/BCO-DMO/Oyster_Reef_N2O_Emission/Chesapeake_flux ---- Level 0

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#  Chesapeake Bay estuaries: Flux measurement of oysters deployed in three sites
#  PI: Bongkeun Song
#  data version 1: 2018-03-19
Site                    Lat          Lon           Sample      D14      D15        Dtotal     N2O      NOx      NH4       
Elizabeth               36.865556    -76.328889    Oyster.1    21.58    448.06     469.64     6.93     -0.29    8.25      
Elizabeth               36.865556    -76.328889    Oyster.2    24.41    499.63     524.04     7.40     -0.21    9.40      
Elizabeth               36.865556    -76.328889    Oyster.3    30.52    488.78     519.3      7.56     -0.22    8.01      
Elizabeth               36.865556    -76.328889    Oyster.4    24.98    530.18     555.16     4.29     -0.38    6.36      
Lafayette Midstream     36.889444    -76.281389    Oyster.1    3.55     304.14     307.69     9.96     0.20     77.79     
Lafayette Midstream     36.889444    -76.281389    Oyster.2    3.44     284.93     288.37     13.30    -0.01    75.47     
Lafayette Midstream     36.889444    -76.281389    Oyster.3    2.85     230.46     233.31     1.56     -0.15    152.36    
Lafayette Downstream    36.908333    -76.314722    Oyster.1    9.41     1133.85    1143.26    40.34    0.09     10.46     
Lafayette Downstream    36.908333    -76.314722    Oyster.2    8.45     1256.46    1264.91    3.23     -0.04    -0.36     
Lafayette Downstream    36.908333    -76.314722    Oyster.3    7.77     1121.28    1129.05    0.65     -0.02    9.17      
Lafayette Downstream    36.908333    -76.314722    Oyster.4    12.14    1102.67    1114.81    12.27    0.28     -1.96