/BCO-DMO/PhytoTM_in_HighCO2/Attheya_sp_exp --condition eq B12_limited-- Level 1

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# Attheya sp. growth rate, productivity, trace metal quotas,
#  and net use efficiencies (NUEs) under varying pCO2 and B12 levels.
# PI: Fei-Xue Fu; Co-PIs: David Hutchins & Sergio Sanudo-Wilhelmy (all USC)
# Version: 02 Nov 2012
# Note: B12_limited = 7 pM B12; B12_replete = 370 pM B12. See
#  Documentation for all parameter definitions and units.
pCO2  sp_growth_rate  sp_growth_rate_sd  pr_productivity  pr_productivity_sd  C_to_P  C_to_P_sd  N_to_P  N_to_P_sd  Fe_to_P  Fe_to_P_sd  Co_to_P  Co_to_P_sd  Zn_to_P  Zn_to_P_sd  Cd_to_P  Cd_to_P_sd  Fe_NUE     Fe_NUE_sd  Co_NUE         Co_NUE_sd     Zn_NUE      Zn_NUE_sd   Cd_NUE        Cd_NUE_sd  
200   0.15            0.00               1.19             0.17                114     11.9       18.3    2.1        22.0     11.3        0.002    0.000       0.78     0.43        0.003    0.001       994.3413   656.3699   11617538.2520  5120696.0726  25212.1056  9054.1628   5888083.9764  1683696.9767  
370   0.16            0.01               1.24             0.07                113     21.5       17.5    2.0        43.1     3.6         0.003    0.001       1.17     0.56        0.007    0.004       469.6869   78.5529    5163849.3257   762106.1855   18039.3742  6805.9913   2736919.8763  1109646.4314  
670   0.16            0.01               1.33             0.07                126     6.7        18.9    1.9        54.1     2.0         0.004    0.001       1.73     0.43        0.009    0.002       373.7606   20.6456    5681156.7021   1880939.5738  12336.2937  3931.2401   2306816.2296  498709.1489