/BCO-DMO/Pocilloporid_Coral_Diversity/physical_data_summaries ---- Level 0

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#  Physical data summaries at Moorea by site and depth
#  PI: Scott Burgess
#  Co-PI: Peter Edmunds
#  Version date (v1): 2021-08-02
Depth  Site  Temp_MaxDailyMean_DecMay  Temp_MaxDailyMean_JunNov  Temp_MinDailyMean_DecMay  Temp_MinDailyMean_JunNov  Temp_MeanDailyVariance_DecMay  Temp_MeanDailyVariance_JunNov  Temp_MaxDailyVariance_DecMay  Temp_MaxDailyVariance_JunNov  Light_Mean_Em2d_DecFeb  Light_Mean_Em2d_JunAug  Light_Min_Em2d_DecFeb  Light_Min_Em2d_JunAug  Light_Variance_DecFeb  Light_Variance_JunAug  
5      1     30.02                     29.8                      27.14                     25.64                     0.009                          0.009                          0.163                         0.095                         36.96                   31.76                   1.42                   1                      128.97                 110.66                 
10     1     30.26                     28.93                     27.07                     25.34                     0.012                          0.009                          0.326                         0.223                         28.19                   23.73                   1.03                   0.63                   80.56                  70.65                  
20     1     30.22                     28.6                      26.68                     25.35                     0.035                          0.009                          0.912                         0.255                         16.55                   13.41                   0.54                   0.25                   36.32                  31.55                  
5      2     30.02                     29.79                     27.17                     25.69                     0.008                          0.008                          0.105                         0.078                         36.92                   33.04                   0.86                   0.86                   138.48                 109.57                 
10     2     29.82                     28.95                     27.03                     25.35                     0.01                           0.008                          0.205                         0.165                         28.58                   25.63                   0.6                    0.6                    88.78                  70.31                  
20     2     30.23                     28.55                     26.67                     25.37                     0.021                          0.008                          0.528                         0.29                          17.21                   15.49                   0.29                   0.29                   38.79                  30.31                  
5      4     29.93                     29.7                      27.05                     25.53                     0.015                          0.01                           0.476                         0.115                         36.5                    32.52                   0.97                   0.97                   137.12                 107.33                 
10     4     30.15                     28.54                     26.43                     25.34                     0.013                          0.008                          0.669                         0.166                         27.94                   24.92                   0.7                    0.7                    85.89                  67.58                  
20     4     30.09                     28.44                     26.18                     25.22                     0.027                          0.01                           0.993                         0.184                         16.48                   14.69                   0.36                   0.36                   36.6                   28.68                  
5      5     30.1                      29.88                     27.1                      25.5                      0.01                           0.008                          0.177                         0.183                         38.03                   33.78                   1.07                   1.07                   144.05                 114.47                 
10     5     30.13                     28.92                     26.54                     25.23                     0.009                          0.01                           0.187                         0.257                         29.93                   26.47                   0.79                   0.79                   93.08                  75.25                  
20     5     30.01                     28.63                     26.51                     25.14                     0.022                          0.01                           0.446                         0.227                         18.59                   16.3                    0.42                   0.42                   40.6                   33.86