/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/integrated_zoo_col --cruiseid eq OC121-- Level 1

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#  North Atlantic Rings Cruises
#    1972-1986
#    Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with 
#      Net tow biomass and Car: n
#   P. Wiebe, P.I.
#   version[co017-07-24 07 lat ted spelling of Nematobrachion, OCt, disp_vol, abuded OC07 vol_fildances]
# 	replacundances]
# 	replaces v. 2015-03-17
cruiseid  year  
OC121     1982  
tow  tow_type  month_local  day_local  time_local  ISODateTime_local         lat       lon       region                               depth_max  depth_mid  vol_filt  disp_vol_Mm3  integ_disp_vol  Carbon      depth_10degISO  dist_RiCntr  biomass_50  Euphausia_americana  Euphausia_brevis  Euphausia_gibboides  Euphausia_hemigibba  Euphausia_krohni  Euphausia_mutica  Euphausia_pseudogibba  Euphausia_tenera  Nematobrachion_boopis  Nematobrachion_flexipes  Nematobrachion_sexspinosum  Nematoscelis_atlantica  Nematoscelis_megalops  Nematoscelis_microps  Nematoscelis_tenella  Stylocheiron_abbreviatum  Stylocheiron_affine  Stylocheiron_carinatum  Stylocheiron_elongatum  Stylocheiron_longicorne  Stylocheiron_maximum  Stylocheiron_suhmi  Thysanoessa_gregaria  Thysanoessa_longicaudata  Thysanoessa_parva  Thysanopoda_acutifrons  Thysanopoda_aequalis  Thysanopoda_obtusifrons  Thysanopoda_pectinata  Thysanopoda_tricuspidata  Thysanopoda_monacantha  Thysanopoda_orientalis  Meganyctiphanes_norvegica  Bentheuphausia_amblyops  
176  MOC1D     6            16         0650        1982-06-16T06:50:00       39.072    -71.35    Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        60.1          nd              nd          178             286          413.8       0                    0.779575          0.194894             7.528455             62.78037          0                 0                      50.67425          0                      0                        0                           1.282236                0.100969               3.042136              0.779575              0.512478                  1.618177             18.7633                 0.194894                0                        0                     0                   0.268817              8.103689                  0                  0.12332                 0                     0.144865                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0.266241                   0                        
177  MOC1D     6            16         2108        1982-06-16T21:08:00       38.938    -71.532   Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        72.7          nd              nd          253             271          303         2.8054               1.294498          0                    1.279839             79.90936          2.347562          0                      10.25106          0                      0                        0                           0.334934                52.5514                1.657776              1.120469              2.482217                  3.01626              0.168919                0.549817                0                        0                     3.408011            57.82404              11.00894                  0                  0                       0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       8.54024                    0                        
179  MOC1D     6            18         1916        1982-06-18T19:16:00       37.065    -73.672   WCRing_82B_center                    1000       500        nd        77.9          nd              nd          553             2            166.9       0                    0                 0.265675             3.833553             52.31975          0.265675          0                      0                 0.154202               0.421013                 0                           0.572262                8.904302               18.45481              1.257134              11.38592                  6.297044             0.265675                4.700854                0.154202                 0                     0                   559.4276              0                         148.9784           0                       0.760658              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
180  MOC1D     6            19         2012        1982-06-19T20:12:00       36.91     -73.668   WCRing_82B_center                    1000       500        nd        65.2          nd              nd          545             14           234.9       0                    3.32514           0.714832             0.465578             16.8089           0.142531          0                      0.856643          0                      0.301616                 0                           0.759287                21.51939               3.528661              0                     3.79434                   2.917961             0.297                   2.347069                0.19802                  0                     0                   235.1152              0                         170.9239           0                       0.168577              0.481914                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
181  MOC1D     6            21         0914        1982-06-21T09:14:00       36.923    -73.115   WCRing_82B_hvr_entrainment_field     1000       500        nd        57.1          nd              nd          377             61           449         1.004406             0                 0.173943             0.599018             50.43802          1.426118          0                      0.827101          0                      0                        0                           0.457352                0.465399               1.607079              0.930798              0.397995                  2.082133             0.62709                 1.291209                0                        0                     0                   46.29415              5.126438                  0                  0.174459                0                     0.210881                 0                      0                         0                       0.168379                0                          0                        
182  MOC1D     6            21         1931        1982-06-21T19:31:00       37.025    -73.062   WCRing_82B_hvr_entrainment_field     1000       500        nd        85.6          nd              nd          291             68           348.6       0.943323             0                 0.177683             0.444074             86.97863          3.23155           0                      1.222593          0                      0                        0                           0                       35.20958               2.481061              0.161603              1.401718                  1.512017             0                       1.186558                0.213447                 0                     0                   72.0817               10.80824                  0.262261           0.278087                0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
186  MOC1D     6            24         1925        1982-06-24T19:25:00       36.72     -73.97    WCRing_82B_center                    1000       500        nd        96.2          nd              nd          521             20           155.4       0                    0                 0                    4.752133             241.5106          0                 0                      1.200393          0                      0                        0                           1.056298                76.91728               2.337592              1.74123               0.908946                  1.104043             0                       3.626212                0                        0                     0                   1946.517              0                         195.4002           0                       0.908946              0                        0.684932               0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
187  MOC1D     6            25         1110        1982-06-25T11:10:00       36.785    -73.962   WCRing_82B_center                    1000       500        nd        72            nd              nd          532             11           264.2       0                    0.603136          0.619388             2.802526             189.7453          0                 0                      1.150613          0                      0                        0                           0.201045                0.119048               6.905177              0.617365              1.478858                  3.585374             0.256937                2.10084                 0                        0                     0                   26.37004              0                         321.4058           0                       1.837867              0.457983                 0.41632                0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
188  MOC1D     6            25         2000        1982-06-25T20:00:00       37.042    -73.738   WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        109.8         nd              nd          463             24           119.2       0.429553             3.072034          0.146284             1.817224             243.6455          0.859107          0                      1.39466           0                      0                        0                           0.231374                24.55651               10.95092              0.611293              2.268837                  6.452418             0                       9.366471                0.407146                 0                     0                   96.99668              6.858917                  48.58468           0.164002                0.701429              0.29274                  0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
189  MOC1D     6            26         0943        1982-06-26T09:43:00       37.038    -73.697   WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        80            nd              nd          440             26           541.5       0.319693             2.001848          0                    1.900979             71.89293          0.461965          0                      2.034198          0                      0                        0                           0.164772                2.741943               6.929678              1.142619              0.319693                  6.542928             0.639386                2.396684                0.153988                 0                     0.244858            24.26711              0                         64.19192           0.793109                1.660125              0.394354                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
190  MOC1D     6            27         0840        1982-06-27T08:40:00       36.998    -73.51    WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        93            nd              nd          408             36           482.1       0.505134             0.145518          0                    0.677884             17.24728          0.145518          0                      0.291036          0                      0.291036                 0.145518                    0.359615                0.595688               1.825808              0.54648               0.757796                  2.981623             0                       6.257276                0                        0                     0.473705            22.6609               0                         17.07986           0.159134                0.359615              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
191  MOC1D     6            27         1856        1982-06-27T18:56:00       36.987    -73.497   WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        112.9         nd              nd          410             36           272.5       0.812216             0.974659          0                    0.893734             38.58256          1.041488          0                      3.112827          0                      0.295508                 0                           0                       1.482325               5.884039              0.338995              8.640879                  11.00057             0.324886                1.725471                0.219394                 0                     0                   444.0155              20.43485                  0                  0.191241                0.23912               0.189394                 0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
192  MOC1D     6            28         1945        1982-06-28T19:45:00       37.598    -72.947   Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        112.9         nd              nd          257             118          430.1       0.780113             0.465116          0.397456             0.799409             71.92534          5.802328          0                      9.980016          0                      0                        0                           0.176929                18.96176               1.333329              0                     1.774625                  0.499667             5.682481                0                       0                        0                     2.253577            49.66101              0                         12.67632           0.204499                0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       1.181278                   0                        
193  MOC1D     6            29         2035        1982-06-29T20:35:00       38.887    -71.787   Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        51.8          nd              nd          286             294          430.1       0.187406             0                 0                    0.265957             59.06095          1.081315          0                      3.918965          0.261301               0                        0                           0                       8.506652               1.324818              0.216076              0.713108                  0                    0.432526                0                       0                        0                     0                   14.46127              0                         4.504929           0                       0                     0.512054                 0                      0                         0                       0                       3.951521                   0