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#  North Atlantic Rings Cruises
#    1972-1986
#    Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with 
#      Net tow biomass and Car: n
#   P. Wiebe, P.I.
#   version[co017-07-24 07 lat ted spelling of Nematobrachion, OCt, disp_vol, abuded OC07 vol_fildances]
# 	replacundances]
# 	replaces v. 2015-03-17
cruiseid  year  
KN71      1977  
tow  tow_type  month_local  day_local  time_local  ISODateTime_local         lat       lon       region                               depth_max  depth_mid  vol_filt  disp_vol_Mm3  integ_disp_vol  Carbon      depth_10degISO  dist_RiCntr  biomass_50  Euphausia_americana  Euphausia_brevis  Euphausia_gibboides  Euphausia_hemigibba  Euphausia_krohni  Euphausia_mutica  Euphausia_pseudogibba  Euphausia_tenera  Nematobrachion_boopis  Nematobrachion_flexipes  Nematobrachion_sexspinosum  Nematoscelis_atlantica  Nematoscelis_megalops  Nematoscelis_microps  Nematoscelis_tenella  Stylocheiron_abbreviatum  Stylocheiron_affine  Stylocheiron_carinatum  Stylocheiron_elongatum  Stylocheiron_longicorne  Stylocheiron_maximum  Stylocheiron_suhmi  Thysanoessa_gregaria  Thysanoessa_longicaudata  Thysanoessa_parva  Thysanopoda_acutifrons  Thysanopoda_aequalis  Thysanopoda_obtusifrons  Thysanopoda_pectinata  Thysanopoda_tricuspidata  Thysanopoda_monacantha  Thysanopoda_orientalis  Meganyctiphanes_norvegica  Bentheuphausia_amblyops  
96   MOC1      10           23         0930        1977-10-23T09:30:00       38.432    -72.05    Slope_Water                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            64.83668        171.85118   199             nd           nd          nd                   nd                nd                   nd                   nd                nd                nd                     nd                nd                     nd                       nd                          nd                      nd                     nd                    nd                    nd                        nd                   nd                      nd                      nd                       nd                    nd                  nd                    nd                        nd                 nd                      nd                    nd                       nd                     nd                        nd                      nd                      nd                         nd                       
97   MOC1      10           23         2201        1977-10-23T22:01:00       38.622    -71.925   Slope_Water                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            89.01612        254.48106   190             nd           nd          0.581395             0.436047          0.22779              0.455581             81.22244          0.518488          0                      3.206002          0                      0                        0                           1.605404                550.6852               0.518014              0.573066              0.22779                   0                    0.911162                0                       0                        0                     0                   49.56973              10.54295                  0.887574           0.586511                0.455581              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       4.090303                   0.27933                  
98   MOC1      10           28         2150        1977-10-28T21:50:00       34.75     -70.333   CCR_Emerson_Center                   1000       36.5       nd        nd            32.5339         76.129325   545             nd           nd          0                    13.30166          0.475059             3.961103             0.178891          0                 0                      3.562945          0.248344               0                        0                           0.811398                16.59536               3.518873              2.776223              1.070371                  7.063655             5.820965                4.955253                0.274725                 0.241935              1.900238            0.241546              0                         27.87612           0                       1.668657              0.774202                 0                      0.23753                   0                       0.241935                0                          0                        
99   MOC1      10           29         1129        1977-10-29T11:29:00       34.865    -70.332   CCR_Emerson_Center                   1000       36.5       nd        nd            31.7452         70.954715   555             nd           nd          9.95671              42.85924          0                    9.771726             0.528             0.4329            0                      5.357824          0.476948               0.4329                   0                           1.004948                8.793663               3.325569              1.579037              0                         4.144029             7.172107                4.061166                0                        0                     2.094302            0.264085              0                         30.22606           0.528085                1.530784              1.081017                 0                      1.129801                  0                       0                       0                          0                        
100  MOC1      10           30         2212        1977-10-30T22:12:00       35.598    -67.285   Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       36.5       nd        nd            42.31091        119.10759   945             nd           nd          9.95671              21.21212          0.564736             4.090163             0                 0.684157          0                      4.934394          0.134409               0.4329                   0.271248                    1.023186                1.526203               10.60392              3.305398              2.194357                  15.41018             18.52515                4.787756                0                        0                     5.567995            0                     0                         19.24352           0                       2.946009              0.502513                 0                      0.865801                  0                       0                       0                          0                        
101  MOC1      10           31         1415        1977-10-31T14:15:00       36.2      -67.44    Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       36.5       nd        nd            30.86475        70.695534   945             nd           nd          1.638999             10.27749          0.31746              13.90737             0.512821          0.813679          0                      17.02181          0                      0                        0                           0.239808                2.441346               5.30416               2.481509              1.516331                  7.720154             19.50207                49.62138                0                        0                     6.76151             0.239808              0                         8.884747           0.239808                6.317448              1.453666                 0                      0                         0.3125                  0                       0                          0                        
102  MOC1      11           3          0741        1977-11-03T07:41:00       36.667    -65.868   CCR_Franklin_Center                  1000       36.5       nd        nd            52.51685        130.47679   309             7.4          nd          3.949658             1.542552          0                    1.778292             18.70089          0                 0                      18.09286          0.31185                0                        0                           0.480769                0.792043               0.240385              0                     0                         0                    2.209945                0.483092                0                        0                     0                   0                     15.73262                  34.74127           0.31185                 0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0.303951                 
103  MOC1      11           3          2243        1977-11-03T22:43:00       36.667    -65.917   CCR_Franklin_Center                  1000       36.5       nd        nd            50.6522         128.49455   360             11.1         nd          4                    2.5               0.531915             4.595745             28.5              0.75              0                      12.82561          0.280899               0.369004                 0                           0                       22.82058               0.999787              0.369004              1.06383                   0                    18.3617                 0.369004                0.369004                 0                     0.75                9.786171              10.50976                  19.54143           3.269111                0.531915              0                        0                      0                         0.25                    0                       0                          0                        
104  MOC1      11           4          1658        1977-11-04T16:58:00       36.715    -64.592   Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       36.5       nd        nd            33.52662        85.336813   910             216.7        nd          1.131812             20.20725          0                    9.327933             0                 1.813472          0                      35.35696          0                      0                        0                           0.288184                0                      7.115129              2.844813              1.219163                  13.47835             103.0427                9.569488                0                        0.224888              7.568074            0.259067              0.159574                  25.58566           0.678606                1.758486              0.498702                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
105  MOC1      11           5          0918        1977-11-05T09:18:00       36.708    -65.17    CCR_Franklin_Fringe_(HVC)            1000       36.5       nd        nd            22.30654        46.367076   760             75.9         nd          4.364472             13.68791          0                    10.12906             1.26506           0                 0                      6.888599          0.166852               0                        0                           0.229709                1.496979               10.23888              1.543755              0.541608                  10.11998             10.07605                7.874151                0.229709                 0                     0.936203            0.347575              0.333704                  17.82774           0                       0.771878              0.342885                 0                      0                         0                       0.190114                0                          0                        
106  MOC1      11           5          1403        1977-11-05T14:03:00       36.667    -65.197   CCR_Franklin_Fringe_(HVC)            200        36.5       nd        nd            8.55991         21.829702   nd              75.9         nd          nd                   nd                nd                   nd                   nd                nd                nd                     nd                nd                     nd                       nd                          nd                      nd                     nd                    nd                    nd                        nd                   nd                      nd                      nd                       nd                    nd                  nd                    nd                        nd                 nd                      nd                    nd                       nd                     nd                        nd                      nd                      nd                         nd                       
107  MOC1      11           5          1813        1977-11-05T18:13:00       36.695    -65.333   CCR_Franklin_Fringe_(HVC)            1000       36.5       nd        nd            30.14775        74.043283   677             70.4         nd          3.935599             47.22719          0.357782             15.9511              8.384019          1.431127          0                      21.84172          0                      0                        0                           0.091799                26.71593               6.27875               0.696419              0.846211                  3.003748             11.70543                7.463399                0                        0                     0.357782            0.449581              0                         21.53177           0                       3.273703              1.001249                 0.298507               0.357782                  0                       0                       0                          0                        
108  MOC1      11           6          0124        1977-11-06T01:24:00       36.638    -65.147   CCR_Franklin_Fringe_(HVC)            1000       36.5       nd        nd            28.82829        65.165935   785             87.0         nd          3.302752             18.80752          0.770713             8.14693              0.172712          0                 0                      14.12244          0                      0                        0                           0.140713                2.582826               5.857939              3.404494              2.033246                  10.48797             19.28479                8.298345                0.468019                 0                     4.422054            0                     0.565192                  33.63879           0                       1.504658              0                        0                      0                         0                       0.374722                0                          0.205479                 
109  MOC1      11           6          0910        1977-11-06T09:10:00       36.735    -66       CCR_Franklin_Center                  1000       36.5       nd        nd            47.42735        118.14422   310             17.6         nd          1.366743             0.683371          0                    2.661441             8.428246          0                 0                      7.786141          0                      0                        0                           0                       14.32637               0.677445              0.352999              0                         0.22779              17.26496                0                       0.22779                  0                     0.17094             0                     11.7847                   31.3211            1.704575                0                     0                        0                      0                         0.315126                0                       0                          0                        
110  MOC1      11           6          1901        1977-11-06T19:01:00       36.83     -65.963   CCR_Franklin_Center                  1000       36.5       nd        nd            51.3126         133.36564   278             7.0          nd          3.797468             0.723327          0.165563             1.808318             12.97235          0.361664          0                      10.84991          0                      0                        0                           0.613612                4.798824               0.496689              0.165563              0.496689                  0.331126             14.58707                0                       0                        0                     0.180832            18.33919              22.41742                  34.3627            0.890477                0.180832              0.165563                 0                      0                         0                       0.248139                0                          0                        
111  MOC1      11           10         0023        1977-11-10T00:23:00       36.958    -66.308   CCR_Franklin_Fringe_(HVC)            1000       36.5       nd        nd            46.05541        111.67554   420             38.9         nd          1.465798             1.807555          0                    1.791531             15.32329          0                 0                      4.234528          0                      0                        0                           0.322581                137.8957               0.322581              0                     0.322581                  0.242131             19.49669                1.631675                0                        0                     0.322581            0.726392              5.933552                  20.57677           0                       1.296627              0.242131                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0.133929                 
113  MOC1      11           12         2212        1977-11-12T22:12:00       37.008    -65.933   CCR_Franklin_Fringe_(HVC)            1000       36.5       nd        nd            52.24879        131.59759   482             29.6         nd          1.129944             5.752478          0.380228             4.472479             23.55581          0.422133          0                      9.61168           0                      0                        0                           0.398936                123.0378               0.342325              0.232019              0.992475                  0.992475             14.14936                0.928074                0.290698                 0                     2.075143            3.883003              6.682785                  24.89161           1.274252                0.755086              0.188324                 0                      0                         0.190114                0                       0.142857                   1.346078                 
114  MOC1      11           13         0158        1977-11-13T01:58:00       37.023    -65.868   CCR_Franklin_Fringe_(HVC)            1000       36.5       nd        nd            42.31032        100.60143   528             33.3         nd          6.30137              16.71233          0                    4.501447             7.715675          0                 0                      10.65512          0                      0                        0                           0                       99.62689               0.254453              0                     0.518135                  2.776051             20.22222                0.666667                0                        0                     3.213145            0.92112               5.736084                  16.66103           1.22449                 0.807013              0                        0.222222               0                         0                       0                       0                          0.806062                 
115  MOC1      11           14         1120        1977-11-14T11:20:00       39        -65.668   Gulf_Stream                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            42.44053        102.9162    535             nd           nd          9.654379             5.449999          0.174014             4.981395             0                 1.128559          0                      21.98384          0.174014               0.174014                 0                           0.87007                 0.283019               3.934846              2.271914              0.454545                  13.3058              54.1109                 5.549525                0                        0                     1.912046            0                     3.192599                  20.11764           0                       7.484569              0                        0                      0.920283                  0                       0                       0                          0                        
116  MOC1      11           15         1933        1977-11-15T19:33:00       39.583    -65.783   Slope_Water                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            102.3622        314.6768    232             nd           nd          4.192579             0                 0                    0                    103.1204          0.694444          0                      3.150912          0                      0                        0                           0.822867                169.5707               0                     0.347222              0                         0                    0.694444                0.187266                0                        0                     0                   14.46947              49.14016                  5.242354           1.098122                0.373134              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       6.97537                    0                        
117  MOC1      11           16         1117        1977-11-16T11:17:00       39.548    -65.852   Slope_Water                          1000       36.5       nd        nd            100.6538        294.85116   200             nd           nd          2.083333             0                 0.30581              0.365631             116.5441          0                 0                      1.521088          0                      0                        0                           0.182815                5.837113               0.173611              0.173611              0                         0                    0.46729                 0                       0                        0                     0                   2.595256              50.94803                  5.436384           0.872828                0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       4.356205                   0.27027