/BCO-DMO/Oce_Microbes/cruise_track_AE1103 ---- Level 0

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#  Cruise track for deployment AE1103
#  Project: Ocean Microbial Observatory
#  PIs:  Carlson (UCSB) and Giovanonni (OSU)
#  version 20141222
ISO_DateTime_UTC            lat          lon          
2011-03-09T16:04:02.00Z     -64.693767   32.394645    
2011-03-09T16:27:02.00Z     -64.624117   32.37802     
2011-03-09T18:47:02.00Z     -64.502027   32.165307    
2011-03-09T21:24:02.00Z     -64.492597   32.198242    
2011-03-09T21:57:02.00Z     -64.503395   32.159432    
2011-03-10T05:57:02.00Z     -64.46946    32.198982    
2011-03-10T06:12:02.00Z     -64.499105   32.167903    
2011-03-10T07:33:02.00Z     -64.488752   32.176652    
2011-03-10T07:53:02.00Z     -64.50872    32.175255    
2011-03-10T10:15:02.00Z     -64.4785     32.175937    
2011-03-10T11:41:02.00Z     -64.514927   32.148585    
2011-03-10T12:59:02.00Z     -64.478493   32.175105    
2011-03-10T13:47:02.00Z     -64.603847   32.240005    
2011-03-10T14:46:02.00Z     -64.623933   32.380037    
2011-03-10T15:00:02.00Z     -64.666353   32.37798