/BCO-DMO/Oce_Microbes/cruise_track_AE1224 ---- Level 0

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#  Cruise track for deployment AE1224
#  Project: Ocean Microbial Observatory
#  PIs:  Carlson (UCSB) and Giovanonni (OSU)
#  version 20141222
ISO_DateTime_UTC            lat          lon          
2012-09-19T11:50:00Z        -64.695958   32.370048    
2012-09-19T14:19:58Z        -64.722812   32.361973    
2012-09-19T14:44:58Z        -64.679618   32.399815    
2012-09-19T15:04:58Z        -64.624167   32.374272    
2012-09-19T16:23:58Z        -64.501565   32.167838    
2012-09-19T20:18:58Z        -64.486088   32.16801     
2012-09-19T21:17:58Z        -64.500855   32.16386     
2012-09-19T22:54:58Z        -64.48392    32.169208    
2012-09-20T02:06:58Z        -64.542093   32.160078    
2012-09-20T04:48:58Z        -64.430147   32.17421     
2012-09-20T07:19:58Z        -64.544567   32.16061     
2012-09-20T10:09:58Z        -64.499173   32.160505    
2012-09-20T10:43:58Z        -64.513247   32.1617      
2012-09-20T12:22:58Z        -64.481365   32.174975    
2012-09-20T12:42:58Z        -64.491952   32.173968    
2012-09-20T14:01:58Z        -64.512407   32.275217    
2012-09-20T14:42:58Z        -64.574992   32.36542     
2012-09-20T15:18:58Z        -64.677902   32.39974     
2012-09-20T15:34:58Z        -64.72068    32.370512