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#   Diatom tpc parameters
#   Calculations of thermal niche across three light levels for seven strains of a marine Chaetoceros sp. isolated from Narragansett Bay March 2018.
#   PI: D. Hutchins (USC)
#   version date: 2019-11-20
Strain  Light  topt  tmin  tmax  rsqr  width  
1       15     17.3  -2    22.5  0.9   24.5   
1       30     15.4  -2    21.8  1     23.8   
1       50     13.6  0.7   21.4  0.7   20.7   
2       15     14.1  1.4   23.1  0.8   21.7   
2       30     16.5  -2    21.9  1     23.9   
2       50     nd    -2    nd    1     117.4  
14      15     16.1  -2    21.7  0.9   23.7   
14      30     18    -2    22.2  0.8   24.2   
14      50     14.2  -2    19.8  0.7   21.8   
16      15     16.9  -2    23.3  0.4   25.3   
16      30     16.7  -2    22.7  0.7   24.7   
16      50     12.5  1.2   20.1  0.9   18.8   
25      15     15    1.3   nd    0.5   57.6   
25      30     14.2  -2    21.9  0.8   23.9   
25      50     15.5  -2    19.7  0.9   21.7   
26      15     14.9  -2    21.6  0.9   23.6   
26      30     14.6  -2    22.3  0.7   24.3   
26      50     14.5  -2    20.2  0.8   22.2   
53      15     nd    -2    nd    0.4   62.6   
53      30     17.4  -2    24.3  0.5   26.3   
53      50     14.3  -2    19.8  0.7   21.8