/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/integrated_zoo_col --cruiseid eq OC116-- Level 1
# North Atlantic Rings Cruises
# 1972-1986
# Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with
# Net tow biomass and Car: n
# P. Wiebe, P.I.
# version[co017-07-24 07 lat ted spelling of Nematobrachion, OCt, disp_vol, abuded OC07 vol_fildances]
# replacundances]
# replaces v. 2015-03-17
cruiseid year
OC116 1982
tow tow_type month_local day_local time_local ISODateTime_local lat lon region depth_max depth_mid vol_filt disp_vol_Mm3 integ_disp_vol Carbon depth_10degISO dist_RiCntr biomass_50 Euphausia_americana Euphausia_brevis Euphausia_gibboides Euphausia_hemigibba Euphausia_krohni Euphausia_mutica Euphausia_pseudogibba Euphausia_tenera Nematobrachion_boopis Nematobrachion_flexipes Nematobrachion_sexspinosum Nematoscelis_atlantica Nematoscelis_megalops Nematoscelis_microps Nematoscelis_tenella Stylocheiron_abbreviatum Stylocheiron_affine Stylocheiron_carinatum Stylocheiron_elongatum Stylocheiron_longicorne Stylocheiron_maximum Stylocheiron_suhmi Thysanoessa_gregaria Thysanoessa_longicaudata Thysanoessa_parva Thysanopoda_acutifrons Thysanopoda_aequalis Thysanopoda_obtusifrons Thysanopoda_pectinata Thysanopoda_tricuspidata Thysanopoda_monacantha Thysanopoda_orientalis Meganyctiphanes_norvegica Bentheuphausia_amblyops
154 MOC1 3 11 2225 1982-03-11T22:25:00 39.71 -70.657 WCRing_82B_hvr 1000 500 nd 42.7 nd nd 290 100 338.6 0.505433 0 0 0.252717 17.26554 2.021734 0 10.33273 0 0.224065 0 0.59004 19.0338 0.448129 0 0.211551 0.448129 1.5163 0.211551 0 0 0 11.64331 40.90361 0 0.157431 0.252717 0 0 0 0 0 1.475134 0.423972
155 MOC1 3 12 2212 1982-03-12T22:12:00 37.78 -72.722 Slope_Water 850 425 nd 52.2 nd nd 190 262 178.8 0 0.780488 0 0.390244 13.88524 2.731707 0 2.332057 0 0 0 0.167532 16.86468 1.47661 0.557776 1.953214 1.005193 1.95122 0 0 0 0.780488 10.92683 48.98162 3.116035 0.108637 0.390244 0 0 0 0 0 0.837661 0
157 MOC1 3 13 2010 1982-03-13T20:10:00 37.835 -71.778 Slope_Water 1000 500 nd 62.1 nd nd 155 190 255.6 2.569776 0 0 0 55.52776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.842751 31.26827 0.368129 0.213402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.644868 6.596633 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.334037
158 MOC1 3 14 2321 1982-03-14T23:21:00 38.957 -68.572 Slope_Water 1000 500 nd 50.2 nd nd 195 131 342.4 0 0.324097 0.145412 0.290824 9.672989 2.576137 0 0 0 0 0 0.145412 10.45626 0.786007 0 0.145412 0.316499 1.765895 0.316499 0 0 0 17.40741 0.111699 0 0.159303 0.324097 0 0 0 0 0 0.231321 0.837188
160 MOC1 3 15 1900 1982-03-15T19:00:00 39.112 -69.998 WCRing_82B_center 1000 500 nd 30.7 nd nd 540 22 471.1 3.783872 13.89857 0.802482 2.990663 0 4.564426 0 16.52821 0 2.051392 0.150403 1.195943 0.158395 0.932543 0.73551 1.911291 6.963776 2.077206 6.808827 0 0 1.85431 2.153116 2.303702 0 0 1.055581 1.689132 0 0 0 0 0 0.309406