/BCO-DMO/PhytoTM_in_HighCO2/P_multiseries_exp ---- Level 1

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# Domoic acid production, specific growth, C-fixation, and elemental 
#  composition of Pseudo-nitschia multiseries under varying pCO2 and 
#  phosphate levels. (Means of triplicate samples)
# PI: Fei-Xue Fu; Co-PIs: David Hutchins & Sergio Sanudo-Wilhelmy (all USC)
# Version: 15 Nov 2012
# Note: P_limited = 0.5 umol per liter; P_replete = 20 umol per liter. See
#  Dparameter definitions and uter definitions and units.
pCO2  DA_cellular  DA_cellular_sd  DA_dissolved  DA_dissolved_sd  DA_total  DA_total_sd  C_fix_rate  C_fix_rate_sd  sp_growth_rate  sp_growth_rate_sd  Si      Si_sd   Si_to_C  Si_to_C_sd  C_to_P    C_to_P_sd  C_to_N  C_to_N_sd  
22    1.9558       0.0972          0.6386        0.0444           2.5944    0.1985       0.121       0.0295         0.3052          0.0208             2.9094  0.2407  0.1249   0.0087707   418.1817  83.402     9.4772  1.2417     
41    2.5763       0.1399          0.8539        0.0278           3.4303    0.1845       0.1622      0.0088548      0.3528          0.031              1.7537  0.18    0.0661   0.0095778   378.6814  51.5282    8.6875  0.8        
74    9.998        0.7569          1.0296        0.1708           11.0276   0.8802       0.2885      0.0274         0.4267          0.0291             1.9132  0.3672  0.0546   0.0114      428       13.5968    7.7111  0.576      
pCO2  DA_cellular  DA_cellular_sd  DA_dissolved  DA_dissolved_sd  DA_total  DA_total_sd  C_fix_rate  C_fix_rate_sd  sp_growth_rate  sp_growth_rate_sd  Si      Si_sd   Si_to_C  Si_to_C_sd  C_to_P    C_to_P_sd  C_to_N  C_to_N_sd  
22    0.0572       0.0060495       0             0                0.0572    0.0060495    0.3781      0.0433         0.4             0.0303             1.5221  0.116   0.1376   0.0128      84.3943   0.5333     8.4014  0.0547     
41    0.0847       0.0104          0.033         0.0053761        0.1177    0.0082307    0.4943      0.0275         0.5717          0.022              1.2188  0.0965  0.1121   0.0212      85.3844   6.176      9.086   0.6782     
74    0.1471       0.0259          0.0571        0.0181           0.2042    0.0245       0.6246      0.0635         0.7031          0.031              1.0417  0.1162  0.0813   0.0070454   98.8068   5.156      8.7557  0.4948