/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/integrated_zoo_col --cruiseid eq KN65-- Level 1
# North Atlantic Rings Cruises
# 1972-1986
# Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with
# Net tow biomass and Car: n
# P. Wiebe, P.I.
# version[co017-07-24 07 lat ted spelling of Nematobrachion, OCt, disp_vol, abuded OC07 vol_fildances]
# replacundances]
# replaces v. 2015-03-17
cruiseid year
KN65 1977
tow tow_type month_local day_local time_local ISODateTime_local lat lon region depth_max depth_mid vol_filt disp_vol_Mm3 integ_disp_vol Carbon depth_10degISO dist_RiCntr biomass_50 Euphausia_americana Euphausia_brevis Euphausia_gibboides Euphausia_hemigibba Euphausia_krohni Euphausia_mutica Euphausia_pseudogibba Euphausia_tenera Nematobrachion_boopis Nematobrachion_flexipes Nematobrachion_sexspinosum Nematoscelis_atlantica Nematoscelis_megalops Nematoscelis_microps Nematoscelis_tenella Stylocheiron_abbreviatum Stylocheiron_affine Stylocheiron_carinatum Stylocheiron_elongatum Stylocheiron_longicorne Stylocheiron_maximum Stylocheiron_suhmi Thysanoessa_gregaria Thysanoessa_longicaudata Thysanoessa_parva Thysanopoda_acutifrons Thysanopoda_aequalis Thysanopoda_obtusifrons Thysanopoda_pectinata Thysanopoda_tricuspidata Thysanopoda_monacantha Thysanopoda_orientalis Meganyctiphanes_norvegica Bentheuphausia_amblyops
60 MOC1 4 11 1045 1977-04-11T10:45:00 34.303 -71.383 Northern_Sargasso_Sea 1000 36.5 nd nd 66.69739 206.18532 1060 179.0 nd 3.68489 65.06613 0 20.95604 0 0.949444 0.17094 19.7421 0 1.132479 0 3.337899 0 17.10352 14.91759 4.664663 9.093119 30.77812 4.259808 0 0 7.512883 1.939058 0 0 0 9.260905 1.557505 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 MOC1 4 13 2053 1977-04-13T20:53:00 34.32 -71.352 Northern_Sargasso_Sea 1000 36.5 nd nd 91.2796 301.83498 1050 181.0 nd 11.79941 129.0209 4.129794 33.64644 0.589971 0.589971 0 68.33206 0 1.981351 1.145038 2.176947 0 16.32032 11.01945 7.332373 9.583825 20.14832 13.30774 0 0 2.812193 3.122666 0 0 0.340136 10.67236 1.99007 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 MOC1 4 17 1019 1977-04-17T10:19:00 36.72 -69.502 CCR_Bob_Center 1000 36.5 nd nd 175.5205 616.34463 300 25.0 nd 5.948833 0 0.357143 2.610442 23.30487 0.200803 0 3.555265 0 0.357143 0 0.6394 8.289776 0.200803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.35461 0.70922 0.398432 0 0 0.438596 0 0 0 0.197628 0 0 0
63 MOC1 4 18 0115 1977-04-18T01:15:00 36.817 -69.55 CCR_Bob_Center 1000 36.5 nd nd 149.9864 534.01503 296 41.0 nd 12.44465 0.282486 0.45045 3.718125 16.66667 0.45045 0 4.054054 0 0 0 0.248139 42.7585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.08301 6.311287 0 0.187266 0.900901 0 0 0.900901 0 0 0 0
64 MOC1 4 18 1315 1977-04-18T13:15:00 36.58 -70.382 GS_NSS 1000 36.5 nd nd 81.05843 228.71771 817 109.4 nd 3.891271 131.1355 0 28.759 1.155127 0.273973 0 52.98562 0.623269 0.517674 0 4.475287 0 37.99373 16.54838 2.804077 12.69482 38.51133 6.732274 0.33557 0 8.637352 4.213881 0 0 0.207756 11.09726 2.494615 0 0.838926 0 0.623269 0 0
65 MOC1 4 18 1856 1977-04-18T18:56:00 36.567 -70.367 GS_NSS 1000 36.5 nd nd 91.48374 296.05676 819 114.1 nd 6.715205 60.41882 1.373672 9.507419 0 3.878325 0 46.04136 0 1.330044 0 5.076899 0 15.45618 6.971904 5.466732 31.369 197.4624 35.65274 3.537535 0.527241 18.72219 0 0 0 0 6.36652 1.957003 0 1.41844 1.68206 0 0 0
66 MOC1 4 19 1230 1977-04-19T12:30:00 36.675 -69.817 CCR_Bob_Fringe_(HVC) 1000 36.5 nd nd 83.88493 234.92267 665 61.7 nd 4.386792 12.81289 0.239234 18.98913 0 0 0 25.20219 0.331126 0.869565 0 8.464145 0 7.195229 6.181959 1.39172 16.06853 121.0024 7.152516 0 0 5.221441 0 0.21398 0 0 13.18417 0 0 0 1.415259 0 0 0
67 MOC1 4 19 1905 1977-04-19T19:05:00 36.667 -69.817 CCR_Bob_Fringe_(HVC) 1000 36.5 nd nd 79.75331 268.37344 710 67.3 nd 3.249097 62.79589 3.817461 10.55185 0 0 0 46.79146 0 2.019377 0 7.552152 0 6.803797 8.565601 9.031654 19.6126 58.91845 12.01153 0 0 8.985213 0 0 0 0 6.462561 0 0 0 0.474684 0 0 0.151976
68 MOC1 4 21 1026 1977-04-21T10:26:00 36.733 -68.512 CCR_Bob_Center 1000 36.5 nd nd 94.02248 286.34104 310 8.8 nd 2.183086 0.444444 0 0.292398 6.632479 0 0 0.877193 0 0 0 0.584795 3.521368 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.975799 0.869936 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.289979 0 0 0
69 MOC1 4 21 1903 1977-04-21T19:03:00 36.758 -68.547 CCR_Bob_Center 850 36.5 nd nd 112.4597 353.45465 198 46.3 nd 1.495437 0 0.688985 0.268817 14.80686 0 0 1.583831 0 0 0 0 8.558375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.712675 5.762556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.337838
70 MOC1 4 21 2134 1977-04-21T21:34:00 36.517 -68.067 CCR_Bob_Fringe_(HVC) 1000 36.5 nd nd 104.9924 326.73391 500 nd nd 24.79744 14.39522 0.253807 8.400887 0.27248 3.28411 0 94.30609 0 1.206442 0 7.907231 0 4.081565 1.015228 1.57886 4.370738 101.0152 0.253807 0 0 7.588576 3.271188 0.143816 0 0.750124 0.780094 0.544959 0.301205 2.020202 0 0 0 0.334076
71 MOC1 4 23 2121 1977-04-23T21:21:00 36.433 -66 CCR_Al_Center 1000 36.5 nd nd 137.4772 512.59436 668 nd nd 27.53623 89.13043 0 31.88406 21.01449 6.521739 0 36.23188 0.305499 0.899259 0 0.571461 37.24272 1.534056 1.548814 0.724638 2.795734 13.04348 23.60518 0.274725 0 0.280112 53.62881 2.43559 0 0 0.824176 0.549451 0 0 0 0 0 0.174622
72 MOC1 4 24 0910 1977-04-24T09:10:00 36.583 -66.7 CCR_Al_Center 1000 36.5 nd nd 116.8485 404.46191 717 nd nd 14.0031 25.16186 0 10.27576 9.061489 1.304017 0 4.646546 0 0.490196 0.161812 0.977199 0.916566 2.537723 1.710896 0.323625 2.468969 1.342282 10.21797 0.245098 0 0 0 2.104596 0 0 0 0.501672 0 0 0 0 0 0.161464
73 MOC1 4 28 1044 1977-04-28T10:44:00 38.325 -67.735 Slope_Water 1000 36.5 nd nd 127.4407 437.23109 234 nd nd 2.285733 0 0 0.573066 110.9057 1.715932 0 8.833469 0 0 0 1.015228 41.6911 0.826873 0.538707 0.534759 1.336898 0 0.55228 0 0 0.259067 0 0 0 0 0 0.25729 0 0 0 0 15.42396 0
75 MOC1 4 29 2107 1977-04-29T21:07:00 39.5 -69.45 Slope_Water 1000 36.5 nd nd 72.27244 215.7163 200 nd nd 8.181818 0 0.909091 1.818182 276.7829 0.909091 0 4.755098 0 0 0 1.666775 57.45344 3.14656 0 2.795883 0 0.909091 0 0.206186 0 0 1.048218 0.8282 0 0.243309 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.565847 0.642857
76 MOC1 4 30 0707 1977-04-30T07:07:00 39.713 -69.713 Slope_Water 1000 36.5 nd nd 134.9843 438.29305 nd nd nd 0 0 0 0 699.5859 0.540541 0 1.098428 0 0 0 1.90464 18.57135 4.642036 0.27027 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.540738 0 0 0 0.27027 0 0 0 0 0 11.25455 0