/BCO-DMO/ProteOMZ/n2o --longitude eq 150-- Level 1

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#  Falkor ProteOMZ nitrous oxide from expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016
#  PI: Alyson Santoro
#  Version: 2019-08-22
station  latitude  longitude  
6        10        150        
ISO_DateTime_UTC     ctd    niskin   depth   salinity  temperature  n2o_1    n2o_2    n2o_3    n2o_4    n2o_5    
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      24       5       33.4411   26.6018      7.91561  7.70569  7.63297  nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      20       20      34.2638   26.6167      7.70798  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      18       40      34.266    26.6202      7.63359  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      16       60      34.2656   26.5904      8.00418  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      14       80      34.383    17.0341      42.4541  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      13       100     34.3368   13.6557      78.9324  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      12       110     34.5194   12.9449      78.3097  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      11       125     34.5427   11.8601      65.4753  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      10       140     34.7213   11.8994      77.9663  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      9        180     34.7376   11.2888      62.5236  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      8        200     34.737    11.1316      59.0364  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      7        250     34.7169   10.6417      58.1568  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      6        300     34.6973   10.1741      51.7955  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      5        400     34.6451   9.2939       54.6683  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      4        500     34.5984   8.3466       52.7255  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      3        600     34.5449   7.105        47.8492  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      2        800     34.5387   5.5438       43.3393  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-22T18:56:00  7      1        1000    34.5573   4.6458       38.5156  nd       nd       nd       nd