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#  North Atlantic Warm Core Rings Cruises
#    1981-1986
#    Stratified Euphausiid Abundance with
#      Biomass and Cated24 [cm the tows
#      17-07-24 [corrected24 [correceplaces ling of Nematobrachion]
#        replaces version 13 Nov 15
#   P. Wiebe, P.I.
cruiseid  year  
SH-001    1981  
SH-002    1981  
OC98      1981  
SH-003    1981  
SH-004    1981  
SH-005    1981  
AII-110   1981  
OC106     1981  
OC109     1981  
OC111     1981  
OC112     1982  
OC114     1982  
OC116     1982  
OC118     1982  
OC121     1982  
OC125     1982  
KN98      1982  
KN122     1986