species isolate volume volume_citation Alexandrium_catenella nd 17724 Ou, L. J., D. Wang, B. Q. Huang, H. S. Hong, Y. Z. Qi, and S. H. Lu. 2008. Comparative study of phosphorus strategies of three typical harmful algae in Chinese coastal waters. Journal of Plankton Research 30:1007-1017. Alexandrium_minutum nd 14137.17 Tomas, C. [Ed.] 1997. Identifying marine phytoplankton. Academic Press, San Diego. Alexandrium_minutum RCC 1490 5000 Lippemeier, S., and D. Frampton. 2003. Influence of phosphorus limitation on toxicity and photosynthesis of Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae) monitored by in-line detection of variable chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Phycology 38:320-331. Alexandrium_tamarense nd 14137.17 Tomas, C. [Ed.] 1997. Identifying marine phytoplankton. Academic Press, San Diego. Anabaena_cylindrica nd 30 Dauta, A. 1982. Conditions de d_veloppement du phytoplancton: Etude comparative du comportement de huit esp_ces en culture. I. 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