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#  Falkor ProteOMZ nitrous oxide from expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016
#  PI: Alyson Santoro
#  Version: 2019-08-22
station  latitude  longitude  
7        10        145        
ISO_DateTime_UTC     ctd    niskin   depth   salinity  temperature  n2o_1    n2o_2    n2o_3    n2o_4    n2o_5    
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      24       5       34.1604   26.9474      9.30358  9.06841  9.08528  nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      20       19.7    34.3142   26.9642      9.2062   nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      18       40.5    34.3119   26.9534      9.0876   nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      16       60.3    34.309    26.9274      9.20043  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      14       80.2    34.3423   16.3575      34.9569  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      13       100.8   34.4734   13.1694      78.5101  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      12       110.7   34.6247   12.6441      88.8486  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      11       124.7   34.7223   12.3435      108.063  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      10       155.3   34.7438   11.6763      91.2085  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      9        175.6   34.7443   11.3779      74.6237  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      8        199.3   34.7357   11.09        63.6063  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      7        249.9   34.7221   10.6267      60.4616  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      6        300.7   34.6981   10.1725      57.2647  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      5        400.8   34.6408   9.2024       59.8038  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      4        501     34.5849   8.1825       55.6642  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      3        600.6   34.5481   6.942        50.9512  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      2        800.3   34.5403   5.4619       48.6009  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-24T14:46:00  8      1        999.8   34.5593   4.5917       39.7349  nd       nd       nd       nd