 0
7 MTRN 3 15 0150 1974-03-15T01:50:00 28.2 -61.963 SSS 860 430 2157 5 4.3 111.70543 nd nd nd 1.99351 9.170144 0 0.398702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.398702 0 0 1.196106 2.392211 0 2.392211 1.196106 2.790913 0 0.398702 16.34678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.398702 0 0
9 MTRN 3 16 0027 1974-03-16T00:27:00 30.637 -60.89 SSS 740 370 2688 24 17.76 97.668557 nd nd nd 4.129464 30.00744 0.275298 2.477679 0 0.550595 0 3.028274 0 0.275298 0.275298 0.275298 0 7.157738 1.376488 0.275298 1.10119 5.78125 1.10119 0.275298 0.275298 3.578869 0.275298 0 0 0 1.651786 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 MTRN 3 18 0120 1974-03-18T01:20:00 32.072 -59.76 SSS 750 375 2185 40 30 100.31474 nd nd nd 0.343249 25.40046 0 1.716247 0 0 0 0.343249 0 0 0.343249 0 0 0.686499 1.716247 0.686499 3.089245 1.372998 1.029748 0 0 3.432494 4.118993 0 0 0 1.029748 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 MTRN 3 25 1922 1974-03-25T19:22:00 36.05 -61.717 Northern_Sargasso_Sea 815 407.5 2286 36 29.34 108.64804 nd nd nd 2.139108 97.3294 1.069554 15.68679 0.713036 0.713036 0 6.417323 0 2.139108 0 3.208661 0 7.130359 2.495626 2.852143 4.991251 8.55643 11.76509 0 0 3.208661 55.6168 0.356518 0 0 2.139108 0.713036 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 MTRN 3 26 0424 1974-03-26T04:24:00 36.358 -61.937 Northern_Sargasso_Sea 730 365 2401 25 18.25 96.429306 nd nd nd 0.30404 2.12828 0 0.30404 0 0.30404 0 1.5202 0 0 0 0 0 1.21616 0 0.30404 2.73636 2.73636 2.43232 0.30404 0 0.30404 1.21616 0 0 0 0.60808 0 0 0 0.30404 0 0 0
15 MTRN 3 26 1919 1974-03-26T19:19:00 35.458 -61.248 CCR 190 80 337.4 11 2.09 24.804652 nd nd nd 0 45.05039 0 16.59751 0 2.371073 0 14.22644 0 7.113219 0 0 0 0 0 7.113219 7.113219 40.30824 0 0 0 4.742146 189.6858 0 0 0 4.742146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 MTRN 3 26 1919 1974-03-26T19:19:00 35.458 -61.248 CCR 800 400 2312 35 28 106.55991 nd nd nd 0 1.730104 0 0.692042 0.346021 0 0 0.346021 0 0.346021 0 0 1.038062 1.038062 1.038062 1.038062 1.038062 2.422145 1.038062 0 0 0 1.730104 1.384083 0 0 0.346021 0.346021 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 MTRN 3 27 0437 1974-03-27T04:37:00 35.717 -61.017 CCR 860 430 1925 58 49.88 116.74288 nd nd nd 0.446753 10.27532 1.34026 2.233766 3.574026 0 0 0.446753 0 0.893506 0 0.893506 1.34026 0 0 1.787013 1.787013 3.574026 0 0 0 0 47.8026 2.233766 0 0 0 0.446753 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 MTRN 3 29 0020 1974-03-29T00:20:00 36.06 -61.172 Northern_Sargasso_Sea 700 350 2490 36 25.2 93.317334 nd nd nd 0 3.654618 0 3.092369 0.562249 0 0 0.843373 0 0.281124 0 0 0 1.967871 0.562249 1.967871 3.092369 1.967871 0.562249 0 0 0 23.33333 1.686747 0 0 1.405622 0.843373 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 MTRN 3 29 0340 1974-03-29T03:40:00 35.972 -61.362 Northern_Sargasso_Sea 750 375 2295 34 25.5 99.816991 nd nd nd 0 6.20915 0.326797 3.921569 0.653595 0.653595 0 2.614379 0 0.326797 0 0.980392 0.980392 1.633987 0.653595 0.980392 1.30719 4.575163 0.980392 0 0 0.653595 13.39869 1.633987 0 0 0.326797 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 MTRN 3 29 0523 1974-03-29T05:23:00 35.858 -61.337 CCR 750 375 2059 33 24.75 99.734077 nd nd nd 0 4.371054 0 2.914036 2.185527 0 0 0.364254 0 0 0 0.728509 0 0 0 0.364254 1.092763 0.728509 2.914036 0 0 0 11.29189 2.914036 0 0.364254 1.092763 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 MTRN 3 30 0424 1974-03-30T04:24:00 36.84 -64.595 Northern_Sargasso_Sea 750 375 2241 33 24.75 99.734077 nd nd nd 2.342704 8.366801 0 3.34672 0 0.334672 0 2.008032 0 0.334672 0.334672 1.004016 0.334672 0.669344 2.008032 0 3.34672 39.82597 5.02008 0 0 1.004016 15.72959 0.334672 0 0 1.004016 0.669344 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 MTRN 4 2 0304 1974-04-02T03:04:00 38.095 -67.867 Slope_Water 750 375 2139 61 45.75 102.06036 nd nd nd 3.15568 0 0 0.701262 1.402525 2.805049 0 2.805049 0 0 0 1.402525 0.701262 0.350631 0 1.051893 0 1.753156 0.350631 0 0 0.350631 1.051893 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 MTRN 4 2 0400 1974-04-02T04:00:00 38.098 -67.862 Slope_Water 940 470 1985 71 66.74 128.95985 nd nd nd 9.471033 0.473552 0 0 5.209068 1.894207 0 8.523929 0 0 0 2.84131 1.894207 1.420655 0 0.473552 0.947103 1.894207 0 0 0 0 5.68262 1.894207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 MTRN 4 3 0453 1974-04-03T04:53:00 38.095 -68.842 Slope_Water 920 460 1908 97 89.24 128.88016 nd nd nd 0 0 0.48218 0 13.01887 0 0 2.410901 0 0 0 0 2.893082 0.964361 0 0.48218 0.964361 1.446541 0 0 0 1.446541 0.964361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 MTRN 4 3 0552 1974-04-03T05:52:00 38.067 -68.837 Slope_Water 700 350 1299 77 53.9 96.50104 nd nd nd 0.538876 1.077752 0 1.077752 5.388761 0 0 13.4719 0 0 0 2.69438 0 2.155504 0.538876 0.538876 0 0 0.538876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.538876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 MTRN 4 3 1910 1974-04-03T19:10:00 39.617 -69.833 Slope_Water 750 375 1450 29 21.75 99.402541 nd nd nd 0 0 0 0 0.517241 0 0 1.034483 0 0 0 0 4.137931 0 0 0 0.517241 0 0 0 0 0 6.724138 0.517241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0