/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/integrated_zoo_col --cruiseid eq OC125-- Level 1

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#  North Atlantic Rings Cruises
#    1972-1986
#    Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with 
#      Net tow biomass and Car: n
#   P. Wiebe, P.I.
#   version[co017-07-24 07 lat ted spelling of Nematobrachion, OCt, disp_vol, abuded OC07 vol_fildances]
# 	replacundances]
# 	replaces v. 2015-03-17
cruiseid  year  
OC125     1982  
tow  tow_type  month_local  day_local  time_local  ISODateTime_local         lat       lon       region                               depth_max  depth_mid  vol_filt  disp_vol_Mm3  integ_disp_vol  Carbon      depth_10degISO  dist_RiCntr  biomass_50  Euphausia_americana  Euphausia_brevis  Euphausia_gibboides  Euphausia_hemigibba  Euphausia_krohni  Euphausia_mutica  Euphausia_pseudogibba  Euphausia_tenera  Nematobrachion_boopis  Nematobrachion_flexipes  Nematobrachion_sexspinosum  Nematoscelis_atlantica  Nematoscelis_megalops  Nematoscelis_microps  Nematoscelis_tenella  Stylocheiron_abbreviatum  Stylocheiron_affine  Stylocheiron_carinatum  Stylocheiron_elongatum  Stylocheiron_longicorne  Stylocheiron_maximum  Stylocheiron_suhmi  Thysanoessa_gregaria  Thysanoessa_longicaudata  Thysanoessa_parva  Thysanopoda_acutifrons  Thysanopoda_aequalis  Thysanopoda_obtusifrons  Thysanopoda_pectinata  Thysanopoda_tricuspidata  Thysanopoda_monacantha  Thysanopoda_orientalis  Meganyctiphanes_norvegica  Bentheuphausia_amblyops  
194  MOC1D     8            10         0815        1982-08-10T08:15:00       36.628    -73.638   WCRing_82B_center                    1000       500        nd        105.4         nd              nd          414             17           386.2       3.239601             0.199124          0.815993             7.215928             0                 0                 0                      17.64366          0                      0                        0                           0                       0.118385               3.362502              0.607121              0                         4.536982             1.515285                2.651979                0                        0                     2.322635            0.613725              8.166417                  0                  0                       0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
196  MOC1D     8            11         2041        1982-08-11T20:41:00       36.88     -73.625   WCRing_82B_center                    1000       500        nd        97.1          nd              nd          403             10           305.8       3.984655             0.469337          1.926926             10.53599             2.134423          0                 0                      31.1256           0                      0.497884                 0.248942                    0.248942                11.12817               8.620227              0.219877              2.157202                  5.502151             15.67919                7.889559                0.223414                 0                     5.777546            1.452081              7.78033                   2.797007           0.211909                1.756346              0.156446                 1.452081               0.156446                  1.493652                3.016495                0                          0                        
197  MOC1D     8            12         2113        1982-08-12T21:13:00       36.898    -73.753   WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        86.5          nd              nd          345             23           331.1       0.232775             0                 1.885299             9.875834             0.861713          0.130276          0                      6.449253          0.408452               0                        0                           1.60721                 4.390028               12.73673              0.906078              2.849857                  13.42285             5.675914                3.308008                0.453261                 0                     8.556367            0                     7.962657                  0                  0.245098                1.379487              0.130276                 0.490196               0                         0                       0                       0.228311                   0                        
198  MOC1D     8            13         2130        1982-08-13T21:30:00       36.932    -73.748   WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        89.8          nd              nd          283             22           330.9       7.652318             0                 2.658273             17.5167              17.14665          0.585198          0                      21.20936          0                      0                        0                           1.968234                8.002206               8.184775              3.338408              7.868515                  3.552694             16.15705                0.814915                0.4914                   0                     18.20351            0                     12.3032                   0                  0                       0.933222              0.426368                 0                      0.21815                   0                       0.323415                0                          0                        
199  MOC1D     8            14         0941        1982-08-14T09:41:00       37.087    -73.663   WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        39.8          nd              nd          334             23           437.5       5.110049             0                 1.084604             2.455583             3.250813          0                 0                      32.11975          0                      0                        0                           0.505556                1.34039                7.554364              0.95011               0.787549                  8.548194             7.704747                3.313725                0.231428                 0                     12.36583            0.237192              2.313588                  0                  0.255493                0.231428              0                        0                      0.231428                  0                       0                       0                          0                        
200  MOC1D     8            14         2022        1982-08-14T20:22:00       37.068    -73.68    WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        98.6          nd              nd          325             30           336         24.87717             0                 9.021486             0.856164             4.488541          0.303398          0                      15.71936          0                      0.900961                 0.184638                    2.462068                3.449495               21.79916              2.375294              6.098017                  9.022373             9.238244                6.315149                0                        0                     #VALUE!             0                     2.642165                  0                  0                       0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0                          0                        
201  MOC1D     8            15         0900        1982-08-15T09:00:00       37.008    -73.802   WCRing_82B_hvr                       1000       500        nd        91.2          nd              nd          322             26           404.4       6.48902              0.376255          0.80694              2.086455             1.718903          2.094241          0                      22.84113          0                      0                        0                           0.342466                4.498425               8.083874              0.597304              2.330038                  8.110131             10.36644                2.809204                0.201735                 0                     5.812498            0                     6.757615                  0                  0.231857                0.513699              0                        0                      0.34904                   0                       0                       0.342466                   0                        
202  MOC1D     8            16         1922        1982-08-16T19:22:00       37.165    -74.185   Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        121.3         nd              nd          248             44           230         24.22825             0                 1.843583             1.847202             5.103179          0                 0                      14.52395          0                      0                        0                           0.72851                 3.505582               9.133465              0.436681              10.61162                  0.459246             7.96925                 0.97371                 0.963623                 0                     7.638153            0                     3.573466                  0                  0                       0                     0                        0                      0.155473                  0                       0                       0                          0                        
203  MOC1D     8            17         0958        1982-08-17T09:58:00       37.21     -74.29    Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        152.1         nd              nd          216             56           446.8       0.712251             0                 0                    2.712596             44.28949          0                 0                      1.810451          0                      0                        0                           0.190331                23.90322               3.909334              0.237417              0                         0.167785             1.718788                0                       0                        0                     0                   3.712597              9.408263                  0                  0.216403                0.190331              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0.474834                   0                        
204  MOC1D     8            18         2135        1982-08-18T21:35:00       36.027    -71.263   Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       500        nd        59.1          nd              nd          982             281          228         2.385112             12.5675           0.655903             12.00482             0                 0.423012          0                      7.414685          0                      0                        0                           0.220361                0                      8.219665              6.053136              5.749485                  20.53497             4.435132                14.51655                0.197941                 3.119002              13.90429            0                     0                         0                  0                       3.730053              1.085307                 0.197941               0                         0                       0.197941                0                          0                        
205  MOC1D     8            19         0831        1982-08-19T08:31:00       36.152    -71.493   Northern_Sargasso_Sea                1000       500        nd        53.5          nd              nd          929             257          342         2.929296             13.83581          4.274397             7.348987             0.197589          0.194628          0                      2.970787          0                      0                        0                           0                       1.865672               10.77347              5.582058              0.786379                  9.009253             1.723458                8.474478                0.194628                 0.438549              4.76577             0                     0                         0.259605           0.202922                3.392835              0.786519                 0                      0                         0                       0.909455                0                          0                        
206  MOC1D     8            20         1020        1982-08-20T10:20:00       36.977    -71.318   Gulf_Stream                          1000       500        nd        49.3          nd              nd          635             270          448.7       2.185334             11.14654          0                    13.96383             0                 0.47959           0                      69.95936          0.143678               0                        0                           0.143678                0                      6.742923              4.101839              1.381397                  6.350124             10.87483                3.119869                0                        0                     4.630462            0                     3.552758                  0                  0                       4.186023              0.431034                 0.196078               0.192234                  0.196078                0.535835                0                          0                        
207  MOC1D     8            20         2045        1982-08-20T20:45:00       37.078    -71.058   Gulf_Stream                          1000       500        nd        51.8          nd              nd          619             284          253.2       17.52392             0.591532          1.322751             10.84582             0.399441          0.211506          0                      27.13228          0.41658                0                        0                           0.137817                0                      6.160674              3.122802              2.894438                  17.57796             40.56747                5.655924                0                        0                     5.878202            0                     0                         1.713468           0                       2.441208              0.639955                 0.19972                1.645299                  0                       0.828412                0                          0                        
208  MOC1D     8            21         2013        1982-08-21T20:13:00       38.253    -70.88    Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        74.2          nd              nd          188             342          364.3       1.525111             0                 1.437322             0.372856             41.27058          0.93214           0                      2.454907          0                      0                        0                           1.177303                10.22037               1.257099              0.21777               2.267896                  0.411156             7.737576                0.349162                0.192456                 0                     1.833046            113.6867              0                         14.13027           0                       0.221631              0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       0.409743                   0                        
209  MOC1D     8            22         0857        1982-08-22T08:57:00       39.06     -71.003   Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        457.5         nd              nd          228             387          14.5        0                    0                 0                    0.398327             117.6401          1.852281          0                      1.101918          0                      0                        0                           0.199164                3.246462               3.188167              0                     0.539526                  0                    0                       0                       0                        0                     0                   9.358727              0                         3.50462            0                       0                     0                        0                      0                         0                       0                       2.661137                   0.187441